(1.18) and by the Riemann integrability of
1.3.5 A Convergence Theorem
As the last result of this introductory chapter, we mention a convergence theorem for Perron–Stieltjes integrals. Such result is used in Chapter 3. A proof of it can be found in [180, Theorem 2.2].
Theorem 1.88: Consider functions and , for . Suppose
Appendix 1.A: The McShane Integral
The integrals introduced by J. Kurzweil [152] and independently by R. Henstock [118] in the late 1950s are equivalent to the restricted Denjoy integral and the Perron integral for integrands taking values in
In 1969, E. J. McShane (see [173, 174]) showed that a small change in the subdivision process of the domain of integration within the Kurzweil–Henstock (or Perron) integral leads to the Lebesgue integral. This is a very nice finding, since now the Lebesgue integral can be taught by presenting its Riemannian definition straightforwardly and, then, obtaining immediately some very interesting properties such as the linearity of the Lebesgue integral which comes directly from the fact that the Riemann sum can be split into two sums. The monotone convergence theorem for the Lebesgue integral is another example of a result which is naturally obtained from its equivalent definition due to McShane.
The Kurzweil integral and the variational Henstock integral can be extended to Banach space-valued functions as well as to the evaluation of integrands over unbounded intervals. The extension of the McShane integral, proposed by R. A. Gordon (see [107]) to Banach space-valued functions, gives a more general integral than that of Bochner–Lebesgue. As a matter of fact, the idea of McShane into the definition due to Kurzweil enlarges the class of Bochner–Lebesgue integrals.
On the other hand, when the idea of McShane is employed in the variational Henstock integral, one gets precisely the Bochner–Lebesgue integral. This interesting fact was proved by W. Congxin and Y. Xiabo in [47] and, independently, by C. S. Hönig in [131]. Later, L. Di Piazza and K. Musal generalized this result (see [55]). We clarify here that unlike the proof by Congxin and Xiabo, based on the Fréchet differentiability of the Bochner–Lebesgue integral, Hönig's idea to prove the equivalence between the Bochner–Lebesgue integral and the integral we refer to as Henstock–McShane integral uses the fact that the indefinite integral of a Henstock–McShane integrable function is itself a function of bounded variation and the fact that absolute Henstock integrable functions are also functions of bounded variation. In this way, the proof provided in [131] becomes simpler. We reproduce it in the next lines, since reference [131] is not easily available. We also refer to [73] for some details.
Definition 1.89: We say that a function
1 almost everywhere (i.e. for almost every ), and
2 .
With the notation of Definition 1.89, we define
Then, the space of all equivalence classes of Bochner–Lebesgue integrable functions, equipped with the norm
The next definition can be found in [239], for instance.
Definition 1.90: We say that a function