Alfred Thayer Mahan

The Influence of Sea Power upon History

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personality in Europe

       His policy

       Colbert's administrative acts

       Second Anglo-Dutch War, 1665

       Battle of Lowestoft, 1665

       Fire-ships, compared with torpedo-cruisers

       The group formation

       The order of battle for sailing-ships

       The Four Days' Battle, 1666

       Military merits of the opposing fleets

       Soldiers commanding fleets, discussion

       Ruyter in the Thames, 1667

       Peace of Breda, 1667

       Military value of commerce-destroying

       Chapter IV: English Revolution. War of the League of Augsburg, 1688–1697. Sea Battles of Beachy Head and La Hougue.

       Aggressions of Louis XIV. on Spanish Netherlands

       Policy of the United Provinces

       Triple alliance between England, Holland, and Sweden

       Anger of Louis XIV

       Leibnitz proposes to Louis to seize Egypt

       His memorial

       Bargaining between Louis XIV. and Charles II.

       The two kings declare war against the United Provinces

       Military character of this war

       Naval strategy of the Dutch

       Tactical combinations of De Ruyter

       Inefficiency of Dutch naval administration

       Battle of Solebay, 1672

       Tactical comments

       Effect of the battle on the course of the war

       Land campaign of the French in Holland

       Murder of John De Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland

       Accession to power of William of Orange

       Uneasiness among European States

       Naval battles off Schoneveldt, 1673

       Naval battle of the Texel, 1673

       Effect upon the general war

       Equivocal action of the French fleet

       General ineffectiveness of maritime coalitions

       Military character of De Ruyter

       Coalition against France

       Peace between England and the United Provinces

       Sicilian revolt against Spain

       Battle of Stromboli, 1676

       Illustration of Clerk's naval tactics

       De Ruyter killed off Agosta

       England becomes hostile to France

       Sufferings of the United Provinces

       Peace of Nimeguen, 1678

       Effects of the war on France and Holland

       Notice of Comte D'Estrees

       Chapter V: War of the Spanish Succession, 1702–1713. Sea Battle of Malaga.

       Failure of the Spanish line of the House of Austria

       King of Spain wills the succession to the Duke of Anjou

       Death of the King of Spain

       Louis XIV. accepts the bequests

       He seizes towns in Spanish Netherlands

       Offensive alliance between England, Holland, and Austria

       Declarations of war

       The allies proclaim Carlos III. King of Spain

       Affair of the Vigo galleons

       Portugal joins the allies

       Character of the naval warfare

       Capture of Gibraltar by the English

       Naval battle of Malaga, 1704

       Decay of the French navy

       Progress of the land war

       Allies seize Sardinia and Minorca

       Disgrace of Marlborough

       England offers terms of peace

       Peace of Utrecht, 1713

       Terms of the peace

       Results of the war to the different belligerents

       Commanding position of Great Britain

       Sea Power dependent upon both commerce and naval strength

       Peculiar position of France as regards Sea Power

       Depressed condition of France

       Commercial prosperity of England

       Ineffectiveness of commerce-destroying

       Duguay-Trouin's expedition against Rio de Janeiro, 1711

       War between Russia and Sweden

       Chapter VI: The Regency in France. Alberoni in Spain. Policies of Walpole and Fleuri. War of the Polish Succession. English Contraband Trade in Spanish America. Great Britain Declares War Against Spain, 1715–1739.

       Death of Queen Anne and Louis XIV

       Accession of George I

       Regency of Philip of Orleans

       Administration of Alberoni in Spain

       Spaniards invade Sardinia

       Alliance of Austria, England, Holland, and France

       Spaniards invade Sicily

       Destruction of Spanish navy off Cape Passaro, 1718

       Failure and dismissal of Alberoni

       Spain accepts terms

       Great Britain interferes in the Baltic

       Death of Philip of Orleans

       Administration of Fleuri in France

       Growth of French commerce

       France in the East Indies

       Troubles between England and Spain

       English contraband trade in Spanish America

       Illegal search of English ships

       Walpole's struggles to preserve peace

       War of the Polish Succession

       Creation of the Bourbon kingdom of the Two Sicilies

       Bourbon family compact
