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Le gastamos una broma al profesor. We played a joke on the teacher. decir algo en broma to say something as a joke una broma pesada a practical joke

      bromear VERB

       to joke

      el/la bromista NOUN


      la bronca NOUN

      1 row Tuvieron una bronca muy gorda. They had a huge row.

      2 fuss

      echar una bronca a alguien to tell somebody off

      el bronce NOUN


      el bronceado NOUN


      el bronceador NOUN

       suntan lotion

      la bruja NOUN


      el brujo NOUN


      la brújula NOUN


      bruto (FEM bruta) ADJECTIVE

      rough ¡No seas bruto! Don’t be so rough!

      bucear VERB

       to dive

      buen ADJECTIVE ▷see bueno

       Language tip

      When bueno goes in front of a masculine singular noun it is shortened to buen.

      Es un buen hombre. He’s a good man.

      bueno (FEM buena) ADJECTIVE

      good Es un buen libro. It’s a good book. Hace buen tiempo. The weather’s good. Es buena persona. He’s a good person. un buen trozo a good slice ser bueno para to be good for Está muy bueno este bizcocho. This sponge cake is lovely. ¡Buenos días! Good morning! ¡Buenas tardes! Good afternoon!/Good evening! ¡Buenas noches! Good evening!/Good night!

       Language tip

      Did you know that the Spanish use ¡buenas tardes! in the afternoon and early evening and ¡buenas noches! when it starts to get dark as well as when they say good night?

      ¡Bueno! OK!

      la bufanda NOUN


      el búho NOUN


      el bulto NOUN

      lump Tengo un bulto en la frente. I have a lump on my forehead.

      la burbuja NOUN

      bubble un refresco sin burbujas a still drink un refresco con burbujas a fizzy drink

      la burla NOUN

      Siempre hacen burla de mí. They are always making fun of me.

      burlarse VERB

      Siempre se burlan de mí. They are always making fun of me.

      la burrada NOUN

      Siempre andan haciendo burradas. They’re always messing around.


      burro can be a noun or an adjective.


      1 donkey

      2 idiot Eres un burro. You’re an idiot.

      B (FEM burra) ADJECTIVE

      1 thick

      2 rough

      el buscador NOUN

       search engine

      buscar VERB

      1 to look for Estoy buscando las gafas. I’m looking for my glasses.

      2 to pick up Mi madre siempre me viene a buscar al colegio en coche. My mother always picks me up from school in the car.

      3 to look up Busca la palabra en el diccionario. Look the word up in the dictionary. Él se lo ha buscado. He was asking for it.

      la búsqueda NOUN


      la butaca NOUN


      el buzo NOUN


      el buzón (PL los buzones) NOUN

      1 letterbox

       Did you know…?

      Spanish letterboxes tend to be American-Style boxes in which the postman leaves mail rather than the hole in the door that is common in the UK.

      2 postbox echar una carta al buzón to post a letter buzón de voz voice mail

       C c

      el caballo NOUN

      horse ¿Te gusta montar a caballo? Do you like horseriding?

      el cabello NOUN


      caber VERB

      to fit No cabe en mi armario. It won’t fit in my cupboard. No cabe nadie más. There’s no room for anyone else.

      la cabeza NOUN

      head Se rascó la cabeza. He scratched his head.

      la cabina NOUN

       phone box

      el cable NOUN


      la cabra NOUN
