David M. Carr

The Hebrew Bible

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Isaiah 191, 257–8; cf. 130–7, 190–6, 257–61 Jeremiah 172; cf. 168–74 Ezekiel 188; cf. 186–9 Hosea 116; cf. 113–21 Amos 112; cf. 110–13 Jonah 255; cf. 255–6 Micah 129–30; cf. 126–30 Nahum 166; cf. 166–7 Zephaniah 168; cf. 167–8 Haggai 250; cf. 250–1 Zechariah 251; cf. 251–3 Psalms 73, 243–4; cf. 70–4; 241–6 Job 254 Proverbs 84; cf. 82–6 Ruth 256 Song of Songs/Solomon, Canticles 79; cf. 78–80, 280 Ecclesiastes/ Qoheleth 82; cf. 80–5, 280 Lamentations 183; cf. 182–3 Esther 279 Daniel 272; cf. 270–2 Ezra‐Nehemiah 278–9; cf. 252–3; 277–9 1–2 Chronicles 277 2 Maccabees 274 Ben Sira/Sirach 269–70 Enoch 268–9 Judith 274

      What is a More on Method Box?

      These boxes give a brief introduction to methods used to interpret the Hebrew Bible. They detail the sorts of questions that each method attempts to answer, give an example of how the method has been applied, and include a reference to an article or book with more information about the method under discussion.

Textual Criticism 6
Tradition History and Transmission History 41
African American Biblical Interpretation 55
Poetic Analysis 75
Afrocentric and Womanist Interpretation of the Bible 80
Source and Redaction Criticism 89
Feminist Criticism and History of Interpretation/Biblical Reception 93
Comparison with Non‐Biblical Texts 96
The Joseph Story and Literary Approaches 105
Postcolonial Criticism 148
Trauma Studies and the Bible 184
(Study of) Intertextuality 193
Insights from History of Religions 219
Ecological Biblical Criticism 220
Form Criticism and Genre 242

      What is in Special Topics Boxes?

Contents of the Hebrew Bible/Tanakh/Old Testament 4
Bible Abbreviations, Chapters, and Verses 11
The Origins of Chapters and Verses 12
Overview: Order of Main Discussions of Biblical Books 21
Visualizing (the Possible Ancestors of) Ancient Israelites 26
ad, bc, bce, and ce 28
The Name of Israel’s God: Yahweh/the LORD 31
What Was Earliest “Israel” and Who Were “Judges”? 39
History and the Books of Joshua and Judges 40
The Name “Israel” 46
Labels (e.g. “Psalm of David”): What They (Don’t) Tell Us 69
Contrasts and Parallels between Biblical and Mesopotamian Flood Narratives 90
Significant Dates: The Northern Kingdom (“Israel”) 108
Hosea and the “Book of the Twelve Prophets” 120
Significant Dates: Judah under Assyrian Domination 124
A View from the Assyrian Imperial Court: The Annals of Sennacherib 126
Isaiah 6 and the “Call Narrative” 133