Anand K. Verma

Introduction To Modern Planar Transmission Lines

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      For a lossless line, the power balance is written as follows:


      This section extends the solution of the voltage wave equation to the multisection transmission line [B.8, B.16]. Next, the voltage responses are obtained for the shunt connected current source, and also the series‐connected voltage source, at any location on a line. This treatment is used in chapters 14 and 16 for the spectral domain analysis of the multilayer planar transmission lines.

      2.2.1 Multisection Transmission Lines

Schematic illustration of the multisection transmission line.

      The objective is to find the voltage at each junction of the multisection line. Further, the voltage distribution on each line section is determined due to the input voltage images.

      The solutions for the voltage and current wave equations involve four constants. The constants of the current wave are related to two constants of the voltage wave through the characteristic impedance of a line. Out of two constants of the voltage wave, one is expressed in terms of the reflection coefficient at the load end; that itself is expressed by the characteristic impedance and the terminated load impedance. The reflection coefficient can also be expressed by the characteristic admittance and the terminated load admittance. The second constant is evaluated by the source condition at the input end. Figure (2.10b) shows the first isolated line section. The voltage and current waves, with respect to the origin at the load end x1, on the line section (x0 ≤ x ≤ x1) are written from equation (2.1.88):


      The reflection coefficient Γ1 at the load end, i.e. at x = x1 is given by


      The load at the x = x1 end is formed by the cascaded line sections after location x = x1. The voltage amplitude V+ is evaluated by the boundary condition at the input, x = x0, of the first line section. At x = x0, shown in Fig (2.10b), the source voltage images is images and V+ is evaluated as follows:


      The voltage wave on the transmission line section #1 is

      The above expression is valid over the range x0 ≤ x ≤ x1. The voltage at the output of the line section #1 (x = x1), that is at the junction of line #1 and line #2, is


      Equation (2.2.4) is applied to Fig (2.10a) to compute the voltage distribution on any line section. The voltage on line section #2 is



      Using equation (2.2.5) and above equations, the voltage distribution on the line