justas existen siempre justas preguntas.
1. Cf. V. Codeluppi, Il Biocapitalismo. Verso lo sfruttamento integrale di corpi, cervelli ed emozioni. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2008.
2. Benedikter - J. Giordano - K. Fitzgerald, The future of self-umage of the human being in the age of transhumanism, neurotechnology and global transition, «Futures: The Journal for Policy, Planning and Futures Studies» 42 (10/2010), p. 1105. «[…] raise questions about the validity of human/non human differences as distinctions of natural kinds, and generate profound ontological, practical and moral re-assessment of the notion of selves and others. Biotech¬nologically blended boundaries between the human and non-human (animal and machine) beings prompt ethical concerns about the types and scope of our actions toward, and interactions with nature and non-human others».
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