Anand K. Verma

Introduction To Modern Planar Transmission Lines

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      Finally, the voltage distribution on the nth line section and the voltage at the nth line junction can be written as follows:



      2.2.2 Location of Sources

      The shunt voltage images could be located at any junction and the voltage distribution is computed on any line section due to it. However, it is also interesting to consider a shunt current source and a series voltage source located anywhere on a multisection transmission line. Both kinds of sources create the voltage wave on a line.

      Current Source at the Junction of Finite Length Line and Infinite Length Line

Schematic illustration of a shunt current source at the junction of two-line sections.

      The current source IS can be replaced by an equivalent voltage source Vs, shown in Fig (2.11c), at x = 0:


      where Yin is the total load admittance at the plane containing the current source IS. Y and Y+ are left‐hand and right‐hand side admittances at x = 0 given by


      The general solution of a voltage wave is given by equation (2.1.79a). The constants V+ and V are evaluated for the left‐hand side of a lossless transmission line. At x = 0, V(x = 0) = Vs. On using this boundary condition in equation (2.1.79a): VS = V+ + V. At x = −d1 the line is open‐circuited with I (x = −d1) = 0. On using this boundary condition in equation (2.1.79b): images. The constants V+ and V, from these two equations, are obtained as

      The line at the right‐hand side of the current source is an infinite length line that supports a traveling wave without any reflection. Therefore, at x = 0, V = 0 and V+ = VS. The voltage wave on line #2 at the right‐hand side is


      The method can be easily extended to a multisection line structure. For this purpose, the left‐hand and right‐hand side admittances Y and Y+ are determined at the plane containing the current source.

      Series Voltage Source

      The voltages across loads Z (Z1) and Z+ (Z2), shown in Fig (2.12b), are obtained as follows:

      Line #1 is open‐circuited and line #2 is of infinite extent. Therefore, their input impedances at x = 0 and x = 0+ are

Schematic illustration of a series voltage source at the junction of two-line sections.


      For a lossy transmission line, the above equation could be written as follows:
