Susan Mallery

Fool's Gold Collection Part 1: Chasing Perfect / Almost Perfect / Sister of the Bride / Finding Perfect

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      Sure. Because that’s how it happened. A person woke up one morning and thought “I’m going to enter the Tour de France” and that was it.

      “Not this year. I’m still retired.”

      Mark, a plumber in town, punched him in the arm. “You’re too young to retire, but not too rich. Am I right?”

      Josh nodded and smiled, then wondered why he’d bothered to come into the bar.

      He wasn’t interested in winning another race. At this point, he simply wanted the ability to compete. To do what he did before. What he took for granted.

      “My kid’s pretty good,” Mark said when Jo handed him a beer. “Fast on his bike. He wants to race. You know, like you did. We’re thinking of sending him to one of those schools. He’s begging me every day.”

      “There are a couple of good places. How old is he?”


      “That’s kind of young.”

      “That’s what his mom and I say. He’s too young to be on his own. But he won’t leave it alone. Weren’t you going to open a racing school here, in town?”

      That had been the plan—back before the accident. Josh had several bids on construction, most of the money and his eye on a piece of property. But to do that, to commit himself to being a part of the school, meant riding again. Not a humiliation he was willing to take on right now.

      “I’ve thought about it,” he admitted, then wished he hadn’t.

      “You should do it. Solve our problem. You’re famous, man. Lots of people would come to ride with you. I bet they’d do a story about you on CNN.”

      That’s what he was afraid of, Josh thought grimly.

      “Something to think about,” he said and drained his beer. He dropped a few bills on the counter, then stood. “See you, Mark.”

      “Yeah. Think about it. The racing school. It could be great.”

      It could, Josh thought as he left the bar and headed back to the hotel. It could be a damned miracle. Because that’s what it would take.


      WEDNESDAY NIGHT CHARITY followed the directions Pia had given her, walking to the west part of town where the houses were older and larger, seated majestically on huge lots with mature trees. She saw the well-lit two story on the corner and walked up to the front door.

      Pia opened it before she could knock. “You came. Welcome.” Pia giggled. “Okay, I brought tequila and margarita mix and I’ve been sampling. What the hell. We’re all walking, so let’s have fun.”

      Tequila? “I just brought a couple of bottles of wine,” Charity said, wondering what she’d gotten herself into. Girls’ night out had sounded like fun, but she couldn’t afford to get really drunk. She had meetings in the morning.

      “Wine is great,” Pia said, swaying slightly, then grabbing the door frame for support. “Maybe I’ll have some.”

      A tall, pretty brunette appeared behind Pia and wrapped an arm around her waist. “You need to lie down, kid.”

      “I’m fine,” Pia said. “Don’t I look fine to you? I feel fine.”

      The woman smiled at Charity. “Don’t be frightened. Every now and then Pia feels the need to live up to the party image. It’s not a big deal.”

      “I can respect that,” Charity said.

      “Me, too. I’m Jo, your hostess for this month’s girls’ night. Come on in.”

      “I’m Charity.”

      “I figured that. We’re glad to have you.” Jo maneuvered Pia away from the door.

      Charity followed the two of them into the house.

      It was one of those great old places, with hardwood floors and plenty of built-ins. She suspected what had once been a lot of little rooms had been remodeled into several larger rooms. A fireplace large enough to hold an entire cow dominated the far wall. There were several sofas, comfy-looking chairs and a group of women looking at her curiously.

      A thin blonde stood and reached for Pia. “You sit by me,” she said. “I’ll take care of you.”

      “Just for tonight,” Pia said, slumping down on a sofa. “Tomorrow I take care of you.”

      “Tomorrow you’ll be puking your guts out.” The woman smiled at Charity. “Hi. I’m Crystal.”

      “Nice to meet you.”

      Charity was introduced to the other women and did her best to remember their names. Renee/Michelle was there and Charity was surprised to learn her name was actually Desiree. When the introductions were finished, Jo led Charity into the kitchen.

      “You can see what’s open, what’s in the blender and what you can create on your own.”

      The kitchen had been partially updated. The counters and sink appeared new, but the stove was from the forties and the cabinets looked like they might have been original.

      “Great place,” Charity said.

      “I like it. I know it’s big for just me, but I enjoy the space.” She pointed to the array of bottles on the counter. “Wine, both colors, margaritas in the blender, unless Pia drank them all. Mixers, vodka, Bailey’s. You name it, we have it.”

      “I’ll go with a glass of wine,” Charity said.

      “Playing it safe on your first night. Probably wise. Pick a color.”


      Jo got a glass and poured. After she handed it to Charity, she leaned against the counter. “So you’re our new city planner. How are you liking Fool’s Gold?”

      “I love it here. All my small-town fantasies are coming true.”

      Jo laughed. “I moved here about three years ago. From the east coast. It was quite a change, but a good one. The people are friendly. Pia invited me to join her and her friends. They made me feel very welcome.”

      Charity glanced toward the living room. “I appreciate the invitation. I want to get to know people.”

      “You will.”

      A pretty blonde walked into the kitchen and sighed. “I need more. Pia’s drunker than me and I was supposed to be the drunkest one at the party.” She smiled at Charity. “Hi, I’m Katie and please don’t think badly of me.”

      “I won’t.”

      “I don’t usually drink very much.”

      “Or at all,” Jo muttered. “Speaking as someone who owns a bar, you’re a real disappointment in that department.”

      “I know.” Katie leaned against the counter. “But tonight’s different. My sister’s getting married.”

      Charity felt confused. “And that’s a bad thing?”

      “The groom and I were dating when they met. For nearly a year. He’d bought me an engagement ring. But before he gave it to me, he met my sister and they kicked me to the curb.”

      “Ouch,” Charity said. “I’m sorry.”

      “Don’t be. He was a jerk,” Katie told her.

      Charity had a feeling that was the alcohol talking more than her heart.

      “The worst part is that the wedding is a four-day party up at the Lodge,” Jo added.

      “I need a date and I don’t have one.” Katie hiccupped softly.

      “There’s always Josh,” Jo offered.

      Katie rolled her eyes.