Jeff Galloway

Galloway's Half Marathon Training

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have no problem allowing my e-coach athletes, who’ve run one or more half marathons, to choose a goal time that is faster than that predicted by the pre-test. As you do the speed training, the long runs and your test races, you should improve…but how much? In my experience this “leap of faith” should not exceed 3-5% improvement in a three-month training program.

      1. Run the one-mile time trial.

      2. Use the formula above to predict what you could run now, if you were trained for the half marathon.

      3. Choose the amount of improvement during the training program (3-5%).

      4. Subtract this from # 2–this is your goal time.


Over a 2-3 month training program
Half marathon pre-test prediction 3% Improvement 5% Improvement
1:20 h 2:12 m 4:00 m
1:40 h 3:00 m 5:00 m
2:00 h 3:36 m 6:00 m
2:30 h 4:30 m 7:30 m
3:00 h 5:24 m 9:00 m
Half marathon finish time improvement
Pre-test prediction 3% 5%
3:00 h 2:54:36 m 2:51:00 m
2:30 h 2:25:30 m 2:22:30 m
2:00 h 1:56:24 m 1:54:00 m

      The key to goal setting is keeping your ego in check. From my experience, I have found that a 3% improvement is realistic. This means that if your half marathon time is predicted to be 3:00, then it is realistic to assume you could lower it by five and a half minutes if you do the speed training and the long runs as noted on my training schedules in this book. The maximum improvement, which is less likely, is a more aggressive 5% or 9 minutes off a three-hour half marathon.

      In both of these situations, however, everything must come together to produce the predicted result. Even runners who shoot for a 3% improvement, do all the training as described, achieve their goal slightly more than 50% of the time during a racing season. The more aggressive performances usually result in success about 20% of the time. There are many factors that determine a time goal in a half marathon that are outside of your control: weather, terrain, infection, etc.


      • Follow the same format as listed in the pre-test.

      • By doing this as noted, you will learn how to pace yourself.

      • Hint: it’s better to start a bit more slowly than you think you can run.

      • Walk breaks will be helpful for most runners. Read the section in this book for suggested ratios.

      • Note whether you are speeding up or slowing down at the end, and adjust in the next TT.

      • If you are not making progress then look for reasons and take action.


      1. You’re overtrained and tired–if so, reduce your training, and/or take an extra rest day.

      2. You may have chosen a goal that is too ambitious for your current ability.

      3. You may have missed some of your workouts, or not been as regular with your training as needed.

      4. The temperature may have been above 60°F (14°C). Above this, you will slow down (the longer the race, the bigger the effect heat will have on the result).

      5. You ran the first lap or two too fast.


      Take the last four TTs, and eliminate the slowest time. Average the three remaining times to get a good prediction in your goal race. If the tests are predicting a time that is slower than the goal you’ve been training for, go with the time predicted by the “magic miles.” It is strongly recommended that you run the first one-third of your goal race a few seconds per mile slower than the pace predicted by the TT average.


      Read the chapter on using a journal. Your chance of reaching your goal increases greatly when you use this very important instrument. Psychologically, you start taking responsibility for the fulfillment of your mission when you use a journal.

Note: During my competitive years, and the first decade I worked with other runners, I found a very beneficial prediction tool in Computerized Running Training Programs by Gerry Purdy and James Gardner. This book has been revised and re-published in print and software as Running Trax, by Track and Field News. This is a great resource and I highly recommend it.

      Chapter 7


      Long runs–Run these very slowly–at least 3 min/mi slower than you could run in a half marathon as predicted by your one-mile TT. Insert the walk breaks that are suggested in the Run Walk Run chapter in this book–or take them more often than recommended. I have not found anyone who has run the long runs too slowly or has taken the walk breaks too often. Slower long runs build the same endurance as fast long runs–with little or no risk of injury or burnout.

      Drills–Cadence Drills (CD) and Acceleration Gliders (Acg). These easy exercises teach your body to improve form, as you fine-tune you running mechanics. They are not exhausting–most runners say they energize an average run. Doing each of these drills, once a week, will improve speed and running efficiency.

      Hills (h) build strength better than any other training component. Warm up by jogging slowly for a half mile. Then, do 4 acceleration-gliders (Acg). Start each hill at a jog, and pick up the turnover as you go over the top of the hill. Don’t sprint, but you will be huffing and puffing. Shorten stride slightly as you go up the hill. See the section in this book on hill training.

      Magic mile time trials (TT)–These are done every few weeks to monitor progress and overtraining.

      • Go to a track, or other accurately measured course.

      • Warm up by walking for 5 minutes, then running a minute and walking a minute, then jogging an easy 800 meters (half mile or two laps around a track).

      • Do 4 acceleration-gliders. These are listed in the “Drills” chapter.

      • Walk for 3-4 minutes.
