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Collins Primary Dictionaries

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en voz baja. They were speaking quietly.

      2 short Mi hermano es muy bajo. My brother is very short.

      3 ground Viven en la planta baja. They live on the ground floor.


      under Juan llevaba un libro bajo el brazo. Juan was carrying a book under his arm.

      C ADVERB

      1 low El avión volaba muy bajo. The plane was flying very low.

      2 quietly ¡Habla bajo! Speak quietly!

      la bala NOUN


      el balcón (PL los balcones) NOUN


      la baldosa NOUN


      la ballena NOUN


      el ballet (PL los ballets) NOUN


      el balón (PL los balones) NOUN


      balón de fútbol football

      el baloncesto NOUN

      basketball jugar al baloncesto to play basketball

      el balonvolea NOUN

      volleyball jugar al balonvolea to play volleyball

      el banco NOUN

      1 bench

      2 bank

      la banda NOUN

      1 band Toca la trompeta en una banda. He plays the trumpet with a band.

      2 gang La policía ha cogido a toda la banda. The police have caught the whole gang. la banda ancha broadband la banda sonora the soundtrack

      la bandeja NOUN


      la bandera NOUN


      la banqueta NOUN


      el banquillo NOUN

      bench El entrenador está en el banquillo. The trainer is sitting on the bench.

      el bañador NOUN

      1 swimming trunks

      2 swimming costume

      bañarse VERB

      1 to have a bath

      Me gusta más bañarme que ducharme. I prefer having a bath to having a shower.

      2 to go for a swim Estuve en la playa pero no me bañé. I went to the beach but I didn’t go for a swim.

      la bañera NOUN


      el baño NOUN

      1 bathroom La casa tiene dos baños. The house has two bathrooms. darse un baño to have a bath/to go for a swim

       Language tip

      darse un baño has two meanings. It can be translated by to have a bath or to go for a swim.

      2 toilet ¿Puedo usar el baño, por favor? Can I use the toilet, please?

      el bar NOUN


      la baraja NOUN

       pack of cards

      barato (FEM barata)

      barato can be an adjective or an adverb.


      cheap Esta marca es más barata que aquélla. This brand is cheaper than that one.

      B ADVERB

      cheaply Aquí se come muy barato. You can eat really cheaply here.

      la barba NOUN

      beard dejarse barba to grow a beard

      la barbaridad NOUN

      1 atrocity Hicieron barbaridades en la guerra. They committed atrocities during the war.

      2 Pablo come una barbaridad. Pablo eats an awful lot.

      la barbilla NOUN


      la barca NOUN


      el barco NOUN

      1 ship

      2 boat

      un barco de vela a sailing boat

      la barra NOUN

      bar una barra metálica a metal bar Me tomé un café en la barra. I had a coffee at the bar. una barra de pan a French stick una barra de labios a lipstick

      barrer VERB

       to sweep

      la barrera NOUN


      la barriga NOUN

      belly Estás echando barriga. You’re getting a bit of a belly. Me duele la barriga. I’ve got a stomachache.

      el barrio NOUN

      area Ese chico no es del barrio. That boy’s not from this area.

      el barro NOUN

      mud Me llené los zapatos de barro. My shoes got covered in mud.
