Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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cost is low in the village and town, and it is really not much use to repair a small bathroom.

      Seeing that his father seemed to be a little loose, Gao Jingfei quickly said:

      Dad, Mom! Although I am still a student, I am also an on-the-job consultant in a serious government unit. I have thousands of yuan in wages and subsidies every month, which I can't spend at all.

      And this million is only in the early stage. It will be available every year in the future. You can rest assured and enjoy it. In the future, the greenhouse at home will not have to be so hard. Dad, you don’t have to work hard every day to get up in the middle of the night to deliver vegetables. If you can’t be free, just plant some Just eat what you like at home.

      Gao Wenbin immediately raised his face.

      How does that work? Can't run out of flowers? How can the money be spent? Don't think that you can eat and be lazy if you have a few money, if you don't work, you will be useless if you are idle! This money is still saved for emergencies. Usually, your tuition fees and household expenses still depend on the few acres of greenhouses at home.

      Gao Jingfei felt a little helpless. He had no choice but to look at his eldest brother and said:

      Dad, let me tell you the truth. Brother, he may not have explained it to you clearly. The reason why I was able to be hired by the government as a consultant is not because of how smart I am, but because I have learned a skill that is different from ordinary people.

      Before this matter came, he discussed with Gao Jingkun, and felt that he could give his parents the truth. After all, his parents are not the kind of people with big mouths, and there are relatives who have joined the special affairs bureau. As a family member, the bureau also allows them to have a certain right to know.

      What's the matter?

      Sure enough, this topic caught the attention of the Gao family and the couple. They didn't understand why their son, who had not graduated from high school, was hired by the government as a consultant for no reason, and the director of the public security bureau even called the home to express condolences. once.

      However, because of the confidentiality regulations that Gao Jingkun said before, and that his eldest brother Gao Wenxian also knew about it, Gao Wenbin thought that this matter involved internal affairs of the government, so he didn't ask special questions, so as not to cause trouble for his son and nephew.

      Gao Jingfei knew that if he didn't show it to his parents again, his father who was empty-handed would not believe it, so he stood up and picked up the small suitcase that was on the side, opened the buckle and stood on the table.

      The three of them watched Gao Jingfei's movements curiously.

      I saw him say:

      Come out! arudiba

      Chapter 89 Proposal to repair the house

      Then there was a scene on the table that made the three of them stunned.

      The lid of the upright suitcase was pushed open from the inside like a door, and then a shining golden paper figure came out with a helmet and armor under the lamp tube.

      This this

      The Gao couple were speechless in shock.

      Gao Jingkun stood up with surprise on his face and asked:

      Xiaofei, have you succeeded?

      Gao Jingfei smiled and nodded and replied:

      That's right, I succeeded, Arudiba, show your grandma and grandma!

      As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a smile on the face of the little man in golden armor, clasped his fists towards Gao Wenbin and his wife, and bowed deeply.

      He brought Aldiba back with this in mind, and of course there was a reason for the successful sacrifice just now.

      This, this is impossible! Xiaofei, what kind of god are you asking for?

      As a rural woman, Dong Aiwan obviously has her own understanding of this situation, thinking that this is the kind of magic that invites gods and immortals in folklore, and hurriedly stood up and said to avoid the ceremony.

      Gao Jingfei smiled to comfort his mother and said:

      Mom, don't be afraid, this is a psychic paper figurine created by myself using magic rituals. It is my protector. I'm just like his father, and he doesn't have much thinking ability, and his IQ is about the same as a child. Cats and dogs are the same, so you don't have to worry about anything, he is also a member of our family!

      After hearing this, Dong Aiwan quickly patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

      On the other side, Gao Wenbin, whose body was stiff and his fists clenched tightly, also quietly relaxed, and the one who slapped his son in the face was a scolding.

      Where did your kid learn all these crazy things? Almost scared your mom, you know?

      What are you doing so loudly? Don't scare your son and, and this

      However, Dong Aiwan is obviously more accepting of these superstitions than her husband. After she calmed down, she pulled her son curiously and asked:

      Xiaofei, what is the name of your paper figure, Di, is it similar to those spirit officials enshrined on Maoshan Mountain and the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals recruited by Daoist Daoist?

      Gao Jingfei didn't expect his mother to guess the details of the paper figurine at once.

      Mom, have you seen the Heavenly Soldiers?

      I've never seen the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, but when I went to offer incense before, I heard from the old Taoists and even offered incense to Grandpa Lingguan! When I was a child, your grandfather also loved to tell these myths. After all, my hometown is in Danyang, not far from Maoshan, and I also have some friendship with the Taoist priests on the mountains near my hometown.

      After listening to his mother's words, Gao Jingfei vaguely remembered that the grandfather's family lived in a village and town under Danyang County not far to the west, and it was only about half an hour's drive from where Maoshan was.

      Because Maoshan spans Danyang Prefecture and Changzhou Prefecture, it is very convenient for people from these two areas to go to Maoshan, and the folk religious atmosphere is also very strong.

      When I was young, my mother and my grandfather did take them to the temples in Maoshan and Zuojin to worship the gods.

      It's just that he was still a few years old at that time, and after he went to primary school, he had no chance to go again. So not impressed with that.

      So he explained: My paper figurine is indeed the method used by Daomen masters to invite the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to sacrifice and refine the Dharma protectors, but it is still relatively low-level and needs to continue to be sacrificed to be called that kind of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

      The beliefs of thousands of years cannot be rejected by decades of materialist education in modern times, so people like Dong Aiwan who came from the roots of Maoshan are basically in their thirties and above.

      Even young students, although they are more skeptical and may not believe it, they will avoid it a bit.

      When Dong Aiwan heard what her son said, she immediately said happily:

      It turns out that my son has also become a fairy! It should have inherited my genes. After all, our family has lived under Maoshan for generations, and it is easy to be born with immortality.

      Gao Wenbin lives in the north, and the traditional folk customs are much weaker than those in the Jiangnan region. In addition, he was born in the army. He has always sneered at these things of Shinto.

      However, after all, his wife is devout and honest, and Taoism is a belief that conforms to the traditional beliefs and customs of the people of the Xia Kingdom, and is not as extreme as those outsiders do, so Gao Wenbin is not disgusted.

      He asked his