Susan Mallery

Fool's Gold Collection Part 1: Chasing Perfect / Almost Perfect / Sister of the Bride / Finding Perfect

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      Marsha smiled at her. “And this is the part of small-town life that is difficult. We know each other’s joys, but we also know each other’s sorrows.” She shook her head. “And now let’s talk about something more cheerful. I couldn’t help but notice you had dinner with Robert the other night. Was that fun?”

      Charity wasn’t used to discussing her personal life with her boss. She knew that Marsha was just being friendly, but she honestly didn’t know what to say, what with Robert being the town treasurer and all.

      “He’s a great guy.”

      “Very eligible.”

      “It’s a little early to be marrying me off.”

      “True, but I can’t help it. I have a matchmaker’s heart. I love watching people fall in love. Robert seems very steady.” She laughed. “Which sounds awful, but you know what I mean. It’s the dependable thing. He’s not flashy.”

      Not like Josh, Charity thought, doing her best not to remember the brief but incredible kiss she and Josh had shared. No point in belaboring the impossible, not to mention improbable.

      Marsha sipped her tea again. “Although something could be said for a man who will always surprise you.”

      Charity blinked. “Excuse me? What happened to steady?”

      “I suppose I’m biased. I’ve known Josh a long time. He’s like a son to me. I’d like to see him settle down with someone special.”

      Charity would like to see him naked, but she wasn’t going to mention that. “Wasn’t he married before?”

      “Yes, but she was all wrong for him. Talk about flashy. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen. He was thinking with the wrong part of his anatomy, if you get my meaning.”

      Charity grinned. “I do.”

      “He’s so much more than people give him credit for. I still remember the first time I saw him. He and his mother had moved here from Arizona. Josh had been in a horrible accident. He’d been hiking with his mother and fallen down the side of a mountain. He was battered and still healing. He could barely walk—his poor legs were so twisted.”

      Charity tried to compare that image with the man she knew. It was impossible. “He’s so perfect.”

      “Oh, he’s many things, but perfect isn’t one of them. But I know what you mean. He has that face and that body. But when he was a boy, it was a different story. She left him.”

      “His mother?”

      “Yes. She abandoned him about four months after they moved here. Just walked out one afternoon. Got in her car and drove away. I found Josh standing outside their motel room, waiting for her. At first we all assumed she would come back. But she didn’t. We looked for her, of course, but if a person doesn’t want to be found, hiding isn’t that hard.”

      Charity had grown up moving from place to place. She’d hated always having to be the new girl, but she’d never been abandoned. Sandra had been flakey and selfish, but she’d never considered leaving Charity behind. It was one thing to lose a parent through an accident or illness, but to be discarded…How did anyone recover from that?

      “What happened?” she asked.

      “No one knew what to do. There was the foster care system, which we weren’t enthused about, but it wasn’t as if the town could adopt a boy. He needed stability. The city council met to make a decision when Denise Hendrix walked in. She already had six children of her own, including triplet girls, if you can imagine. Her oldest, Ethan, was Josh’s age. She said one more child wouldn’t matter. So Josh moved in with them. He and Ethan became good friends. Best friends. They used to ride bikes together.”

      “I’ve heard the name. Doesn’t Ethan own a windmill manufacturing company? He’s on my list of people to visit.”

      “Yes, that’s him. He also has the construction firm he inherited from his father. You’ll like Ethan.” Marsha’s eyes twinkled. “He’s single, too. A widower.”

      Charity laughed. “You’ve got to stop trying to fix me up. I’ll figure it out on my own. My first order of business is to get settled and get Fool’s Gold new businesses. My love life can wait.”

      “It seems to me you could do both. You’re still thinking of buying a house?”

      “Yes. I’m going to some open houses this weekend.”

      “You’ll have a good time. There’s a lot to choose from in town. You should talk to Josh. He always knows when a new property is coming on the market.”

      Charity raised her eyebrows.

      Marsha shook her head. “I mean that in the real estate sense, I’m not trying to fix you up.”

      “I don’t think I believe you.”

      Marsha winked. “You probably shouldn’t. I can be wily.”

      Once again Charity was delighted she’d taken this job. Working for Marsha was a pleasure and she hoped she and the mayor could become good friends. Marsha was easy to be with.

      There was a knock on her open door. She looked up and saw Robert walking toward them.

      “I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said, handing Marsha a legal-looking letter. “This couldn’t wait.”

      Marsha scanned the letter. “It’s from the State of California.”

      “They’re following up on money they sent. It was earmarked for road repair. They want confirmation that it was used correctly.”

      “Road repair. I don’t know anything about this.”

      “None of us do,” Robert said. “The money was never received by my office. It’s missing.”

      Charity shifted her gaze to Marsha, who looked stunned.

      “How much are we talking about?” the mayor asked.

      “Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”


      “THANKS FOR TAKING CRYSTAL’S place on the committee,” Pia said as she and Charity walked to the recreation center by the park.

      “I’m looking forward to it,” Charity said. “I want to get involved with town activities.”

      “Uh-huh. You say that now. But let me be clear—you’ve agreed so there’s no backing out. Don’t come whining to me later.”

      Charity laughed. “How bad could it be?”

      “Ask me that again in three months when you’re signing in fifteen hundred racers.”

      “There’s an actual race?” Charity said, pretending surprise.

      “Very funny.”

      “I’ll be fine.”

      “You’d better be. You’re new and have energy. I plan to use you shamelessly.” Pia shifted her tote to her other shoulder. “Love the jacket, by the way. Red is so your color.”

      “Thanks. I did some shopping.” The black pants were new, too. Boot cut and long, which worked as she was in high-heeled boots. The black short-sleeved sweater provided a simple backdrop for the deep Red Riding-inspired jacket.

      Pia slowed, then stopped. “Oh, God. I’m having a weird out-of-body experience. The other night, at Jo’s, did I say something about your clothes?”

      “You mentioned they were a little out of date.”

      Pia winced. “I was so drunk. I’m sorry. At Jo’s place—I was hideous, wasn’t I? Can you forgive me?”

      Charity touched her arm. “There’s nothing to forgive. You weren’t wrong. I was dressing too conservatively. Hiding from my life.