Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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Jingkun listened to the remarks of the vice president and the doctor Wang, and their eyes were also patrolling back and forth at the protected crime scene.

      The scene is actually quite simple. Because it is a cooperative unit with the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Army General Hospital has set up an independent morgue and autopsy area for the Public Security Bureau, which is separate from the hospital.

      Except that the two parts of the autopsy area are connected by a door in the middle, there is only one door on this side of the independent morgue for people and corpse vehicles to enter and exit. That is, there are only two exit channels.

      This side of the independent mortuary is very air-conditioned, because it needs to be refrigerated and embalmed, so even if the outside of the morgue is still around minus 10 degrees Celsius, the coldness makes people shiver when they come in.

      After all, Jinling belongs to the south of the north-south central line of the Xia Kingdom. In this era, the coldest time in winter is usually around zero degrees. Now it is not the coldest time. The temperature during the day is often 17 or 18 degrees, and it is not as cool as it is here. .

      Besides, places like morgues and morgues are related to the deceased, which will always make Xia Guo feel a cold and cold feeling in the hearts of people. This is an inherent impression brought by cultural cognition. After all, people always prefer death and life, and there are many bizarre rumors and descriptions of ancient Yizhuang and modern morgues, which have become common materials for ghost stories.

      There was nothing to see in the morgue. Two morgue cabinets were opened randomly, the doors of the cabinets were damaged, and there was some chaos in the room, some of which looked like signs of collision or fighting.

      Both Gao Guo and Gao Guo were old police detectives who had been in the police for many years. After turning around, they had a general understanding of the situation. They knew that they could not see any specific details with the naked eye. Just to understand the scene, they asked the hospital to continue to block the scene. Tomorrow Please ask colleagues from the forensic department to come over and check carefully to see if you can find clues such as fingerprints and footprints.

      The vice president naturally agreed.

      Gao Jingkun nodded in thanks, and then said: The dean is here, please, we have to take a look at the monitoring.

      In the modern 21st century criminal investigation and handling of cases, surveillance video is actually a very important reconnaissance method, and it is also a decisive evidence.

      There is only one exit in this morgue, and there are monitoring equipment inside and outside. There are only two exits in the hospital morgue and the autopsy area. As long as the monitoring is not damaged, it is still very easy to find the thief.

      So Gao Jingkun and Guo Shihong didn't talk too much, they went straight to the monitoring room of the hospital under the leadership of police officer Xiao Li and the security captain next to them.

      The monitoring room is located in the security office area. As a well-known large hospital in central and southern China, it is also the Jiangnan Military Region General Hospital. The security department of the Army General Hospital is naturally not comparable to ordinary units. Branch, the members recruited are basically retired from the army, and they have to go out for exercise training on a daily basis. In terms of elite level, they are even higher than the general district and county police stations.

      After all, those from the police academy are more inclined to detect and solve cases, while those from the military are better at fighting.

      The captain Gao, who shares the same surname as Gao Jingkun, also maintained the military's resolute and resolute style. After receiving the order of the vice president, he did not delay for a few seconds, and immediately rushed to the monitoring room with two police detectives. Comparable to the trot of ordinary people.

      Fortunately, Gao Jingkun and Guo Shihong have better physical fitness than ordinary people, and they can keep up with the case they are concerned about.

      In just two minutes, he walked from the morgue to the monitoring room.

      After calling up today's surveillance, Guo Shihong asked the security guard in charge of the surveillance to start fast-forward playback ten minutes before the on-duty Dr. Wang went out to pick up the takeaway.

      stop! right here, normal speed playback

      Chapter 9 Weird Surveillance Screen

      In the video, everyone saw Dr. Wang put on the white coat that was on the back of the chair. After leaving the position and opening the door, Gao Jingkun suddenly called to stop, and then the picture returned to normal speed. He pointed to the camera inside the independent morgue. The screen says:

      Look Guo Zi!

      In the picture, there seemed to be tremors in the rows of morgues.

      If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought it was dazzling, but the banging and crashing sounds recorded from the surveillance proved that they were not dazzling.

      Soon, the door of one of the morgues bulged a little, as if something were hitting hard inside.

      What's happening here?

      Everyone present was a little puzzled and felt a chill in their hearts. How could there be such a sound and picture in a morgue without anyone, and it still happened in the morgue. Could it be that the contents are coming out?

      Soon, the sound of the collision became more and more intense, and then, under the astonished gaze of everyone, the door of a deformed morgue was broken open from the inside, and then a bluish foot was seen sticking out from the inside. Come out, a man with red fruit slipped from the mortuary to the ground.

      At this time, the morgue next to him was also broken open, and the two men with bruises and ferocious faces came alive like this.


      The security guard and police officer Xiao Li who was in charge of monitoring immediately screamed. Seeing this picture, most normal people would scream in fear.

      In fact, the security captain's hand was squeezing the back of the chair. If it weren't for the strong heart that has been trained over the years in the army and on the battlefield, he would have screamed like his subordinates.


      Even the two police detectives Gao Jingkun and Guo Shihong couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, because they had seen quite a few bizarre cases in police over the years, but it was the first time they had seen such a scene of the resurrection of the dead.

      Moreover, the other party's blue-black face and turbid eyes, which were formed after death and freezing, were exposed to the camera with the hideous expression, which was simply a terrifying picture that could scare the elders away from going to the toilet in the middle of the night.

      After all, people are most afraid of themselves, especially dead people and dummies who are very similar but can be distinguished.

      This, how is this possible?

      The security guard on duty cried out in disbelief. As a horror movie lover, he has seen a lot of this kind of scene in the movie, but it is the first time he has seen such a big life in reality, which makes him feel a little unreal.

      Gao Jingkun and the two did not delay the investigation because of their surprise, and continued to stare at every frame of the picture. Then they saw two people who cheated the corpse, or something that was not sure of being a human being. They stood up crookedly from the ground. They communicated with each other like clumsy puppets, and the only thing that could be heard in the monitoring was the chirping noises, but it did not prevent everyone from understanding that these two things were communicating.

      Gao Jingkun immediately reacted and said to the captain Gao:

      Team Gao, this matter involves a top-secret case, and the leaders of the provincial government and the city government are all concerned. I hope you keep it strictly confidential and do not let anyone other than the present