Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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Director Liu, ho ho, three students in our second class are missing. I have been searched for the class, playground, toilet and dormitory. I heard from students in other classes that those three may be going to over the old school building

      When President Wu heard this, his head was buzzing.

      When he slowed down, he immediately reprimanded the female teacher sharply:

      How do you manage students? Didn't I stress repeatedly before that students should not be allowed to sneak over there?

      But no matter how fierce he was at this time, it couldn't change the fact that the accident had already happened.

      Principal Wu?

      Hearing Gao Jingkun calling him threateningly, Principal Wu finally gritted his teeth and said to Gao Jingkun repeatedly:

      I'm sorry, this is my mistake. I planned to block it and there will be no problem. Who knows that there are really disobedient students running over there. Police officers, please come with me!

      After speaking, Principal Wu said to his servants:

      Everyone has worked hard. Go and watch all the students in all grades. This afternoon, classes will be suspended for half a day, and the evening self-study will also be canceled. All the students who live on campus will be brought back to the dormitory. Get them on the bus or a parent to pick them up, and then call to make sure all the students are home, hear?

      In the face of the Mediterranean principal who was in a bad state and seemed to be going crazy, the school leaders and staff certainly did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly trotted to carry out the task.

      But Principal Wu supported people from other schools, and then led Gao Jingkun and other police officers to the right rear of the campus.

      During the walk, Principal Wu exposed his difficulties to Gao Jingkun, the sheriff who seemed to be the leader, as if complaining.

      Dissatisfied with you, the old site over there has always been a big problem for the school

      Listening to the principal's remarks, everyone learned that in the second middle school of the 1990s, due to a rare flood, soil landslides occurred, some buildings collapsed, and an entire floor of the teaching building was flooded, and students almost died. The leaders of the school and the Education Bureau rebuilt the teaching building in the present place.

      On the original site, the school has always wanted to flatten it and build it into a new dormitory area, parks, stadiums and other recreational areas to bring a better living environment for the teachers and students of the school.

      It's just that over the years, when the previous principals were in office, the funds were always out of hand, so the plan was still on paper and did not start, and it was abandoned for more than ten years.

      This time, I managed to find this real estate company to develop the ruins. The premise is to use the project fee to offset the price, and transfer the 5,000 square meters of the project close to their development to their company as the construction fee.

      Mediterranean Sea raised his voice excitedly and said:

      This is a win-win business. Their company can expand the scale of the new project, and our school can renovate the old campus without spending a penny. I did this hard work, and it was all for the school!

      However, the other party had just finished the survey of the old campus, and it was about to sign the contract officially, and there was a problem there.

      what is the problem?

      Principal Wu answered with some breaths as he walked:

      Because of the abandoned teaching buildings and other facilities on the old campus, it has gradually become a gathering place for small animals such as stray cats and dogs in recent years. In addition to selling the leftovers from our school cafeteria to swill collectors, we will also take them out every day. Part of it is fed to them.

      However, from the day before yesterday, the canteen workers who went to feed suddenly found that the stray cats and dogs that had their own territory and could often be seen playing and scurrying suddenly disappeared, and there was also a mournful animal wailing from the old teaching building. He was so frightened that he hurried back to report.

      The director of the Academic Affairs Office and the head of the security team brought a few people over to take a look, and sure enough, except for the remnants of animal hair and other things, there was not a single living thing in the old campus. The inside of the old school building was covered by a thick fog, and even a stone was thrown in without an echo.

      Although I don't know what's going on, I think something is wrong, so I blocked it for the first time and kept the news. Maybe it will be fine in a few days, and the project can continue to develop.

      Hearing this, Gao Jingkun and the others couldn't help but look at the principal with anger.

      Pang Bing, who had the hottest temper among the others, couldn't help but said angrily:

      You are confused! Do you think it's alright to simply block this place? Why don't you report it? Even if you don't report it to the police, you can report it to the Education Bureau. Do you have to wait for the engineering team to enter, and then report it to the police when something major happens?

      The law enforcement team and other local police more or less know the news about the fog incident. Of course, they understand the seriousness of the matter. Once the engineering team enters, I am afraid it is not a problem of one or two missing.

      And this Principal Wu seems to be very conscientious and considerate for the school. In fact, after careful analysis, it is clear that he is actually thinking about himself.

      Chapter 100 Campus Mist Incident

      In order not to delay this transaction, but also for his position and the reputation of the school, and of course he did not know the seriousness of the fog incident, so the principal of the second middle school made a wrong decision and chose to temporarily hide the news.

      In his opinion, there is no problem at present, and the disappearance of some stray cats and dogs is not a big deal. As long as the old campus is closed, the school will not be affected.

      But things are not based on his will, but he does not know that the difference between the strange existence of the fog incident and the horror stories circulating in reality is that this fog is like a virus in this world, it will spread. of.

      Therefore, because the news was blocked, the school did not notice that the fog in the abandoned teaching building was spreading out little by little.

      It is estimated that this is also the reason why Gao Jingfei was able to absorb a few divine particles from the students of the second middle school in the car. After all, the dormitory of the second middle school is not far from the old campus, and it is likely to be contaminated with the breath inside, even before. The students secretly went there to explore.

      And young people, especially rebellious and second-year students, happen to be a group of children who are more curious about what they want to do when their teachers and parents prohibit what they are not allowed to do.

      Only then did the accident of three students who were suspected of sneaking into the forbidden area of the school happened just now.

      Not to mention that Principal Wu has no regrets at this time, because if any of the three students has a problem, it will be an irreversible ending for him, and it is very likely that half a lifetime of hard work and hard work will be in vain.

      Even Gao Jingfei and the others were also worried about the safety of the three students. They hoped that the three students would not go so fast, so as not to encounter the existence behind the fog. It is best not to enter the fog at all.

      The group hurried forward, waiting for Gao Jingkun and the others to cross the section of the road that was overgrown with trees and overgrown with weeds, and kicked open the old iron gate locked by chains. It is only about 1.8 meters in height, and it is easy for elementary school students to climb over the gaps in