Victoria Holt

Spiritual Facelift

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is a common trade name for the product. Hyaluronan injections temporarily smooth wrinkles by adding volume under the skin with the effects typically lasting for six months. Nowadays you can find facial serums with hyaluronic acid and many body lotions that contain it.

      Hyaluronic acid can also be accessed through safer natural food sources. Soy is a great vegetable option because of its tendency to increase levels of estrogen in the body which, in turn, increases levels of hyaluronic acid. Tofu or soy bean curd and edamame, soy beans in their original baby form, are the most versatile soy food. Soy milk, soy ice cream, or soy yogurt are other options. Hyaluronic acid can also be sourced from sweet potatoes and other starchy roots. Low levels of hyaluronic acid have been found in individuals with low zinc and magnesium levels. You can source magnesium from a variety of magnesium rich fruits such as apples, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, avocados, pineapples, oranges, papayas, melons, peaches, and pears. Legumes such as kidney beans, pinto beans, black-eyed peas, and lentils are also rich in magnesium.

      Glutathione is an important nutrient needed to give skin a radiant glow and to defy the aging process. It makes pores finer so your skin becomes smoother and clearer. It also controls acne and prevents acne marks. Glutathione is an amino acid found in every cell of a living organism. It is the ultimate antioxidant because it protects the body from a multitude of diseases and conditions. But as we age, our glutathione levels are depleted due to exposure to air pollutants, stress, drugs, smoking, or food chemicals that damage our cellular systems. Glutathione can be taken as a supplement, or it can be found in foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. Various herbs such as cinnamon and cardamom have compounds that can restore healthy levels of glutathione. The high amount of selenium in Brazil nuts can also increase glutathione levels.

      Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is also a beneficial supplement. CoQ10 is an antioxidant compound made naturally by the body that protects cells from free radicals and promotes healthy cell growth. As we age, our levels of CoQ10 begin to deplete. It is one of the few antioxidants to have shown effectiveness as an external topical product. Many face creams, foundations, cleansers, masks, overnight skin care nourishments, and daytime moisturizers containing pure forms of CoQ10 are becoming popular. They have shown almost immediate results with skin tone, elasticity, and age spots. Foods that contain CoQ10 include soybeans, sesame seeds, corn oils, sardine, mackerel, tuna, herring, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, adzuki beans, and hazelnuts.

      Other necessary supplements are selenium, which reduces the risk of sunburn and promotes an even skin tone, and Vitamin C, which keeps the skin firm and maintains the collagen in our skin.

      Taking a high grade B complex vitamin and liquid trace minerals will also give your body extra support. They will not only keep your skin healthy but your brain alert and functioning properly so that you do not get so stressed. Folic acid, also called folate, is a B vitamin that is often deficient in people who are depressed. The mineral chromium is also important for brain health. It is becoming very popular as a natural remedy for depression. Unfortunately our soil has become severely depleted of this vital trace mineral, and therefore, it is also lacking in our food source. We should take extra chromium everyday in supplemental form.

      Not only is chromium needed for healthy brain function and curing depression, it is also the main mineral responsible for the conversion of sugar into energy. Many people are diabetic, not just because they are overeating and consuming an unhealthy diet but also due to the fact that chromium is no longer present in the food source. The inability to convert sugar in our body causes not only insulin disorders and glucose intolerance but also depression and other psychotic behaviors. The sugar literally shocks the brain, severely impacting its ability to function properly and creating emotional disturbances.

      Hypoglycemia is also a hidden epidemic causing low blood sugar issues, mood swings, and sugar cravings. The brain becomes starved of glucose and goes into shock; sometimes comas occur because the body is unable to regulate sugar levels. Most alcoholics are hypoglycemic; they crave sugar. Many people with mental health problems are also hypoglycemic. Hypoglycemic women exhibit symptoms of depression when their sugar is low and men are known to become violent and angry. I believe that millions of people are being unnecessarily locked up in mental hospitals and given mind-numbing drugs because of a simple lack of proper nutrition for the brain and because of blood sugar issues. Many prisoners are also being locked up for violent or angry behaviors due to low blood sugar disorders. All alcoholics, mental health patients, and those under arrest should have tests for hypoglycemia and diabetes before they are either committed to a mental institution or incarcerated in jail. Organic foods and natural supplementation for the brain should play a mandatory role in the justice and mental health systems.

      Stress drains the body of magnesium. Magnesium helps to produce serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation. Epsom salts, which is hydrated magnesium sulfate, is considered to be a natural stress reliever. When dissolved in warm water, magnesium sulfate is absorbed through the skin and replenishes the level of magnesium in the body. The salt draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, and relaxes muscles. The experts believe that bathing with Epsom salts at least three times a week helps a person look better, feel better, and gain more energy. Magnesium ions also relax and reduce irritability by lowering the affects of adrenaline.

      Studies have also linked depression with insufficient intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Fats make up 60 percent of the brain and the nerves that run every system in the body. So it stands to reason that the better the fat in the diet, the better the brain. The average American brain is getting enough fat, but it is not getting the right kind of fat. In countries such as Japan and Taiwan who have higher fish consumption, which is a good source of the omega fatty acids, the depression rate is ten times lower than in North American. Postpartum depression is also less common.

      The body needs two kinds of fat to manufacture healthy brain cells which act as the message senders and prostaglandins which are the messengers. These are omega-6 fatty acids found in many oils, such as safflower, sunflower, corn, and sesame oils, and omega-3 fatty acids found in flax, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and coldwater fish, such as salmon and tuna. Most important to brain function are the two essential fatty acids: linoleic (or omega-6) and alpha linolenic (or omega-3). These are the prime structural components of brain cell membranes and are also an important part of the enzymes within cell membranes that allow the membranes to transport valuable nutrients in and out of the cells. Our bodies cannot make omega-3s on their own, so we must obtain them through our diet.

      Flaxseed is an especially powerful natural antiwrinkle agent. Our bodies use the essential fatty acids (EFA) contained in flaxseed oil to metabolize vitamins, produce hormones, and protect us at a cellular level. Our skin has a fatty layer made up of these acids and additional fats. The more omega-3 fatty acids you have in your body, the stronger the layer of fat will be around the skin cells, meaning that your cells (and your skin) will be plumper. When you plump up the skin, the appearance of wrinkles diminishes. Fatty acids also dilute sebum and unclog pores that otherwise lead to acne. Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands in mammalian skin. Its main purpose is to make the skin and hair waterproof and to protect them from drying out. An excess of sebum, however, can make the skin or hair oily. When you use omega-3s as part of your regular diet, you will notice that your skin complexion will begin to look cleaner, fuller, and smoother.

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