Joanne M. Flood

Wiley GAAP: Financial Statement Disclosure Manual

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entity that represents a strategic shift that will have a major effect on the entity's operations and financial results and meets the other criteria in ASC 205‐20‐45‐1B.

       Whether the assets classified as held for use meet the criteria in ASC 360.

       Why the entity's expected sale of a component is not reflected as held for sale and discontinued operations.

       Whether assets held for sale or disposal were tested for impairment in prior periods or in the current period.

       The factors used to present, or not present, assets held for sale separately on the statement of financial position,.

       The timeline of events leading to an asset sale.

       Why gain or loss on a sale of the disposition is not disclosed.

       Known trends, events, or uncertainties that are reasonably likely to impact future liquidity and/or going concern.

      Preparers would be prudent to document their conclusions on any of the above items.

      ASC 205‐10, Overall

      1 Financial position at the end of the period.

      2 Earnings (net income), which may be shown in a separate statement or within one continuous statement of comprehensive income.

      3 Comprehensive income for the period in one statement or two consecutive statements.

      4 Cash flows during the period.

      5 Investments by and distributions to the owners during the period.(ASC 205‐10‐45‐1A)

       Include name of entity for which statements are being presented (if d/b/a is different name from legal name, indicate both).

       Titles of statements should be appropriate (certain titles denote and should be reserved for GAAP financial statements; other titles denote other comprehensive basis of accounting [OCBOA] financial statements).

       Dates and periods covered should be clearly stated.

       If comparative statements are presented, repeat or at least refer to notes from prior years to the extent they continue to be significant. (FASB ASC 205‐10‐45‐4 and 50‐2)

       Differences between “economic” entity and legal entity being presented should be noted (e.g., consolidated or not, subsidiaries included and excluded, combined statements, etc.). Disclose summarized financial information for previously unconsolidated subsidiaries.

       For reclassifications or other reasons, if changes have occurred in the manner or basis of presenting corresponding items in two or more periods, disclose the explanation of the change. (FASB ASC 205‐10‐50‐1)

       A component of an entity,

       A group of components of an entity, or

       A business or nonprofit entity.(ASC 205‐20‐45‐1A)

      The guidance describes a discontinued operation as a disposal of a component, group of components, or an entity that:

       Represents a strategic shift that has (or will have) a major effect on an entity's operations and financial results.and

       Is:disposed of by sale,meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale, ordisposed of by other than sale (for example by abandonment, exchange, or distribution to owner).(ASC 205‐20‐45‐1B)

      The guidance goes on to state that a strategic shift could include:

       A major geographical area of operations,

       A major line of business,

       A major equity method investment, or

       Other major parts of an entity.(ASC 205‐20‐45‐1C)

      A component is classified as held for sale when all of the following criteria are met:

       Management has the authority to approve and commits to a plan to sell.

       The component is available for immediate sale.

       Management has initiated a program to complete the plan to sell.

       A buyer is being actively sought.

       The sale is probable.

       The transfer will qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year.

       The sale price being marketed is reasonable.

       It is unlikely that the plan to sell will not be withdrawn or undergo significant changes unless the limited exceptions under ASC 205‐20‐45‐1G are met.(ASC 205‐20‐44‐1E and ASC 360‐010‐45‐9)

In the period in which a component of an entity is reported as a discontinued operation:
Item Presentation
Results of operations of that component Report as a separate component of income, net of tax, before the cumulative effect of accounting changes. (ASC 205‐20‐45‐1B and 45‐3A)
Any gain or loss recognized on disposal or loss recognized on classification as held for sale Report separately on the face of the income statement or