Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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in spiritual vision can naturally also be touched by spiritual bodies.

      When he has good things, he is not stingy to share them with everyone.

      I saw him take out a box of playing cards from his pocket, and then his fingers pulled out three cards at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.

      Brush brush!

      There are three playing cards on the opposite wall.

      The three present were all surprised.

      Xiaofei, where did you learn this trick? This is the flying card in God of Gamblers, so handsome!

      Gao Jingfei didn't expect that the one who is most interested in his flying skills here is the witty and steady Guo Shihong.

      He couldn't help laughing and said: Brother Guo, you are still a fan of the God of Gamblers!

      Guo Shihong said without denying:

      Of course, my favorite when I was a child was the God of Gamblers series. Don't you think Gao Ming is handsome?

      This world also has the God of Gamblers series and its derivative films, and it is more popular than the parallel world in Gao Jingfei's memory. The God of Gamblers series alone has developed seven feature films in a row, from the late 1980s to the recent 2017, although The later two episodes were a little stretched, and there were also some problems with casting, but that did not prevent fans from spending money to support the theater. .

      Many people say that if it is released in the past two years, I am afraid this number will double.

      Compared with Gao Jingfei's memory, the world's multi-billion box office seems to be a little less, but the development of the entertainment field in this world is like this, and the exchange rate of Xia coins is also higher than that of the soft sister coins in the parallel world, which is similar to the United States. The US dollar is about 3 to 1, and the gold pound of Brittany is about 4.5 to 1.

      This is because the Xia Kingdom in this world is more powerful, and the international situation it faces is better. Therefore, it opened the market as early as the 1950s and diverted the economic dividends of the post-war Eastern island countries. With the huge Xia Kingdom The economic volume of China has always been the first in Asia. Even if the island country has the support of the United States, it can only be the second largest year round.

      Looking at Guo Shihong's excited face, Gao Jingfei felt as if he had met Colson, a fan of Team Rice. The situation between the two was somewhat similar.

      Why, brother Guo, do you really want to learn?

      Guo Shihong looked at him eagerly and said:

      May I?

      Of course, I'm showing you this technique for everyone to learn. This is a new exercise technique that I have mastered. As long as you cultivate true qi, everyone can practice it.

      With that said, Gao Jingfei took out several training methods about Chakra that he had copied in school, such as tree climbing, treading water, throwing hidden weapons, and the use of Shunjutsu, all of which he confirmed that he could use infuriating energy to replace Chakra. part.

      Of course, there is also the practice of knot printing.

      The reason for not taking out the original is of course not easy to explain the origin. Although the big brother and the others have never cared about the origin of these exercises and props.

      According to Gao Jingfei's idea, after the big brother and the others have learned these methods, they are basically not afraid of small monsters like ordinary goblins and goblins unless there are too many. Equipment like this, with one piece of equipment in hand, will be able to defeat even the enemies of ordinary spirits and ghosts.

      Throwing the eldest brother and the Guo brothers in the living room to study new cultivation methods, Gao Jingfei walked into the bedroom with great anticipation.

      Seeing that the incense case altar inside was still untouched as before he left, and there was still fresh soot left on it. Obviously, the elder brother has been helping him with incense every day these days.

      Looking at the golden Saint Seiya paper figurine with a hint of spirituality in his eyes on the incense case, a metal pendant appeared in Gao Jingfei's hand, and his eyes flashed and he said:

      I don't know if this will work?

      The spiritual power gathered in his hand, Gao Jingfei pointed at the pendant, and said a strange syllable, and then the metal pendant in his hand, which was in the shape of an abstract human, flashed a clear light.

      Suddenly, an invisible shadow condensed and formed in front of Gao Jingfei.

      This shadow has a human shape in appearance, but no facial features can be seen, and the whole body seems to be composed of a dark shadow.

      This is another magic weapon or magic equipment in the green triple draw he had drawn before, the Shadow Servant Charm.

      This brass-like pendant is engraved with a spell rune, which is a constant variant of the 1st-level conjuration spell invisible servant, which can summon a servant composed of shadow energy to serve the master.

      The charm opened from this green bottle is a magical creation from the world of Faerun. It is a world that Gao Jingfei does not know in the memory of the two worlds. From the information revealed by the altar of the heavens, we can see that it should be a magical world. .

      Gao Jingfei felt that after the shadow man appeared, a faint and ignorant but somewhat cordial consciousness was connected to his heart.

      As soon as he thought about it, the shadow immediately moved in place.

      Go and light the candles!

      Then he saw Shadow follow his idea, picked up the lighter on the bedside table, and lit the pair of candles on the incense case.

      Although the shadow seems to be insubstantial, it can pick up a lighter and light it like a living person.

      Is this the Shadow Servant summoned by the 1st level spell Shadow Servant?

      After a simple experiment, Gao Jingfei came to the conclusion that the intelligence of the Shadow Servant is just like the artificial intelligence of a primary human. In terms of single spirituality, it is not as good as a kitten and a dog, but it is indeed a creature with basic thinking ability.

      Although he can't speak, he can understand some simple commands of the master, and can also perform simple actions such as housework, tea and water, etc., but he can't act as an assistant for precise experiments.

      In addition, shadow servants can also hide in the shadows, and can even be completely invisible in the dark. Although they can only pick up items weighing up to 5 pounds, which weighs more than four and a half pounds, a single needle can kill people. Not to mention five pounds or more than four kilograms of items, with the invisible ability of the shadow servant, if there are some dangerous items such as dagger poison hidden in the body, it can completely play the role of an assassin for mortals.

      All of a sudden, someone has done laundry, dishes, floors, and windows at home.

      Gao Jingfei looked at the semi-finished psychic paper figurine on the incense case and said with a smile:

      Hey, I don't know if the Shadow Servant can replace the ghost spirit body as the paper man's spirit? Aludeba, don't worry, I'll make you live!

      Having said that, Gao Jingfei ordered the shadow servant to attach himself to the golden saint, and he saw the shadow servant turn into a shadow and merged into the psychic paper figurine like nothing.

      The integration of shadow servants greatly increased the spirituality of the Golden Saint Seiya paper figurine, and the shadows under the light seemed to come alive.

      Seeing this scene, Gao Jingfei didn't feel terrified at all.

      It seems that the two are perfectly integrated, and there is no conflict.

      After inspecting the paper figurine, he found no problem. Gao Jingkun