David M. Carr

The Hebrew Bible

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kingdom. 3.3 Student exercise tablet. 3.4 Letters inscribed into the surface of a stone. 3.5 The “Gezer Calendar.” 4.1 Copy of the Egyptian Instruction of Amenemope. 4.2 The Hammurabi stela. 4.3 Tablet of the Gilgamesh Epic containing the flood narrative. 4.4 Titian’s painting of Adam and Eve taking the apple. 5.1 One of the ivory carvings found in Samaria. 5.2 Detail from a wall‐sized panorama of the defeat of the town of Lachish in Judah. 5.3 Panel from the Black Obelisk of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III. 5.4 Ivory spoon found at Hazor. 5.5 Pillar figurines of a sort common in archaeological remains of the eighth century. 5.6 Drawing and inscription found at a desert trading post called Kuntillet Adjrud used by eighth‐century Israelites. 6.1 The Sennacherib prism. 6.2 Judean seals from the time of Isaiah and Micah. 7.1 Seals and other images from the late seventh century. 9.1 Ashes and arrowheads left from the Babylonian attack on Jerusalem. 9.2 Reproduction of part of the magnificent temple of Ishtar. 10.1 The exilic L source or Lay source is much like this conglomerate rock. 10.2 Silver amulet, dating to just before the fall of Jerusalem. 11.1 Relief from the Persian capital of Persepolis. 11.2 The Cyrus cylinder. 13.1 Copy of the Hebrew book of Ben Sira found near the Dead Sea. 13.2 Coin from the time of the Hasmoneans.


0.1 The ancient Near East.
1.1 The land of Israel and its surroundings.
1.2 The major routes of the ancient Near East.
1.3 The reach of three of the major empires that dominated Israel and/or Judah.
2.1 Areas of the hill country occupied by the Israelites and Judeans.
5.1 The neighboring kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
7.1 The Judean kingdom after the fall of the north.
9.1 The journey to Babylon.
11.1 Judah as a province of the Persian empire.
13.1 The expanding kingdom of the Hasmoneans.

      Main Discussions/Outlines of Biblical Books

      Where to Find Basic Information on Biblical Books

Genesis 52–3, 237; cf. 49–51, 88‐97
Exodus 238–9; cf. 54–6
Leviticus 214
Numbers 239
Deuteronomy 150; cf. 145–50
Joshua 153; cf. 145–50
Judges 154; cf. 153–4
1–2 Samuel 155; cf. 65–6, 154–6