It is expressed through Dirac's delta function as
The loop and node equations are written below to develop the Kelvin–Heaviside transmission line equations with a current source:
Figure 2.7 Equivalent lumped circuit of a transmission line with a shunt current source.
The Loop Equation
The Node Equation
For Δx → 0, the above equations are reduced to
The above equations are rewritten below in term of the characteristic impedance (Z0) and propagation constant (γ) of a transmission line:
On solving the above equations for the voltage, the following inhomogeneous voltage wave equation, with a current source, is obtained:
Away from the location of the current source, i.e. for x ≠ x0, equation (2.1.54) reduces to the homogeneous equation (2.1.37a). The wave equation for the current wave, with a shunt current source, could also be rewritten.
2.1.7 Solution of Voltage and Current‐Wave Equation
The voltage and current wave equations in the phasor form are given in equation (2.1.37). The solution of a wave equation is written either in terms of the hyperbolic functions or in terms of the exponential functions. The first form is suitable for a line terminated in an arbitrary load. A section of the line transforms the load impedance into the input impedance at any location on the line. The impedance transformation takes place due to the standing wave formation. The hyperbolic form of the solution also provides the voltage and current distributions along the line. The exponential form of the solution demonstrates the traveling waves on a line, both in the forward and in the backward directions. A combination of the forward‐moving and the backward‐moving waves produces the standing wave on a transmission line.
The Hyperbolic Form of a Solution
Figure (2.8a) shows a section of the transmission line having a length ℓ. It is fed by a voltage source,
At any section on the line, its characteristic impedance Z0 relates the line voltage
Figure 2.8 Transmission line circuit. The distance x is measured from the source end; whereas the distance d is measured from the load.
On comparing the coefficients of sinh(γx) and cosh(γx), of equations (2.1.55b) and (2.1.56), two constants A2 and B2 are determined:
The phasor line voltage and line current are written as follows:
The constants A1 and B1 are determined by using the boundary conditions at input x = 0 and output x = ℓ.
At x = 0, the line input voltage is , giving the value of A1:(2.1.59)
At the receiving end, x = ℓ, the load end voltage and current are