Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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to the front of the villa. Xu Juanhuan and I watched Li Yang being taken away by the scarecrow, but we were too scared to save him, so we hid in the villa. Then there were monsters in the villa. The scary doll was dragged away with scissors in the shoulder, I was so scared, I was left to avoid the monster and found a basement

      I thought I was safe, but there were monsters in the basement, and it was like entering another world. No matter how I ran, I couldn't get out. The monsters seemed to be making fun of me. They didn't really kill me, they just kept chasing me.

      Several times, its iron claws almost stabbed me in the eye. I was afraid that I could only keep running. Then suddenly there was light in front of me. I heard the monster roar and found me back in the living room of the villa.

      After listening, Gao Jingfei touched his chin and said:

      So there are two monsters in this villa?

      Pang Bing said with some puzzlement:

      Why haven't we met one?

      Although Wang Mingyu was afraid, perhaps it was the guilt of his companion's disappearance that made him anxiously say:

      The police uncles are just two monsters. The scarecrow did not enter the villa, but dragged Li Yang directly into the cornfield. There are two monsters in the villa, one is the kind of doll that little girls play with, and the other is a monster with iron claws wrapped in bandages, similar to being burned by fire.

      scarecrow? baby? Iron claws?

      Gao Jingfei thought of looking at the photo in the corridor on the second floor. In the photo of the whole family and the little daughter alone, the little girl seemed to be holding a doll.

      Is it a doll with blond hair and a chubby face?

      As if seeing the terrifying monster again, Wang Mingyu trembled and said: No, that's right, it's that doll, it's too scary, the doll is alive, it's a monster

      Gao Jingfei knew something when he heard the words. He had seen a lot of dolls like this in parallel world movies, such as the ghost doll series and Annabelle. It seems that foreigners like ghost dolls very much, although there is no time to watch them all. series.

      However, that kind of doll does not have ghosts after looking at it for a long time, and it will also make people feel a sense of fear. It is estimated that this is the so-called uncanny valley effect.

      The doll can move and kill, nothing more than being possessed by demons or evil spirits, or beings such as witches cast spells on the doll. As for the doll itself being born with intelligence, this possibility is not impossible, but it is too low.

      After listening to the analysis of Gao Jingfei, a professional consultant, the other two nodded in approval.

      The same is true for the scarecrow. It is the weird man with iron claws. I guess it may be a formless ghost or something. Because everyone has seen the basement just now, there is no other space at all. Obviously, Wang Mingyu was in a coma. His consciousness was pulled into some kind of illusion to have those encounters.

      And I used the statue of Guan Gong to exorcise the other party, and there was no phenomenon that the evil things were eliminated or expelled. This means that Wang Mingyu should only be conscious of being caught in some kind of nightmare. His consciousness returned triumphantly.

      The scarecrow in the cornfield, the horror ghost baby and the nightmare of the iron claw man, these plots made him feel familiar!

      Chapter 103 The Appearance of the Ghost Baby and the Horror Nursery Rhyme

      good guy!

      Gao Jingfei quickly retrieved similar keywords from his memory and thought of several movies he had seen in the parallel world.

      Although he usually doesn't have much time for entertainment as a worker in that world, in his rare spare time, watching horror movies is one of the biggest hobbies in his life. It was a hobby that I developed when I was a child listening to my grandfather tell ghost stories.

      Anyway, at that time, pirated resources were flying all over the sky, and there were high-definition movies that didn't cost money, and he had seen a lot of B-level plasma movies that were not released in China.

      Therefore, after capturing some details of this misty world, he couldn't help but complain:

      Is this because the previous Hong Kong-style ghost movies are not strong enough, and there are a few more Hollywood horror plasma movies?

      Just when Gao Jingfei was complaining in his heart, he suddenly heard a girl who looked like a girl suddenly came from the villa, but it sounded very strange, as if a little girl's voice was deliberately suppressed by an adult singing:

      Scarecrow, scarecrow, dig out your heart and water the farmland with blood, in order to get the gift of God, in exchange for a bumper harvest next year

      Hearing this voice, Wang Mingyu, a 16- or 17-year-old boy, suddenly trembled like a sieve, and said tongue-tied: Yes, it's that monster doll, she's coming

      Then the weird child's voice sang in another terrifying tone:

      1, 2 It will come to you.

      3, 4 Lock your door

      5, 6 Cover your face

      7, 8 Breathing will stop

      9, 10 You never sleep

      Gao Jingfei frowned, feeling that these familiar nursery rhymes should contain some kind of useful information just like the movies in parallel worlds. But he didn't have time to think too much, because he had already noticed the horrified expression on Pang Bing's face.

      When the other party didn't have time to speak, he immediately turned around and waved an iron thorn in his hand forward without looking at it.


      A tingling weird girl screamed.

      The shadow flashed away in front of him, causing Gao Jingfei to move closer to the sofa with lingering fears. His decisiveness solved a crisis for himself, because the ghost doll just now suddenly appeared behind him, holding a pair of scissors and trying to attack.


      This scene was watched by Pang Bing on the opposite side, but he did not have time to issue a warning until Gao Jingfei repelled the attackers.

      Gao Jingkun was also startled, sweating for the safety of his younger brother, and quickly said:

      They all come to form a defensive formation, the opponent is too fast to turn their backs to the enemy

      The third law enforcement team has been established for some time. When there is no task, Gao Jingkun will organize the team members to conduct combat training. After all, they need to go into the fog and face the monsters inside. The main training is actually Gao Jingfei, a consultant, and two technicians, Qin Linming and Shang Siyang. The others are all veteran police detectives, and they are elites specially selected by the Public Security Bureau. Naturally, there is no need to say more about their combat abilities.

      The defensive formation was a formation with many people back to back together to form a face-to-face formation. The three of them closely surrounded the sofa to protect the student Wang Mingyu in the circle. , with human vision, it can just defend against possible attacks from a 360-degree direction.

      Gao Jingfei said without looking back:

      Brother Pang, it's useless to deal with this thing, you use my magic weapon to find the opportunity to give it a ruthless attack!

      Unexpectedly, Pang Bing shook his head confidently and refused:

      Xiaofei, you can take self-defense yourself, but my marksmanship is the first in the team.

      But Gao Jingkun persuaded:

      Lao Pang, listen to Xiaofei, ordinary bullets shouldn't have much effect on this monster.

      Although Pang Bing is brave or reckless, he is also a little clever. He understands that the captain is so serious and has some scruples. Although