Joanne M. Flood

Wiley GAAP: Financial Statement Disclosure Manual

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statements of any prior periods being presented Restate to also reflect the results of operations of the component as discontinued operations. (ASC 205‐20‐45‐3)

      Gain or loss is calculated based on guidance in other Topics. For example, if the discontinued operation is within the scope of ASC 360, Property, Plant, and Equipment, guidance can be found in that Topic. (ASC 205‐20‐45‐3C)

      The following types of debt should be allocated to discontinued operations:

       Interest on debt assumed by the buyer.

       Interest on debt required to be repaid as a result.(ASC 205‐20‐45‐6)

      In subsequent periods, adjustments to amounts previously reported may be needed because, for example, of resolution of contingencies related to disposal or operations of the discontinued business or settlement of employee benefit obligations. If adjustments are needed, they should be presented separately in the discontinued operations section where income is reported. (ASC 205‐20‐45‐4 and 45‐5 and 50‐3A)

       For periods in which a discontinued operation has been disposed of or is classified as held‐for‐sale:The facts and circumstances leading to the disposal or expected disposal;The expected manner and timing of the disposal;If not separately presented on the face of the income statement as part of discontinued operations, gain or loss recognized on the disposal or loss recognized on classification as held for sale in accordance with the relevant guidance in other subtopics; andThe segment in which the discontinued operation is reported under Topic 280.(FASB ASC 205‐20‐50‐1)

       The facts and circumstances leading to the decision.

       The effect of the change on the results of operations for all periods presented.(FASB ASC 205‐20‐50‐3)

       The nature and amount of adjustments to amounts previously reported in discontinued operations directly related to discontinued operations.(FASB ASC 205‐20‐50‐3A)

      For each discontinued operation in which the entity retains significant continuing involvement after the disposal date, the entity must disclose:

       Description of the nature of the activities that give rise to the continuing involvement.

       Period of time the involvement is expected to continue.

       The amount of any cash flows.

       Revenues or expenses in continuing operations after the disposal transaction that were eliminated in consolidated financial statements as intra‐entity transactions

       Where an entity retains an equity method investment after disposal:The pretax income of the investee.The ownership interest in the discontinued operation before and after disposal.The ownership interest in the investee after the disposal transaction.Share of the income or loss of the investee in the period after the disposal and where on the income statement that is reported.(FASB ASC 205‐20‐50‐4B)

       Pretax profit or loss.

       Major classes of line items making up the pretax profit or loss.

       For the periods in which the results of discontinued operations are presented in the income statement either:the total operating and investing cash flows of the discontinued operation, orthe depreciation, amortization, capital expenditures, and significant operating and investing noncash items.

       The pretax profit or loss attributable to the parent if the discontinued operation includes a noncontrolling interest.

       Carrying amounts of major classes of assets and liabilities included in discontinued operations for the period in which it is classified as held for sale and all prior periods presented.(FASB ASC 205‐20‐50‐5B)

      If the above disclosures are provided in a note, the following amounts, if not considered major, may be aggregated in one line:

       For the initial period in which a disposal group is classified as held for sale and all prior periods,reconciliation of the amounts disclosed in the last bullet of ASC 205‐20‐50‐5B above andtotal assets and liabilities classified as held for sale that are presented separately on the face of the statement of financial position.

       For the periods in which the results of operations of the discontinued operations are recorded in the income statement, the amounts disclosed above and the after‐tax profit or loss from discontinued operations.(FASB ASC 205‐20‐50‐5C and 5D)

       The entity must disclose summarized information about the assets, liabilities, and results of operations of the investee if that information was disclosed in periods before the disposal. (FASB ASC 205‐20‐50‐7)

      Liquidation is considered imminent when:

       A plan for liquidation is approved by the person or persons with the authority to make such a plan effective, and the likelihood is remote that the execution of the plan will be blocked by other parties or the entity will return from liquidation, or

       A plan for liquidation is being imposed by other forces, such as involuntary bankruptcy, and the likelihood is remote that the entity will return from liquidation.(ASC 205‐30‐25‐2)