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Autonomous Airborne Wireless Networks

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ITU‐R provides statistical parameters related to the environment that determine the height, number, and density of the buildings or obstacles. For instance, in [36], the height of the buildings can be modeled by using the Rayleigh distribution. The average path loss for the AG propagation in [17] is given as

      (2.5)ModifyingAbove PL With bar equals double-struck upper P Subscript LoS Baseline times normal upper P normal upper L Subscript upper L o upper S Baseline plus left-parenthesis 1 minus double-struck upper P Subscript LoS Baseline right-parenthesis times normal upper P normal upper L Subscript upper N upper L o upper S Baseline comma

      where normal upper P normal upper L Subscript upper L o upper S and normal upper P normal upper L Subscript upper N upper L o upper S are the LoS and NLoS path loss, respectively, for the free space propagation. double-struck upper P Subscript LoS is the LoS probability given as

References Scenario eta normal upper P normal upper L 0 (dB) sigma (dB)
Yanmaz et al. [8] Urban/Open field 2.2–2.6
Yanmaz et al. [9] Open field 2.01
Khawaja et al. [11] Suburban/Open field 2.54–3.037 21.9–34.9 2.79–5.3
Newhall et al. [12] Urban/Rural 4.1 5.24
Tu and Shimamoto [13] Near airports 2–2.25
Matolak and Sun [14] Suburban 1.7 (L‐band) 98.2–99.4 (L‐band) 2.6–3.1 (L‐band)
1.5–2 (C‐band) 110.4–116.7 (C‐band) 2.9–3.2 (C‐band)
Sun and Matolak [15] Mountains 1–1.8 96.1–123.9 2.2–3.9
Meng and Lee [16] Over sea 1.4–2.46 19–129

      Conventional well‐known channel models for cellular communications can be used for UAV communications for UAV altitude between 1.5 and 10 m. One such model for the macro‐cell network was designed for the rural environment by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) in [7,37].

      Since LoS and NLoS links are treated separately, the probability of LoS propagation is expressed as

      (2.8)PL Subscript LoS Superscript normal upper G Baseline equals Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column PL Subscript 1 Superscript normal upper G Baseline comma 2nd Column if 10 m less-than-or-equal-to d less-than-or-equal-to ModifyingAbove d With caret comma 2nd Row 1st Column PL Subscript 2 Superscript normal upper G Baseline comma 2nd Column if ModifyingAbove d With caret less-than-or-equal-to d less-than-or-equal-to 10 km comma EndMatrix

      (2.9)PL Subscript NLoS Superscript normal upper G Baseline equals max left-parenthesis PL Underscript LoS Overscript normal upper G Endscripts comma ModifyingAbove PL With Ì‚ Superscript normal upper G Baseline Subscript NLoS Baseline right-parenthesis comma for 10 m less-than-or-equal-to d less-than-or-equal-to </p>
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