Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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be considered heavy, right?

      Thinking like this, Gao Jingfei also felt that it didn't matter, because even if the earth qi was not up to the standard, as long as there was aura, one should be able to grow lotus seeds alive, but at most it would not be as effective as the genuine King Shilian.

      Anyway, the yard is big enough. Dig a small lotus pond in the yard, plant this stone king lotus, and raise a few koi in it. This is the mood that a practitioner should have!

      Gao Jingfei couldn't help thinking that in ancient times, large families usually opened garden ponds in their yards, and goldfish breeding began at that time.

      Find the location of the lotus pond in the yard, and set it at the back of the vegetable garden, that is, two meters away from the east house. When you open the window, you can see the beautiful scenery of the lotus leaves in the fish play. Water vapor infection is definitely the best place.

      It happened that there was still a small pile of blue bricks left in the pigsty before the house was repaired. Gao Jingfei used blue bricks to roughly circle the lotus pond on the ground. He was going to release the shadow servant Xiaoying at night and let him dig a small pond. .

      When playing with the blue bricks, Gao Jingfei found that the quality of the blue bricks was very good. Although the gray bricks looked a little old, they still sounded as clear as jade chimes when they struck each other, and they were as strong as stones.

      This brick was not bought, but was picked up by his father Gao Wenbin in the nearby mountains.

      Of course, no masonry will be born in the mountains. The reason why the masonry can be retrieved is because there used to be many residents in this mountain. Some of them were mountain residents who fled to the mountains because of the war, and more were in their early years. The descendants of the craftsmen who quarried stones and opened the monument in Yangshan.

      Yangshan was once famous for its stele materials, and it became known to the world because the father and son of Emperor Taizu and Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty quarried stone and erected steles.

      Therefore, the government set up carpenter camps in several quarries in the past. In the previous dynasty, Daming also quarried stones and opened monuments here. Later, mountain villages were formed. After hundreds of years of inheritance, the villages left in the mountains have been Rarely, after the founding of the New Xia Kingdom, the state relocated those mountain villages with inconvenient life to several nearby villages with better terrain, and merged to form several administrative villages in Tangshan Town.

      Half of them in Guquan Village also joined at that time.

      According to the elders in the village, the last group of villagers who moved out was in the 1980s, so there are many architectural ruins left in the nearby mountains. It turned out that when many villagers needed bricks and tiles to build houses, they would pull them along. The car went into the mountains and went to the old village to pick up some.

      Of course, these bricks and tiles that don't need money are very popular with the villagers. After all, they were poor in those days!

      In the 1990s, the economic environment gradually improved, and agricultural taxes were gradually reduced. Even rural areas like them benefited, and few people went into the mountains to pull old bricks and tiles back to build houses.

      After so many years, the villagers have dug away the easy-to-dig things, and there are not many remaining ones. Either the distance is too far and it is difficult to pull them back, or they are buried in the ground and difficult to dig.

      Secondly, if you have the hard work of going into the mountains, it is better to go directly to the town brick factory to buy a batch. The price of red brick and cement is not expensive, and it is more convenient and decent to build a house.

      Chapter 95 Snakes, Insects, Rats and Ants

      Gao Jingfei's house is different from the new houses built by most villagers. This is an old house with a history of more than 50 years. If we talk about the age of the house materials, it is even older.

      When Gao Wenbin settled here and was assigned this house, it was actually the village that gave Gao Wenbin a homestead that had been defunct. The original owner of this house took great care and asked people to use the ruins of the old village in the mountains to select the best materials. built.

      Not only the foundation of the main body of the house is a polished big bluestone, but also other bricks and tiles are also good materials.

      Yangshan produced stone, and the houses built for those craftsmen and management officials in the early years were all made of the best materials. This kind of material is not easy to come by in the mountains, it must be hard digging and grinding by craftsmen to produce it.

      The original owner of this household also took advantage of the early going, grabbed the last batch of good materials, and was willing to pay for help, only to get these bluestone bricks back.

      As for the main body and outer walls of the house on the bluestone foundation, they are also made of high-quality blue bricks pulled back from the mountains.

      These blue bricks are not the kind of low-quality blue bricks produced by small brick factories, but are carefully fired by ancient craftsmen, adding special materials, and they are almost used to repair city walls. The earliest can be traced back to the previous dynasty. It has not been weathered for more than 100 years, and it is also from the old houses of the former officials in the Craftsman Camp.

      If it weren't for the fact that the house was in dilapidated condition before Gao Wenbin took over, and the whole family was dead, the villagers were somewhat taboo, and even children were not allowed to play there, and it would not have been their turn to assign it to an outsider like Gao Wenbin.

      Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that the village director at that time had some friendship with Gao Jingfei's grandfather, and invited the village director to have a good drink.

      If Gao Wenbin was asked to do this by himself, it would be difficult to get a good result.

      When Gao Wenbin was repairing the house, in order to keep it consistent with the original house, he specially invited a few strong laborers from the village to bring him back some bricks and tiles of the same material from the mountain for repairs.

      So don't look at Gao Jingfei's house that hasn't been repaired in 1989, and even the walls inside are a little loose, but the main body of the house is still as strong as before, and this old-fashioned house with bluestone and blue bricks is warm in winter and cool in summer, making it easy to live in. It is very comfortable, because Gao Wenbin is a northerner and is used to sleeping on a heated kang. He even built a heated kang when he built the stove at home. In winter, he will not feel the magic attack brought by the weather in the south of the Yangtze River. Burning the kang early is just a matter of making a few more bundles of firewood and buying a few more pieces of coal. You can't let your wife and children freeze along with them.

      So the Gao family's house is always warm in winter, at least Gao Jingfei hasn't been cold since he was a child.

      The only downside is that it is humid in summer and there are more mosquitoes.

      However, this changed when Gao Jingfei returned home this time.

      When Gao Wenbin came back, he saw a piece of land surrounded by blue bricks in the yard. He couldn't help pulling his son in surprise and asked:

      What's going on here?

      Gao Jingfei took out the stone lotus seeds and explained it to his father again.

      Hearing that the pond was dug for the purpose of planting elixir, Gao Wenbin put out his anger. If Gao Jingfei dared to be so foolish in the past, he would definitely smoke the kid's ass to bloom. The big deal is to buy an extra seven wolves. Anyway, that thing is cheap.

      The hawker who sells belt and panty socks in the market can buy two or even three for fifty yuan.

      Gao Jingfei didn't know that he had escaped, so he changed the subject and asked:

      By the way,