Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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are going to develop into the big stomach king, or Gao Jingfei is already a big stomach king, but the Guo brothers also practice the same exercises, but their food intake is not as exaggerated as the two of them.

      Dong Aiwan even took her son to look left and right and liked it no matter what.

      Xiaofei, you have cooked well, so you won't have to worry about getting a wife in the future!

      Then there was a rant:

      It's strange these days. Every girl can't even cook, and she is not ashamed but proud. If it was in our day, it would be difficult to marry.

      It's not that Dong Aiwan thinks of feudalism, that women can hold up half the sky is what they have been taught since childhood. But she simply and naively believed that women should at least be able to do a little housework, and they should not be too spoiled, and rely on their parents and husbands to serve everything, otherwise, they will be indistinguishable from each other, and when their parents and husbands are not around, they will be alone and When you can't order takeout, do you want to be so dirty and starved to death?

      Then the family went to the table to enjoy breakfast together. After swallowing the first bite of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, Dong Aiwan immediately praised:

      How can your porridge taste better than my mother's?

      Then I tried a few others in succession, and praised as I tasted:

      And this egg cake, the heat is just right, it's delicious!

      The two uncles and nephews over there were devoured and could not even talk, Gao Jingkun even gave his brother a thumbs up. Knowing that my younger brother cooks so well, he would have tried it when he was in the apartment.

      Gao Jingfei said humbly to his mother's praise:

      I just cook a few home-cooked dishes, which is worse than your mother, and I have to say that I am good at cooking. The master chef in the canteen of the public security bureau is called good craftsmanship. A large pot of dishes can be made into a first-class meal. I still have to learn more!

      In fact, he also lived alone in the parallel world for more than ten years, and did not lose his cooking skills. He also worked in the back kitchen of a restaurant, and he simply learned two skills. It is still possible to cook some home-cooked dishes.

      If the original Gao Jingfei can fry an egg without frying, it would be good.

      After eating, Gao Wenbin walked into the yard habitually, intending to move his muscles and bones, but found that the yard suddenly changed, and immediately turned back and shouted:

      Xiaofei, did you do it?

      It's okay, what are you doing tossing the vegetable field? It's not time to plant beans and persimmons

      Foreign persimmon is the name for tomato in Jinling, which is the same as the name in many places in the north. After all, although tomatoes are Solanaceae plants, they look somewhat similar to red persimmon fruits, and they are also foreign varieties, so they are called foreign persimmons. Foods with a similar origin to this name are still available in Xia Kingdom. Many, such as potato, carrot and watermelon.

      Gao Wenbin was a little annoyed when he looked at the vegetable field that had been reclaimed.

      Because this part of the yard is just a small vegetable garden at home, the couple's energy is generally concentrated in the greenhouse, and when the vegetable field in the yard is idle, they take time to plant some seedlings, do not take care of them very much, and just let it go. It grows naturally, and it’s time to add a few dishes to the home.

      In the past, only some cucumbers and eggplants were planted in the field, and it will be ready to grow beans and tomatoes in another month. If the Jinling area is not generally planted with early-maturing varieties or greenhouse vegetables, beans and tomatoes will not be planted until May or June.

      And the two of them are busy in the greenhouse all day long. When the time comes, they will just plant a row or two of seedlings in the yard. His son seems to have a big fight. This is not for the couple. Add trouble?

      Hearing his father's shout, Gao Jingfei, who was helping his mother to wash the dishes, knew that this was his newly opened vegetable garden last night and was discovered by his father.

      In fact, if it wasn't for the shadow servants to be released during the day, the shadow servants could do all the dishes.

      If it weren't for the fact that the villages seldom save the pots and pans in the morning for the afternoon and evening, it would be the practice of lazy and rotten mothers, unless there is no time during the busy farming season.

      Otherwise, you can leave it for the night to wait for the shadow servants to clean up together.

      Dad, wait a minute, I'll come after I wash these two bowls

      After talking back to his father, Gao Jingfei continued to wash the dishes in his hands before wiping the water off his hands, then returned to his east room and took out the two flower pots.

      Seeing Gao Jingfei come up with something strange again, the whole family gathered together curiously.

      what is this? What kind of vegetable seedling?

      Seeing hemostatic grass, although Gao Wenbin didn't recognize it, he thought it was a vegetable seedling.

      After all, this thing is very similar in color to coleus or amaranth, green and reddish, and the shape looks like a strawberry at first glance, but the leaves are slightly thicker and much more delicate than strawberry seedlings, and there are no burrs.

      Gao Jingfei put down the flower pot and said:

      I got a few kinds of spiritual plants before, which are the legendary spirit herbs and fairy medicines, but the effect is not so exaggerated, just low-level spirit plants. This is a hemostatic herb that nourishes blood and treats trauma. There is another rat fruit that I didn't take out in the bag. This time I came back to teach my parents and you martial arts, but also to plant these spirits at home.

      I don’t worry about other places, so Dad, you and my mom in the greenhouse and yard will stop growing vegetables and sell them in the future. It’s good to grow some food for home, and the rest of the land will be used to cultivate these kinds of spiritual plants.

      This is the only good thing in the world at present. It is estimated that it will be of great use to the country if it is planted. At that time, both economic value and practicality will be more than a hundred times more than that of planting vegetables!

      In fact, this is also an excuse for parents to stop working hard. After all, farming has been one of the hardest jobs for the common people since ancient times, second only to the drudgery of labor and tofu making in ancient times.

      He couldn't bear his parents to continue to work like this every day. He used to be incapable of it, but now he has the ability to change all this, of course, he has to do his best.

      But in addition to this purpose, planting spiritual plants is also the main purpose of his coming home this time.

      He couldn't always extract some useful spiritual herbs from the Altar of All Heavens, because so far, he had not extracted the same item.

      He didn't know if he would be able to draw it in the future, but useful consumables like hemostatic grass and rat fruit would be best if they could regenerate continuously.

      After Gao Jingfei's description, Gao Wenbin and his wife also understood the importance of the contents of these two small flower pots.

      Gao Jingkun didn't even think that his younger brother even came up with the legendary herbal medicine.

      But thinking of the surprises my brother has brought him these days, I can't help but persuade him:

      Second Uncle Xiaofei is right this time. If you can really grow these spirits, not to mention how much contribution you will make to the country, but it will already be of great use to our law enforcement team on the front line, at least generally injured. These drugs can be used to treat and ensure the safety