Alfred Thayer Mahan

The Influence of Sea Power upon History

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of Sea Power

       Proper use of the naval force

       Chapter XII: Events in the East Indies, 1778–1781. Suffren Sails from Brest for India, 1781. His Brilliant Naval Campaign in the Indian Seas, 1782, 1783.

       Neglect of India by the French government

       England at war with Mysore and with the Mahrattas

       Arrival of the French squadron under Comte d'Orves

       It effects nothing and returns to the Isle of France

       Suffren sails from Brest with five ships-of-the-line, 1781

       Attacks an English squadron in the Cape Verde Islands, 1781

       Conduct and results of this attack

       Distinguishing merits of Suffren as a naval leader

       Suffren saves the Cape Colony from the English

       He reaches the Isle of France

       Succeeds to the chief command of the French fleet

       Meets the British squadron under Hughes at Madras

       Analysis of the naval strategic situation in India

       The first battle between Suffren and Hughes, Feb. 17, 1782

       Suffren's views of the naval situation in India

       Tactical oversights made by Suffren

       Inadequate support received by him from his captains

       Suffren goes to Pondicherry, Hughes to Trincomalee

       The second battle between Suffren and Hughes, April 12, 1782

       Suffren's tactics in the action

       Relative injuries received by the opposing fleets

       Contemporaneous English criticisms upon Hughes's conduct

       Destitute condition of Suffren's fleet

       His activity and success in supplying wants

       He communicates with Hyder Ali, Sultan of Mysore

       Firmness and insight shown by Suffren

       His refusal to obey orders from home to leave the Indian Coast

       The third battle between Suffren and Hughes, July 6, 1782

       Qualities shown by Hughes

       Stubborn fighting by the British admiral and captains

       Suffren deprives three captains of their commands

       Dilatory conduct of Admiral Hughes

       Suffren attacks and takes Trincomalee

       Strategic importance of this success

       Comparative condition of the two fleets in material for repairs

       The English government despatches powerful reinforcements

       The French court fails to support Suffren

       The fourth battle between Suffren and Hughes, Sept. 3, 1782

       Mismanagement and injuries of the French

       Contrast between the captains in the opposing fleets

       Two ships of Suffren's fleet grounded and lost

       Arrival of British reinforcements under Admiral Bickerton

       Approach of bad-weather season; Hughes goes to Bombay

       Military situation of French and English in India

       Delays of the French reinforcements under Bussy

       Suffren takes his fleet to Achem, in Sumatra

       He returns to the Indian coast

       Arrival of Bussy

       Decline of the French power on shore

       The English besiege Bussy in Cuddalore by land and sea

       Suffren relieves the place

       The fifth battle between Suffren and Hughes, June 20, 1783

       Decisive character of Suffren's action

       News of the peace received at Madras

       Suffren sails for France

       His flattering reception everywhere

       His distinguishing military qualities

       His later career and death

       Chapter XIII: Events in the West Indies after the Surrender of Yorktown. Encounters of De Grasse with Hood. The Sea Battle of the Saints. 1781–1782.

       Maritime struggle transferred from the continent to West Indies

       De Grasse sails for the islands

       French expedition against the island of St. Christopher, January, 1782

       Hood attempts to relieve the garrison

       Manoeuvres of the two fleets

       Action between De Grasse and Hood

       Hood seizes the anchorage left by De Grasse

       De Grasse attacks Hood at his anchorage

       Hood maintains his position

       Surrender of the garrison and island

       Merits of Hood's action

       Criticism upon De Grasse's conduct

       Rodney arrives in West Indies from England

       Junction of Rodney and Hood at Antigua

       De Grasse returns to Martinique

       Allied plans to capture Jamaica

       Rodney takes his station at Sta. Lucia

       The French fleet sails and is pursued by Rodney

       Action of April 9, 1782

       Criticism upon the action

       The chase continued; accidents to French ships

       The naval battle of the Saints, April 12, 1782

       Rodney breaks the French line

       Capture of the French commander-in-chief and five ships-of-the-line

       Details of the action

       Analysis of the effects of Rodney's manoeuvre

       Tactical bearing of improvements in naval equipment

       Lessons of this short naval campaign

       Rodney's failure to pursue the French fleet

       Examination of his reasons and of the actual conditions

       Probable effect of this failure upon the conditions of peace

       Rodney's opinions upon the battle of April 12

       Successes achieved by Rodney during his command

       He is recalled by a new ministry

       Exaggerated view