At x = ℓ, i.e. at the receiving end, the voltage across load ZL is(2.1.61)
The constant B1 is evaluated on substituting
On substituting constants A1 and B1 in equation (2.1.58a), the expression for the line voltage at location P, from the source or load end, is
Similarly, the line current at the location P is obtained as follows:
At any location P on the line, the load impedance is transformed as input impedance by the line length d = (ℓ − x):
Equations (2.1.65a,b) take care of the losses in a line through the complex propagation constant, γ = α + jβ. However, for a lossless line α = 0, γ = jβ and the hyperbolic functions are replaced by the trigonometric functions shown in equation (2.1.65c). It shows the impedance transformation characteristics of d = λ/4 transmission line section.
Equations (2.1.63) and (2.1.64) could be further written in terms of the generator voltage
The line voltage, in terms of
Likewise, from equations (2.1.64) and (2.1.66), an expression for the line current is obtained:
The above equations could be reduced to the following equations for a lossless line, i.e. for α = 0, γ = jβ, cosh(jβ) = cos β and sinh(jβ) = j sin β:
Equation (2.1.65c), for the input impedance, could be obtained from the above two equations. The sending end voltage and current are obtained at the input port – aa, x = 0:
Likewise, the expressions for the voltage and current at the output port – bb, i.e. at the receiving end for x = ℓ, are obtained:
Two special cases of the load termination, i.e. the short‐circuited load and the open‐circuited load, are discussed below. The voltage and current distributions on a transmission line for both the cases are also obtained.
Short‐Circuited Receiving End
For the short‐circuited load ZL = 0, the line voltage at the load end is zero
The input impedance at any distance (ℓ − x) from the source end is
At the load end, the voltage is zero. However, the line current is not infinite like the lumped element circuit with a short‐circuited termination at output. A short‐circuited transmission line draws only a finite current from the source. The ℓ < λ/4 short‐circuited line section behaves as an inductive element. The electrical nature of the line section can be controlled by changing its electrical length [B.9–B.15].
Open‐Circuited Receiving End
The load impedance is ZL → ∞ for an open‐circuited transmission line and the load current