Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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me try it too?

      Gao Jingfei was stunned when he heard the words, and then saw the smile in the eyes of the little Taoist priest, and immediately understood that this person from the mysterious door was probably seeing something, so he turned his eyes to the elder brother.

      Gao Jingkun looked at Zhang Jingsheng, then at Gao Jingfei, thinking about the pros and cons, and finally nodded to Gao Jingfei.

      It is rare for my younger brother to meet a friend who can talk to each other, and this person is also a supernatural person recruited by the government. He is from a local Taoist sect, and it will be beneficial for them to have more relationships in the future. Anyway, they all came here today, and they just happened to be a little tired.

      Seeing the eldest brother agree, Gao Jingfei is also happy to let his new friends get some benefits, and in his opinion, since Zhang Jingsheng has not made things clear, it means that his mouth is still very strict, and he will not disclose such things as opening spiritual eyes to him. A team over there.

      Okay, but Brother Sheng, you have to be careful, don't let that guy's power break your defenses, or you'll be in trouble.

      As he spoke, he planned to hand Zhang Jingsheng half the peach wood sword and exorcism incense for self-defense.

      Who knew that Zhang Jingsheng raised his hand and refused:

      No, I also have protection.

      As he spoke, he took out a magic talisman from his satchel, chanted a spell, and stuck it on his forehead.

      It's just a fluffy piece of talisman paper, but it can absorb the forehead like glue is applied without falling off, and everyone who sees it is amazed.

      But looking at that classic scene like a zombie movie, Gao Jingfei felt a little weird and couldn't help but want to laugh.

      The talisman technique, which once failed, also began to show its miraculousness after the abnormal event occurred.

      Although Zhang Jingsheng's sect Qingjinguan Taoism was passed down from the Qingwei faction, he naturally cultivated the Qingwei faction's housekeeping skills, Lei Fa. But the Qingwei faction is also a branch of the Fulu faction after all, and the art of Fulu is naturally a good housekeeping skill.

      Just because of the changes in the world, it is difficult for spells to manifest themselves. In the past, there were only some small tricks such as soothing charms and meditation spells in the Daomen. Moreover, the spells and spells aimed at the human spirit still have a little effect. It is the psychological factor of self-hypnosis.

      In just half a year, there is still a magical amulet that can purify the mind, and even fire flames and exert heavy pressure.

      This obviously proves that the ancient power of cultivation is beginning to fully recover. Maybe in a few years, there will be people in the fairy family who call the wind and call for the rain and flee the flesh!

      campus horror

      Chapter 85 School Days

      It has been three days since Gao Jingfei left the police dormitory and returned to campus.

      Because the school is located in a satellite city of Jinling, there is no way to rush back to Jinling City every day, and naturally, he cannot practice cultivation and sacrifice psychic paper figurines. Therefore, these days, apart from practicing the first six sets of Reckless Strength training methods in the morning and evening In addition, most of the time is spent on the cultivation of internal strength and spiritual power.

      Needless to say, the internal skills are naturally the five poisonous magic skills after the magic reform, and the cultivation of spiritual power is a green-level spiritual practice method that he has drawn by lottery after returning from the third instance of the dungeon.

      There are only two kinds of cultivation that only need to sit still, not even stick to posture, and will not be noticed by the students.

      It was finally Friday, when Gao Jingfei got up early in the morning with a hint of excitement, practiced the Mangniu Jin routine, and briefly scrubbed in the bathroom, only to see a roommate in the dormitory wake up and brush his teeth.

      Phineas, Nick is so energetic.

      Roommate Li Zhigang, who still had a toothbrush in his mouth, was full of foam and greeted Gao Jingfei vaguely. Touching his belly, he was very envious of Gao Jingfei's strong muscles.

      Gao Jingfei smiled at him full of energy and said:

      Going to bed early and getting up early is good. I'll go to the cafeteria later. Shall we go together?

      Now, wait for me!

      Li Zhigang spit out toothpaste foam, gargled his mouth in a hurry, and simply washed his face with tap water before returning to the dormitory with Gao Jingfei.

      At this time, the other two roommates were still in bed. One of them stayed up all night to read a novel again, and couldn't even wake up at all. Although the other was awake, he still didn't want to get up.

      Seeing that the two were getting dressed and leaving, this guy hurriedly called out:

      Brother Fei, Xiaogang, I won't go to the self-study early, help me bring back a bun in the cafeteria.


      Gao Jingfei watched this guy fall asleep with his head covered and shook his head helplessly.

      This guy's name is Li Qi. Wang Wenli, another roommate who stayed up late to read novels, is the second representative of the poor students in the class. Let it be self-defeating.

      Gao Jingfei used to envy them for such a dashing life, but he despised their lack of progress.

      It's just that I am a scumbag myself, and my hard work is not enough for the middle and lower grades, so I can only mix with these students on weekdays, not to mention that their school dormitories are generally arranged according to their grades. It can be said that there are four people in a room. No one is a good student, even Li Zhigang with the best grades will only reach the middle level of the class.

      But this is youth!

      Everyone has their own pursuits, and Gao Jingfei will not interfere with their behavior.

      In fact, after returning to school, when he saw these familiar faces again, he couldn't help but feel as if he had passed away, and felt a little strange.

      This feeling has not dissipated even three days have passed. The fundamental reason is that he is destined to be completely different from the 99% of the ordinary students in the school.

      The reason why there are still less than one percent is because among the more than 2,000 students in this high school, maybe one or two will accidentally awaken supernatural abilities in this world wave that seems to be reviving the spiritual energy in the near future. , or there is a situation such as a fortuitous encounter and a practice, Gao Jingfei thinks it is not impossible.

      After all, they are high school students, and this is one of the most common protagonists in the novel!

      After showing his amazing food intake in the cafeteria, Gao Jingkun came to the classroom with his roommate, Li Zhigang, who was also a classmate, and integrated into the morning self-study without causing any commotion.

      While others were doing exam papers, exercises, and reciting ancient texts, Gao Jingfei opened a book of high school physics formulas and started reading.

      Before returning to school, he dungeon in the fog event, but he harvested a bunch of leeks fiercely.

      How ruthless is it?

      Almost cut off the shadowy avatar of the cheongsam in the shoal of the stream.

      In Gao Jingfei's view, there is still a trace of shadow left, and that thing is probably seriously damaged. Even the surrounding fog has withdrawn hundreds of meters at once, and the boundary of the ruins of Chongli Village can be faintly seen.

      If it wasn't for the fear of weakening the strange figure too much, I'm afraid the government would