David M. Carr

The Hebrew Bible

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Saul’s “chieftainship” David (Hebron; 1010–1002) 1000 David (Jerusalem; 1002–970) Royal psalms, Zion psalms Solomon (Jerusalem; 970–930) Proverb collections (early form??) Non‐P primeval narrative Rehoboam (Jerusalem) Jeroboam founds northern monarchy 900 (early form of written) Jacob narrative, Joseph novella, and exodus‐Moses narrative Song of Deborah (written form) Omride dynasty (880–841) Jehu’s coup (841) 800 Jeroboam II (782–753)Amos Isaiah (early prophecy) Assyrian domination of Israel begins (745–) Syro‐Ephraimite war (735–734) Hosea Assyrian domination of Judah (734–) Micah, Isaiah (later prophecy) Assyrian destruction of Israel (722) Hezekiah (715–686) Hezekiah’s rebellion and reform (705) 700 Sennacherib’s attack and mysterious withdrawal (701) Manasseh (686–642) Amon (642–640) (Waning of Assyrian power) Josiah (640–609) Zephaniah Josiah’s reform (623) Josianic edition of Deuteronomy, 2 Kings, etc. (Fall of Nineveh, Assyria’s capital) Nahum Jeremiah Domination of Judah by Babylonia 600 First wave of exiles (597) Ezekiel’s early prophecy Destruction of Jerusalem and second wave of exiles (586) Lamentations and Psalm 137 Ezekiel’s later prophecy Third wave of exiles (582) Exilic additions to Deuteronomy, 2 Kings, and other Books Non‐P/L Pentateuchal source (incorporating exilic‐modified forms of older non‐P primeval history, Jacob‐Joseph story, exodus‐Moses story, and Deuteronomy) Priestly Pentateuchal source Second Isaiah Persian conquering of Babylonian empire (539) First wave of returnees (~538) Another wave, beginning of Temple restoration (532) Another wave with Zerubbabel, completion of Temple rebuilding (520–515) Haggai and Zechariah (1–9) 500 Nehemiah’s return and governorships (445–425)(rebuilding wall, purification of priesthood) Nehemiah memoir 400 Return with Ezra, divorce of foreign wives, elevation of Torah (397–) Combined (P and non‐P/L) Pentateuch Narratives of Temple‐rebuilding and Ezra Third Isaiah