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The Impact of Nutrition and Diet on Oral Health

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oral hygiene on a daily basis, as well as the professional mechanical removal of biofilm and calculus. A significant reduction in pathological bacteria in periodontal pockets may permit repopulation by non-pathogenic microbes. It is important to remember that disease susceptibility varies widely among individuals and periodontal maintenance must therefore be individualised for each patient. Recent data also indicate a link between periodontal and general health, where heart disease, diabetes, stroke and respiratory disease all involve an increased risk. For this reason, periodontal patients should also be regarded as risk patients from a systemic health angle.

      Oral Cancer

      Introduction and Prevalence

      Aetiology and Pathogenesis

      Early diagnosis is important and may, just like other forms of cancer treatment, include surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy, often used in combination. The oral cavity is a sensitive area and the consequences of the disease itself, as well as the treatment, may affect quality of life. Conditions such as a reduced salivary secretion rate, facial disfigurement, speech impairment, and chewing/swallowing difficulties are commonly found. It is recommended that each individual should play an active role in detecting oral cancer at an early stage, conducting both a self-exam at home and undergoing examinations at a dental office on a regular basis. Smoking cessation should be encouraged and moderate alcohol consumption recommended.

      Dry Mouth Conditions


      Figure 1c courtesy of Dr. B. Hasséus, Department of Oral Medicine and Pathology, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
