
Английский разговорный шутя. 100 анекдотов на все случаи жизни

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to the text:

      1. What sort of a dress was the wife wearing?

      2. How did the gorilla start to behave when the couple was passing its cage?

      3. What was the ape excited by?

      4. What did the husband suggest that his wife do when he noticed the gorilla's excitement?

      5. What did the husband suggest she do with the straps of her dress?

      6. What drove the poor gorilla absolutely crazy?

      7. Do you think the wife had really had many headaches?

      2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

      1. A man and his wife are visiting the _______ zoo.

      2. She's wearing a cute, _______ dress.

      3. They walk through the _______ exhibit.

      4. The gorilla is _______ excited at seeing the lady.

      5. The man suggests that his wife _______ the poor fellow.

      6. Then the husband suggests that she _______ one of her straps fall.

      7. This drives the gorilla absolutely _______.

      3. Say if the statements are true or false:

      1. As they pass in front of a very large gorilla, the gorilla falls asleep.

      2. The gorilla is obviously excited at seeing the pretty lady in the pink dress.

      3. The husband, noticing the excitement, suggests that his wife tease the poor fellow.

      4. Mr. Gorilla gets even more excited, making noises that would kill the alive.

      5. This drives the poor gorilla away.

      6. The husband grabs the gorilla, rips open the door to the cage, and flings her in with the wife.

      4. Match the words and expressions in the left column to those in the right one:

      5. Translate from Russian into English:

      1. На ней красивое, свободного покроя платье без рукавов, на лямках.

      2. Горилла начинает обезьянничать.

      3. Горилла явно возбуждена при виде дамы в розовом платье.

      4. Муж предлагает жене подразнить бедного парня.

      5. Он производит шум, который разбудил бы и мертвого.

      6. Горилла готова снести решетки.

      7. Он быстро хватает ее и толкает в клетку.

Revise English Grammar

      В сложных предложениях с союзом that (The husband suggests that his wife tease the poor fellow…, Then the husband suggests that she let one of her straps fall… и The husband then suggests that she try lifting her dress up her thighs…) мы сталкиваемся с одним из так называемых глаголов «побуждения к действию», использование которых подчиняется особому правилу.

      Проверьте, насколько хорошо вы знаете правило использования этих глаголов. В случае необходимости обратитесь к грамматическому комментарию (раздел 15).

      6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verbs:

      1. The man insisted that his wife (to wear) _______ a cute, loose-fitting dress.

      2. It is imperative that we (to walk) _______ through the ape exhibit.

      3. The husband proposed that his wife (to tease) _______ the poor fellow.

      4. Then the husband urged her wife (to let) _______ one of her straps fall.

      5. It is necessary (to tear) _______ the bars down.

      6. It is important that you (to lift) _______ your dress up your thighs.

      7. It was a recommendation that you (to grab) _______ your wife and (to fling) _______ her into the cage.

Revise English Grammar

      В предложении Then the husband suggests that she let one of her straps fall используется форма так называемого сложного дополнения She let the straps fall.

      Проверьте, насколько хорошо вы владеете этой синтаксической формой, при необходимости прибегая к грамматическому комментарию (раздел 16).

      7. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verbs:

      1. I want you (to visit) _______ the local zoo.

      2. I expect you (to wear) _______ this cute dress.

      3. Don't make him (to go) _______ ape.

      4. I saw him (to jump) _______ up on the bars.

      5. They heard the gorilla (to grunt) _______ and pound his chest with his free hand.

      6. I watched her (to wiggle) _______ her bottom.

      7. The husband noticed the ape (to be excited) _______, and wanted his wife (to tease) _______ the poor fellow even more.

      8. Transform the sentences into Passive:

      1. A man and his wife are visiting the local zoo.

      2. He pounds his chest with his free hand.

      3. The pretty lady in the pink dress obviously excited the gorilla.

      4. The noises would wake the dead.

      5. Gorilla is tearing the bars down.

      6. She has lifted her dress up her thighs.

      7. This drives the poor gorilla absolutely crazy.

      8. The husband grabs his wife and flings her in with the gorilla.

      9. Render the joke.

      Section 14

      Before you get married

      «Honey,» said a husband to his wife, «I invited a friend home for supper.» «What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I didn't go shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!» «I know all that.»

      «Then why did you invite a friend for supper?» «Because the poor fool is thinking about getting married.»

      Study the words and expressions given below:

      a mess беспорядок, состояние беспорядка

      fancy фантазия, воображение

      meal еда, прием пищи
