Jeff Galloway

Galloway's Half Marathon Training

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a high level of fitness in the most important organ for longevity and quality of life. As always, you need to get advice about your individual situation from a cardiologist who knows you and specializes in this area.

Note: The information in this book is offered as advice from one runner to another, and is not meant to be medical advice. Having a doctor/advisor will not only help you through some problems more quickly, but contact with a responsive and supportive medical advisor will improve confidence and motivation, while reducing anxiety.

      Risk Factors: Get checked IF you have two of these–or one that is serious

      • Family history

      • Family history of cardiovascular problems

      • Poor lifestyle habits earlier in life (alcohol, drugs, poor diet, etc.)

      • High fat/high cholesterol diet

      • Have smoked–or still smoke

      • Obese or severely overweight

      • High blood pressure

      • High cholesterol


      • Stress test–heart is monitored during a run that gradually increases in difficulty.

      • C-reactive protein–has been an indicator of increased risk.

      • Heart scan–an electronic scan of the heart which shows calcification, and possible narrowing of arteries.

      • Radioactive dye test–very effective in locating specific blockages. Talk to your doctor about this.

      • Carotid ultrasound test–helps to tell if you’re at risk for stroke.

      • Ankle-brachial test–can detect plaque buildup in arteries throughout the body.

      None of these are foolproof. But by working with your cardiologist, you can increase your chance of living until the muscles just won’t propel you farther down the road–maybe beyond the age of 100.


      There are so many individual health issues with a cold that you must talk with a doctor before you exercise when you have an infection.

      Lung infection–don’t run! A virus in the lungs can move into the heart and kill you. Lung infections are usually indicated by coughing.

      Common cold? There are many infections that initially indicate a normal cold but are much more serious. At least call your doctor’s office to get clearance before running. Be sure to explain how much you are running, and what, if any medication you are taking.

      Infections of the throat and above the neck–most runners will be given the OK, but check with the doc.


      There is an increased risk of both injuries and cardiovascular events during speed sessions. Be sure to get your doctor’s OK before beginning a speed program. The advice inside this book is generally conservative, but when in doubt, take more rest, more days off, and run slower. In other words…be more conservative.


      Chapter 4


      One of the wonderful aspects of running, in a complex world, is the simplicity of the experience. You can run from your house or office in most cases, using public streets or pedestrian walkways. Ordinary clothing works well most of the time and you don’t need to join a country club or invest in expensive exercise equipment.

      While running with another person can be motivating, most runners enjoy running alone on most of their runs. It helps, however, to have a “support team” as you go through the training (running companions, doctors, running shoe experts). You’ll probably meet these folks through the running grapevine.


      If you have an option near home and office for each of the training components listed above, you will be more likely to do the workouts on your schedule–when you need to do them.


      Most runners decide, wisely, to spend a little time on the choice of a good running shoe. After all, shoes are the only real equipment needed. The shoe that is a good match for your feet can make running easier, while reducing blisters, foot fatigue and injuries.

      Because there are so many different brands and models, shoe shopping can be confusing. The best advice.…is to get the best advice. Going to a good running store, staffed by helpful and knowledgeable runners, can cut the time required and can usually lead you to a much better shoe choice than you would pick by yourself. For more information on this see Galloway’s Book on Running, and the back section of this book.


      Go to the running store in your area with the most experienced staff. First you’ll need a pair for long runs and easy running days. Veterans may want to get a racing shoe (or lightweight training shoe) later. Bring along your most worn pair of shoes (any shoes), and a pair of running shoes that has worked well for you. Wait until you are several weeks into your training before you decide to get a racing shoe if you feel you need one.


      In most cases, racing shoes only speed you up by a few seconds a mile–but this may be what a veteran needs to reach a significant goal. After several weeks, if you feel that your training shoes are too heavy or “clunky”, look at some lighter models. After you have broken them in, you can use the lighter shoes during speed sessions.

       A WATCH

      There are a lot of good, inexpensive watches which will give you accurate times during speed workouts and races. Any watch that has a stopwatch function will do the job. Be sure to ask the staff person in the store how to use the stopwatch function.

      A few watches can make walk breaks easier by “beeping” after each running segment and then again after the walking segment. You can also invest in a Fitbit or other smartwatch.


      The “clothing thermometer” at the end of this book is a great guide. In the summer, you want to wear light, cool clothing. During cold weather, layering is the best strategy. You don’t have to have the latest techno-garments to run. On most days an old pair of shorts and a T-shirt are fine. As you get into the various components of your plan, you will find outfits that make you feel better and motivate you to get in your run even on bad weather days. It is also OK to give yourself a fashionable outfit as a “reward” for running regularly for several weeks.


      The journal is such an important component in running that I have written a chapter about it. By using it to plan ahead and then later, to review your success and mistakes, you assume a major degree of control over your running future. You’ll find it reinforcing to write down what you did each day, and miss that reinforcement when you skip. Be sure to read the training journal chapter, and you, too, can steer yourself more toward enjoyment and success.


      It helps to have several different venues for the various workouts. Try to find two or more options for each:
