of 24 300 kW WWEG turbines. He worked as a consultant in wind turbine foundation design from 1995 until 2012, when he joined GL Garrad Hassan to work on the design of offshore support structures until retirement in 2017.
Nick Jenkins completed a PhD in wind‐diesel systems at Imperial College London and is now Professor of Renewable Energy at Cardiff University. His career has included 14 years of industrial experience, of which 5 years were in developing countries. His final position in industry was as a projects director for Wind Energy Group, a developer and manufacturer of wind turbines. While at the university, he has developed teaching and research activities in electrical power engineering and renewable energy. He is a Distinguished Member of CIGRE and a Fellow of the IET, IEEE, Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Learned Society of Wales. From 2009–2011 he was the Shimizu Visiting Professor to the Atmosphere and Energy Program at Stanford University.
Ervin Bossanyi: After graduating in theoretical physics and completing a PhD in energy economics at Cambridge University, Ervin Bossanyi has been working in wind energy since 1978. He was a Research Fellow at Reading University and then Rutherford Appleton Laboratory before moving into industry in 1986, where he worked on advanced control methods for the Wind Energy Group. Since 1994, he has been with international consultants Garrad Hassan, now DNV GL, where he is senior principal researcher in renewables. He received the 2014 Scientific Award of the European Academy of Wind Energy for outstanding contributions to the development of wind energy and has had an honorary visiting professorship at Bristol University since 2016.
David Sharpe has worked in the aircraft industry for the British Aircraft Corporation as a structural engineer. From 1969 to 1995, he was a Senior Lecturer in aeronautical engineering at Kingston Polytechnic and at Queen Mary College, University of London. Between 1996 and 2003, he was at Loughborough University as a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology. David is a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society and was a member of the British Wind Energy Association at its inception. He has been active in wind turbine aerodynamics research since 1976. Currently, he is a Visiting Professor in the Future Wind and Marine Technology Innovation Centre at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Michael Graham graduated in mathematics followed by part 2 of the engineering degree from Cambridge University. He has a PhD in aeronautics from Imperial College London, where he has been Professor of Unsteady Aerodynamics since 1990 and was Head of the Department of Aeronautics from 1999 to 2003. He has worked in wind energy research since 1990, coordinating the EU Joule II project ROTOW and as a partner in a number of other EU and EPSRC research programmes dealing with aerodynamics of wind turbine rotors and latterly their wakes. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the RAeS, and RINA.
Preface to Second Edition
The second edition of the Wind Energy Handbook seeks to reflect the evolution of design rules and the principal innovations in the technology that have taken place in the 10 years since the first edition was published. A major new direction in wind energy development in this period has been the expansion offshore and so the opportunity has been taken to add a new chapter on offshore wind turbines and wind farms.
The offshore chapter begins with a survey of the present state of offshore wind farm development, before consideration of resource assessment and array losses. Then wave loading on support structures is examined in depth, including a summary of the combinations of wind and wave loading specified in the load cases of the IEC standard and descriptions of applicable wave theories. Linear (Airy) wave theory and Dean stream function theory are explained, together with their translation into wave loadings by means of Morison's equation. Diffraction and breaking wave theories are also covered.
Consideration of wave loading leads to a survey of the different types of support structure deployed to date. Monopile, gravity bases, jacket structures, tripods, and tripiles are described in turn. In view of their popularity, monopiles are accorded the most space and, after an outline of the key design considerations, monopile fatigue analysis in the frequency domain is explained.
Another major cost element offshore is the undersea cable system needed to transmit power to land. This subject is considered in depth in the section on the power collection and transmission cable network. Machine reliability is also of much greater importance offshore, so developments in turbine condition monitoring and other means of increasing reliability are discussed. The chapter is completed by sections covering the assessment of environmental impacts, maintenance and access, and optimum machine size.
The existing chapters in the first edition have all been revised and brought up to date, with the addition of new material in some areas. The main changes are as follows:
Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter has been brought up to date and expanded.
Chapter 2: The wind resource Descriptions of the high frequency asymptotic behaviour of turbulence spectra and the Mann turbulence model have been added.
Chapters 3 and 4: Aerodynamics of horizontal axis wind turbines The contents of Chapters 3 and 4 of the first edition have been rearranged so that the fundamentals are covered in Chapter 3 and more advanced subjects are explored in Chapter 4. Some material on field testing and performance measurement has been omitted to make space for a survey of wind turbine aerofoils and new sections on dynamic stall and computational fluid dynamics.
Chapter 5: Design loads for horizontal axis wind turbines The description of IEC load cases has been brought up to date and a new section on the extrapolation of extreme loads from simulations added. The size of the ‘example’ wind turbine has been doubled to 80 m, in order to be more representative of the current generation of turbines.
Chapter 6: Conceptual design of horizontal axis wind turbines The initial sections on choice of machine size, rating, and number of blades have been substantially revised, making use of the NREL cost model. Variable speed operation is considered in greater depth. The section on tower stiffness has been expanded to compare tower excitation at rotational frequency and blade passing frequency.
Chapter 7: Component design New rules for designing towers against buckling are described and a section on foundation rotational stiffness has been added.
Chapter 8: The controller Individual blade pitch control is examined in greater depth.
Chapter 9: Wind turbine installations and wind farms A survey of recent research on the impact of turbines on birds has been added.
Chapter 10: Electrical systems New sections covering (a) Grid Code requirements for the connection of large wind farms to transmission networks and (b) the impact of wind farms on generation systems have been added.
Preface to Third Edition
The 10 years since the preparation of the second edition of the Wind Energy Handbook have seen further innovation in many areas of turbine design, and these form the basis for the changes in this new edition. Refinements to blade design, together with improved and better‐understood material properties, have enabled the trend to larger machines to continue. Upwind, three bladed, pitch‐regulated, variable‐speed machines are still firmly established as the norm, despite the scope for the deployment of two bladed downwind machines offshore. However, the one‐time monopoly of high‐speed gearboxes continues to be eroded, thanks to the rise of direct drive turbines and the increased use of medium‐speed gearboxes with permanent magnet generators. The design of fixed offshore support structures continues to evolve, but the most exciting development has been the successful deployment of floating wind turbines.
The third edition retains most