Michael Barton Graham

Wind Energy Handbook

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communities throughout the world, but with only limited success. This class of installation has its own particular characteristics, and, given the limited size of the market at present, this specialist area is not dealt with in this book.

      1 European Wind Energy Association (2009). Wind Energy – The Facts. London: Earthscan.

      2 Golding, E.W. (1955). The Generation of Electricity from Wind Power. London: E. & F.N. Spon (reprinted R.I. Harris, London 1976).

      3 Hau, E. (2010). Wind Turbines: Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics, 2e. Heidelberg: Springer.

      4 Jamieson, P. (2018). Innovation in Wind Turbine Design, 2e. Chichester: Wiley.

      5 Molly, J.P., Keuper, A., and Veltrup, M. (1993). Statistical WEC design and cost trends. Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference, Travemunde (8–12 March 1993), pp. 57–59.

      6 Musgrove, P. (2010). Wind Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

      7 Putnam, G.C. (1948). Power from the Wind. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

      8 Roberts C. (2018) Review of international grid codes, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory file:///Users/scenj/Downloads/eScholarship%20UC%20item%205sv540qx.pdf (accessed 7 December 2019).

      9 Serrano‐González, J. and Lacal‐Arántegui, R. (2016). Technological evolution of onshore wind turbines – a market‐based analysis. Wind Energy 19: 2171–2187.

      10 Spera, D.A. (1994). Wind Turbine Technology: Fundamental Concepts of Wind Turbine Engineering. New York: ASME Press.

      1 Global Wind Energy Council (2020). Global wind report 2019. https://gwec.net/global-wind-report-2019/ (accessed 30 July 2020).

      2 REN21 (2020). 2020 Global status report. https://www.ren21.net/gsr-2020/ (accessed 31 July 2020).

      3 US Energy Information Administration, (2019). International data. https://www.eia.gov/beta/international/data (accessed 26 May 2019).

      4 World Wind Energy Association (2020). Statistics. https://wwindea.org/blog/category/statistics/ (accessed 30 July 2020).

      1 Anderson, C. (2020). Wind Turbines: Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press.

      2 Boyle, G. (ed.) (2017). Renewable Energy and the Grid. London: Earthscan.

      3 Eggleston, D.M. and Stoddard, F.S. (1987). Wind Turbine Engineering Design. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

      4 Freris, L.L. (ed.) (1990). Wind Energy Conversion Systems. New York: Prentice‐Hall.

      5 Harrison, R., Hau, E., and Snel, H. (2000). Large Wind Turbines, Design and Economics. Chichester: Wiley.

      6 Manwell, J.W., McGown, J.G., and Rogers, A.L. (2009). Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, 2e. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

      7 Orkney Sustainable Energy (1955). Costa Head experimental wind turbine. www.orkneywind.co.uk/costa.html (accessed 3 January 2020).

      8 Twidell, J.W. and Weir, A.D. (2015). Renewable Energy Resources, 3e. Abingdon: Routledge.

      9 Twidell, J.W. and Gaudiosi, G. (eds.) (2009). Offshore Wind Power. Brentford: Multi‐science Publishing Co.

2 The wind resource

      The energy available in the wind varies as the cube of the wind speed, so an understanding of the characteristics of the wind resource is critical to all aspects of wind energy exploitation, from the identification of suitable sites and predictions of the economic viability of wind farm projects through to the design of wind turbines themselves, along with understanding their effect on electricity distribution networks and consumers.

      From the point of view of wind energy, the most striking characteristic of the wind resource is its variability. The wind is highly variable, both geographically and temporally. Furthermore, this variability persists over a very wide range of scales, both in space and time. The importance of this is amplified by the cubic relationship to available energy.

      On a large scale, spatial variability describes the fact that there are many different climatic regions in the world, some much windier than others. These regions are largely dictated by the latitude, which affects the amount of insolation. Within any one climatic region, there is a great deal of variation on a smaller scale, largely dictated by physical geography – the proportion of land and sea, the size of land masses, and the presence of mountains or plains, for example. The type of vegetation may also have a significant influence through its effects on the absorption or reflection of solar radiation, affecting surface temperatures, and on humidity.

      More locally, the topography has a major effect on the wind climate. More wind is experienced on the tops of hills and mountains than in the lee of high ground or in sheltered valleys, for instance. More locally still, wind velocities are significantly reduced by obstacles such as trees or buildings.

      At a given location, temporal variability on a large scale means that the amount of wind may vary from one year to the next, with even longer‐scale variations on a scale of decades or more. These long‐term variations are not well understood and may make it difficult to make accurate predictions of the economic viability of particular wind farm projects, for instance.

      On still shorter timescales of minutes down to seconds or less, wind speed variations known as turbulence can have a very significant impact on the design and performance of the individual wind turbines as well as on the quality of power delivered to the network and its effect on consumers.

Graph depicts the wind spectrum from Brookhaven based on work by Van der Hoven (1957).