Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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Jingfei walked out of the door and saw that the rest of the vegetable field in the yard had been reclaimed.

      Because there are more mountains and less land in Guquan Village, when the land was divided, people in the village generally divided a lot of mountains and homesteads, so that the yards of each family generally exceeded 600 to 700 square meters in size, and there were several Mu of mountain private land, of course, this is also the land in the mountains that is not valuable. If it is placed in the countryside on the North China Plain or the Northeast Plain, the land allocated to each household will be much less, and some are less than one mu. .

      A quaint bronze kettle was taken from the windowsill. This bronze kettle was not full of turquoise like the bronzes in the museum, but slightly patina in the golden yellow.

      In fact, this is the color of normal bronze ware. The bronze ware in people's impression is actually caused by oxidation after a long period of time.

      Serious bronze utensils have the same golden color as gold and copper when they are first cast.

      This item is nothing else, it is the green extraordinary item that Gao Jingfei extracted last time, a spirit gathering kettle from a certain family in the world of self-cultivation used to water the spiritual field medicine garden.

      Gao Jingfei looked at the time, two hours had passed since he returned to his room to practice, and it was 13:00 midnight.

      Since he got this water bottle, he has placed it on the windowsill every day to receive the sun and the moon to absorb the external aura, which may be due to the very weak relationship between the external aura. Until today, the whole body emits a hazy milky white light, which should represent the fullness of the water bottle. A pot of spiritual water.

      Gao Jingfei couldn't understand the spirit gathering array depicted in this pot, but after he learned spirit vision, he could see that every day there were a series of tiny light spots that were rare, extremely subtle and difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, as inconspicuous as dust. Draws from the air and gathers into this jug.

      Combined with the information when he got the Spirit Gathering Kettle, Gao Jingfei of course understood that if there were no surprises, these light spots should be the legendary spiritual energy.

      He also tried to touch the light spots with his hands, but found that it was difficult to keep the light spots in his body, and they would soon dissipate.

      Only when practicing the Five Poisons Divine Art every day, it seems that some subtle light spots will merge into oneself, but the number is very rare, and the effect is temporarily unknown. Obviously, there must be a special exercise method to capture the spiritual energy and use it.

      He also tried Chakra refining, but the effect was not as good as that of the Five Poisons, so he could not help guessing secretly:

      Shouldn't this aura be the so-called natural energy in Hokage? So the natural energy cannot be absorbed by ordinary chakra refining because the two are completely conflicting forces?

      But obviously no one would come to confirm these problems for him, so he simply didn't think about it, and focused his attention on the newly opened vegetable field by the shadow servant.

      Gao Jingfei asked the shadow servant to dig a little soil in the ground, put it into the unused flower pots at home, and then planted hemostatic grass in one of the pots, and buried the pit of the rat fruit in the other.

      This is for seedling.

      After all, before the sun room is built, if it is planted directly in the ground, if it is trampled by some bear child who comes to visit, it will be a big loss.

      It is important to know that the number of guava seeds and hemostatic herbs is limited.

      Then he carefully covered the two with soil, took the spirit gathering kettle, poured spirit water into it, and let the spirit water fully wet the soil in the basin, then stopped watering.

      In spiritual vision, after the water with stardust-like light spots was poured into the flowerpot, it immediately gathered in two places, one is the root of the haemostatic grass, and the other is the place where the core of the rat fruit is buried. place.

      Apparently both of these can absorb the aura in their surroundings. And the hemostatic grass that has absorbed the spiritual energy seems to be visible to the naked eye to support the spirit.

      This is a good sign.

      Let's see if the two of you can survive! Gao Jingfei nodded and said to himself.

      After doing this, seeing that there was nothing else to do at home, he took back the shadow servant and let it continue to attach to Aldiba.

      The spiritual body has existed in the paper figurines for a long time, and the paper figurine itself will naturally be contaminated with a part of the spiritual energy. Of course, the time of this change is usually calculated in years. And the Shadow Servant also seems to be able to gain some benefits from his process of sacrificing paper figurines.

      So most of the time, Gao Jingfei is ready to let the two merge into one.

      Silent all night.

      The next morning Gao Jingfei got up to practice boxing, and found that his elder brother Gao Jingkun got up earlier than him.

      But think about it, his brother is a strong and healthy adult single man, and the effect of the Shiquan Dabu pill has not been digested. He also drank a bowl of old ginseng chicken soup last night. .

      Although Gao Jingkun's daily practice of boxing and qi will consume a part of his essence, qi and blood, he still has enough energy and nowhere to vent. How could he not be energetic?

      In particular, the internal cultivation of the Five Poisons Divine Art can also replace a part of sleep, which makes Gao Jingkun sleep for a shorter time every day and wake up early.

      Gao Jingfei himself had this kind of trouble, but with the consumption of papermaking and chakra extraction, part of the essence and blood was converted into spiritual power, which saved him from the trouble of being suffocated every morning.

      Gao Jingfei saw that the elder brother seemed to be full of energy and had nowhere to vent out and practiced boxing fiercely. In addition to snickering, he found that his parents had always been used to getting up early, but today they both got up late.

      It is estimated that the impact on them last night was so great that they couldn't sleep in the middle of the night!

      Seeing that his parents hadn't gotten up yet, Gao Jingfei planned to show his hand and took the initiative to go to the kitchen to make a table of breakfast.

      That's right, it's just one table, less is not enough, because he and his eldest brother are both big eaters now.

      So he saw that there were still a few preserved eggs left at home, and there was still pork frozen in the refrigerator, so he simply cooked a large pot of preserved egg lean meat porridge, adjusted the batter, and spread out more than 20 pieces of green onion the size of a foot wide. Egg pancakes, serve on four large plates.

      With ready-made pickles, cold cucumbers, boiled peanuts and other side dishes, the square table at home is full.

      When Gao Wenbin and his wife got up, they were surprised to see a large table of breakfast cooked by their son.

      Gao Wenbin: Xiaofei, you are really too sensible, but is it enough for such a big table?

      Chapter 93 The family's transformation

      Gao Wenbin, who is poor in language, just praised his son's growth with satisfaction. For him, it has not been more than 20 days since his son was injured and hospitalized, but he found that his son has grown up and matured overnight.

      Gao Jingfei said with a smile: Of course we're done eating, don't you think, brother?

      Gao Jingkun nodded heavily when he heard the words.

      Although the dinner last night was very rich, but it was a little less, and he didn't get enough to eat.

      It seems that the