Hugo Grotius

The Truth of the Christian Religion with Jean Le Clerc's Notes and Additions

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XIV. An Answer to the Objection from external Testimonies; where it is shewn they make more for these Books, <160> XV. An Answer to the Objection of the Scriptures being altered, <161> XVI. The Authority of the Books of the Old Testament, <164> BOOK IV. I. A particular Confutation of the Religions that differ from Christianity, <179> II. And first of Paganism. That there is but One God. That created Beings are either good or bad. That the Good are not [print edition page 23] to be worshipped without the Command of the Supreme God. <180> III. A Proof that evil Spirits were worshipped by the Heathen, and the Unworthiness of it shown, <181> IV. Against the Heathen Worship paid to departed Men, <184> V. Against the Worship given to the Stars and Elements, <185> VI. Against the Worship given to Brute Creatures, <186> VII. Against the Worship given to those Things that have no real Existence, <188> VIII. An Answer to the Objection of the Heathen, taken from the Miracles done amongst them, <190> IX. And from Oracles, <193> X. The Heathen Religion rejected, because it failed of its own accord, as soon as humane Assistance was wanting, <198> XI. An Answer to this, that the Rise and Decay of Religion is owing to the Stars, <199> XII. The principal Things of the Christian Religion, were approved of by the wisest Heathens; and if there be any Thing in it hard to be believed, the like is to be found amongst the Heathens, <201> BOOK V. I. A Confutation of Judaism, beginning with an Address to the Jews, <208> II. That the Jews ought to look upon the Miracles of Christ as sufficiently attested, <209> III. An Answer to the Objection, that those Miracles were done by the Help of Devils, <210> IV. Or by the Power of Words, <211> V. That the Miracles of Jesus were divine, proved from hence, because he taught the Worship of one God, the Maker of the World, <212> [print edition page 24] VI. An Answer to the Objection drawn from the Difference betwixt the Law of Moses, and the Law of Christ; where it is shown, that there might be given a more perfect Law than that of Moses, <213> VII. The Law of Moses was observed by Jesus when on Earth, neither was any Part of it abolished afterwards, but only those Precepts which had no intrinsick Goodness in them, <215> VIII. As Sacrifices, which were never acceptable to God upon their own Account, <220> IX. And the Difference of Meats, <225> X. And of Days, <229> XI. And external Circumcision, <232> XII. And yet the Apostles of Jesus easily allowed of these Things, <233> XIII. A Proof against the Jews taken from their own Confession of the extraordinary Promise of the Messiah, <234> XIV. That he is already come, appears from the Time foretold, <235> XV. (With an Answer to what is alledged, that his Coming was deferred upon the Account of the Sins of the People) <238> XVI. Also from the present State of the Jews, compared with the Promises of the Law, <240> XVII. Jesus proved to be the Messiah, from those Things that were predicted of the Messiah. <242> XVIII. An Answer to what is alleged, that some Things were not fulfilled, <245> XIX. And to that which is objected of the low Condition and Death of Jesus, <247> XX. And as though they were good Men who delivered him to Death, <252> [print edition page 25]