Susan Mallery

Fool's Gold Collection Part 1: Chasing Perfect / Almost Perfect / Sister of the Bride / Finding Perfect

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      “Pia is actually really nice. I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by what she said.”

      Charity stepped into the hallway and tried to smile. “I know. It’s the heartache and margaritas talking. Not that she wasn’t speaking the truth. I’m frumpy and I can’t figure out exactly how I let that happen. Or when!”

      “They say acknowledging the problem is the first step in healing.” Crystal’s blue eyes danced with humor as she spoke. “You’re really pretty. You just need to play up your assets.”

      “I need a new wardrobe.” She brushed the front of her dress again, feeling self-conscious about the old-fashioned fit.

      “Easily done. That’s why we all have credit cards.”

      “I’ve been letting mine get dusty for far too long.”

      “Then you should go shopping this weekend.”

      “Believe me, I will.”

      “Good for you,” Crystal told her. “Retail therapy is the best kind.”

      They walked toward the kitchen. Charity found herself not wanting to go back to the group. The need to run and hide was fairly powerful and not very comfortable. But before she could think of an excuse, Crystal spoke.

      “Can I ask you something?”


      “We have a fundraiser every year called Race for the Cure. We support childhood diseases, mostly cancer. I’m on the committee and we’re heading into our busy time. I can’t…” She glanced away and cleared her throat. “I’m really busy and don’t have the time I need. Anyway, I was wondering if I could talk you into taking my place.”

      Charity was grateful Jo had told her about Crystal’s illness. With that information, she knew how to avoid misstepping.

      “I’d love to be a part of that,” she said.

      Crystal looked surprised. “I was prepared to twist your arm and everything.”

      “I want to get involved with the community,” she said. “This gives me a perfect way to do something good while meeting people.”

      “Then we both win,” Crystal said. “Thank you.”

      A burst of laughter came from the living room.

      “Looks like we’re missing the party,” Crystal said. “Shall we?”

      Charity nodded and followed her back into the crowded room. She was determined to ignore her feelings of frumpiness, all of which could be healed fairly easily. Better to spend her time getting to know the women here. She wanted to fit in, and friends would make the transition easier.

      Jo handed her the glass of white wine. “You’re way behind us on the drinking, young lady.”

      “Then I’d better catch up.”


      THREE HOURS LATER, Charity made her way back to the hotel. She was in a much more mellow mood, the result of plenty of laughter and maybe a bit too much wine. The women had been a lot of fun, she thought. Jo was great, as was Crystal. Katie had kept them laughing with stories about the potential disaster that was Howie. And Charity had let go her sense of living as a fashion don’t. She would go shopping over the weekend and see what people her age wore when they weren’t trying out for a religious order.

      She reached the hotel and thought briefly about taking the elevator to the third floor. But she was determined to walk off the nacho calories she’d eaten at Jo’s.

      On the second floor, she walked to the smaller staircase that would take her to the third. She’d barely taken two steps, when the lights went out.

      The darkness was as absolute as it was unexpected. Charity heard doors open on the floor below and above, and people talking. There was more laughter than panic in their voices.

      She kept hold of the railing and carefully continued to climb to her floor. Once there, she would probably be able to find her way to her room. Not that she was sure she could get in. Did a card key lock work off a battery or electricity?

      When she neared what she thought was the top of the stairs, she went more slowly. She felt carefully with her foot, took another step and bumped into something warm and solid and male.

      It took her brain less than a second to register the heat, size and scent of the man. Her belly flipped over, her thighs began to hum softly as her fingers curled tighter around the banister.

      “You all right, Charity?” Josh asked.

      Surprise joined the other sensations. “How did you know it was me?”

      “Your perfume.”

      Actually it was her hair conditioner, but saying that made her sound as conservative as her clothes, so she kept quiet.

      “Don’t worry. The power will be on in a few minutes,” he said as he put his hand on hers. “You’re right by the top. Just one more step.”

      She eased upward, propelled by desire as much as by muscle. When she was close to Josh, even floating seemed possible. Which meant she was in worse shape than she’d thought.

      It was the wine, she told herself. She wasn’t herself. But maybe being herself was the problem. After all, every guy she’d ever cared about had treated her badly. They’d cheated or stolen and Ted had beaten her up. Just once, she reminded herself sternly. She’d left as soon as she’d picked herself up off the floor. Grabbed her purse and walked out, never once considering that she would go back.

      “Charity?” Josh sounded puzzled. “You okay?”

      “Yes. Sorry. Just thinking. I was at Jo’s and…”

      He laughed. “Girls’ night out. Or in. Never mind. I know what happened. Margaritas?”

      “White wine. Although Pia was doing the tequila thing.”

      He put his arm around her as they moved into the hall. “Can you walk?”

      “I’m not drunk.”

      “Just happy?”

      She was now, standing so close to him, feeling the strength of his body. He was the kind of guy who could sweep a woman up in his arms without breaking a sweat.

      “I’m happy,” she whispered.

      She sensed movement. In the darkness, it was hard to tell. But it felt like Josh wasn’t next to her anymore. That he was in front of her, and standing very, very close.

      Fingertips lightly touched her cheek. The contact was delicious and she couldn’t help the little sigh that escaped her lips.

      “You have no idea,” he murmured.

      “About what?”

      Instead of answering, he pressed his mouth to hers.

      The contact was warm and firm and soft and just demanding enough. He kissed with an ease she couldn’t explain but knew meant he really liked the kissing thing. It wasn’t just a required step on the road to what he really wanted.

      She probably should have been shocked, but she wasn’t. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was simply time to let the hormones do their thing. They’d sure been bugging her enough. So she relaxed against Josh, wrapped her arms around his neck and gave herself over to every erotic sensation pouring through her.

      He dropped his hands to her waist and pulled her closer. She went willingly, closing those last few inches separating them. She parted her lips and he swept inside, touching her tongue with his.

      Desire raced through her. She could barely keep herself from begging. He tasted like the chocolate mints that were left on her pillow every night and something a little stronger. Maybe Scotch.
