Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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      When the two returned cousins woke up, they found that it was after five o'clock.

      Gao Jingfei and the two had a meal in the canteen of the police station. Although it wasn't anything from the mountains and seas, the canteen master who was good at Shandong cuisine and Huaiyang cuisine made pineapple sweet and sour pork and steamed lion head today. Dried three servings of rice in a row.

      Although the pineapple sweet and sour pork should belong to Cantonese cuisine, the master made it especially for his taste. The steamed lion head is also salty and delicious. It may be because of the canteen. different.

      Moreover, Jinling is too big. It has been a gathering place of humanities since ancient times, resulting in some differences in the tastes of various regions, not to mention the entire Jiangnan Province.

      Come on, your kid just got discharged from the hospital, you should eat less. If you come every day, you can eat our security bureau poor.

      Hearing his cousin's slightly disgusting tone, Gao Jingfei blushed slightly.

      It's not that he can eat too much, he usually only eats two bowls of rice, but maybe he was stimulated by the two glutinous rice cakes, which seems to have turned on the switch of his appetite, and the body can recover as soon as possible by eating more. Signal, so I couldn't hold back for a while.

      Of course, the master craftsmanship is also true.

      In contrast, their school's canteen is more limited than pig food.

      If it weren't for the role of a patient who was just recovering from a serious illness, Brother Kun was afraid that he would hold on, and with the sweet and sour soup at the bottom of the plate, he would be able to cook two more bowls of rice, and he was full of momentum.

      In this way, Guo Shihong, who is a southerner, was surprised by this appetite.

      There are men with big stomachs in the police station, especially colleagues from the north who have a lot of appetite, but half-sized guys like Gao Jingfei tend to eat more than adults.

      I ate three servings of rice just after I was discharged from the hospital, and it seemed that I was still unsatisfied.

      You must know that the food in the canteen of the police station is very affordable, and the portion is very large. Adding a bowl of rice is more than half a bowl of rice than a normal person's small bowl of rice.

      Three servings is equivalent to more than five and three-quarter bowls.

      Chapter 8: Theft of Corpse Sudden in the Hospital

      It was almost 7:30 for a meal, and the cafeteria was about to get off work.

      After the meal, Gao Jingfei got into his cousin's police car again, ready to follow the two back to the dormitory.

      While it was starting, suddenly Gao Jingkun's phone rang in the car in the silent night.

      Gao Jingkun picked up the phone and answered the call:

      What? I get it, we'll be there soon

      He turned his head to the co-pilot Guo Shihong and said:

      Xiao Xu, who was on duty, received an alarm, and the two corpses we parked in the Army General Yard suddenly disappeared.

      Guo Shihong was a little surprised and said:

      Which two?

      Public security bureaus generally do not have their own morgues, and work such as autopsies is entrusted to cooperative hospitals or third-party institutions. Even forensic doctors are basically hired from outside. The country originally did not have the profession of forensic medicine, and local doctors were usually hired after cases occurred.

      Naturally, the unit that the Municipal Public Security Bureau cooperates with is the Army General Hospital next door. Usually, the bodies of death cases in the Municipal Bureau's jurisdiction are stored in the morgue of the Army General Hospital, so Guo Shihong asked which two they were.

      Gao Jingkun said with a bad expression:

      It was the two who went crazy in Xiaofei's school car.

      Guo Shihong heard the words and understood that something was wrong.

      Who is so bold? Even the corpses of the major cases that the provincial government and the city government are concerned about dare to steal?

      Of course, Gao Jingkun also had this question, and he was even more annoyed by the case involving his own brother.

      Gao Jingfei also got out of the car at this time. Hearing the words of the elder brother and the others, he wondered:

      Brother Kun, what did you say about the corpse? Are those two crazy psychopaths dead?

      When Gao Jingkun heard the words, he turned his head and instructed Gao Jingfei:

      Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. You kid will be waiting here, or go back to the duty room in the building and wait for me, don't walk around.

      Come on, let's go see the scene

      Having said that, Guo Shihong and Guo Shihong got out of the car and ran towards the hospital.

      This matter belongs to their serious crime team. Because the Army General Hospital is next to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, so they didn't run fast when they drove there. They also had to take into account the traffic and parking spaces on the street, so the two ran directly over. .

      Gao Jingfei looked back at the duty room of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Building, which only had a few lights on. He felt a little bored, and he was a little concerned about what the two brothers said about the case, so he did not go back to the building, but followed the steps of the two brothers. Go to the front of the army headquarters.

      Gao Jingkun and Guo Shihong ran to the hospital, where the police officers of the hospital's police office were already waiting at the gate.

      what's the situation?

      The two police detectives were also familiar with the police officer. Knowing that the surname was Li, they directly inquired about the situation.

      The police officer of the hospital police department who was sent to assist the two police detectives with a hapless face, frowned and explained:

      I don't know the specific situation yet. The hospital leader called the police and said that two bodies were lost. They belonged to the city bureau and sent them for autopsy. The hospital leader was already waiting in the morgue.

      Gao Jingkun and Guo Shihong looked at each other after listening, and then stepped up and said:

      Go to the crime scene first.

      The three quickly came to the morgue at the back of the hospital. It was far away from the outpatient clinic and was separated from the inpatient area by a long corridor. The location was remote and few people came.

      At this time, a group of people were gathering in the lobby of the morgue, and when they saw two police detectives approaching, the deputy dean on duty came forward immediately.

      Gao Jingkun didn't have time to be polite to this guy at this time, so he asked about the case after a few words of greeting.

      The vice president called a middle-aged doctor with a chicken coop head and said:

      The situation is like this. Doctor Wang, who was on duty today, was too lazy to go to the cafeteria, so he ordered a takeaway. When he came out to get the takeaway, he habitually inspected the morgue. He accidentally found that the clothes he changed from yesterday's duty and the clothes he was wearing today were in the rest room. His white coat was stolen.

      I thought it was someone who took it wrong, but then I found that the area where the bodies of the police case were parked was wrong, and two corpses were lost. Dr. Wang also participated in the autopsy of the two corpses, so I was very impressed. I called and notified me. As soon as I heard about the case involving the city bureau, I immediately notified Xiao Li, and then I took control of the scene and called the police.
