Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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Rebellion, they fought repeatedly with the Qing army in the Jinling area for so long. It can be said that the bones are full of bones and the blood is floating. It used to be a taboo place in the hearts of Jinling locals.

      After the massacre of the island army during the Republic of China, it is said that this place has become more and more fierce. In the daytime, the sun is covered with clouds, like a ghost in the world, and the living people dare not approach it at all.

      It was not until one day after the founding of the People's Republic of China that a heavy rain caused a mudslide here, and all the corpses and tombs were washed away and buried in the ground, and people gradually began to live there. It comes out every few years to make a mess.

      In fact, when the villagers of Chongli Village were still living in the village, this area was just an ordinary village, so nothing strange happened, and everyone thought that those were just folk rumors, but when Chongli Village was close to the mountainous area with many debris flows, Jinling Naturally, such a situation is not allowed under the city, so the government plans to designate this area as an ecological management reserve and begin to consolidate forest vegetation to imitate soil erosion.

      But after the relocation of Chongli Village to the ground, photos of this abandoned old village were uploaded to the Internet, but all kinds of strange rumors gradually appeared, and it became the top haunted place in the Jinling area.

      Gao Jingfei didn't know whether there were such rumors in the past whether it was a story made up by people, or whether there were really unusual events, but he knew that the current Chongli Village must have undergone unusual changes.

      Fortunately, this place is not far from Chongli Village. After walking along the road for a few minutes, Gao Jingfei saw a gravel path branching out from the side of the road toward the mountains. Most of it was swallowed up by the thick fog, and the front was covered with gray, and the end of the road could not be seen at all.

      good guy! What an extraordinary event this time

      Gao Jingfei exclaimed in exclamation, and his footsteps were already non-stop, walking towards the dense fog.

      Although the scope of the dense fog this time seemed to be larger than the two he had experienced, Gao Jingfei, who had golden fingers by his side, was still not timid.

      The Holy Water No. 7 alone can make him fearless in the face of nihilistic ghosts, let alone being possessed by evil spirits.

      And in fact, in addition to the small half bottle of No. 7 holy water, he also has an extraordinary piece of equipment, that is, the evil sect magic weapon Sanyin thorn from the world of the fairy gourd.

      This thing is too evil, and even living people feel terrified when holding it in their hands, not to mention those ghosts.

      With holy water and magical tools in his body, his confidence was greatly increased, which was one of the reasons why he dared to venture into the foggy area.

      Of course, if the encounter is not a ghost but a real monster, then he will definitely quit as soon as possible, because then his elder brother will be safer.

      As soon as he stepped into the fog, Gao Jingfei received the message from the Altar of the Heavens.

      This is?

      The reserve of divine particles is slowly growing. Gao Jingfei was a little surprised when he saw this.

      Sure enough, not only can you gain experience from killing monsters, but also enter the fog range in person, and free energy can also be absorbed by the altar of the heavens. I didn't notice that the time of the ghoul was too short before, and it couldn't compare with the size of the fog in Chongli Village this time. It should be because the range of the fog was too small and the energy concentration did not meet the standard, right?

      He did not expect that in addition to killing monsters and destroying the arrival of other planes, the altar of the heavens could also extract divine particles in the foggy environment formed by the invasion of such alien planes.

      But it’s right to think about it, the divine particles themselves are the products of a certain law that is broken and materialized, and when the alien plane invades reality, the two world laws will inevitably collide. Although he can’t understand these advanced theories, this process produces Divine particles are also expected.

      And the level of the altar of the heavens is comparable to an artifact in his mind, and it does not surprise him to collect free divine particles in the mist.

      What he harvested before was only the part of the energy released after the death of the monster and the destruction of the invasion of the alien plane. From the perspective of mysticism, it should be brought by the plane rule fragments swallowed by the material world. The law energy that comes.

      Now, it is directly in the area where the two world laws collide to absorb the free divine particles in the fog.

      Moreover, although this collection speed is not as much as the former can get dozens of divine particles at once, it is continuous and the collection speed is unsatisfactory.

      In just a few seconds, one unit of divine particles has been accumulated. In this regard, Gao Jingfei immediately decided that if he can collect the last points of 100 points before entering the world behind the fog, then he will proceed immediately after entering the fog. lottery.

      Chapter 28 Ten Draws

      In the fog, there is no direction at all, not even the sound can be heard around three feet.

      Gao Jingfei walked forward for about a minute, and as a result, he harvested five divine particles. It seems that the scale of this fog is not small, or the level of the world behind it is far higher than the ghoul cemetery encountered before. .

      This is more than what he could harvest for a day at the Jinling Public Security Bureau.

      After all, this kind of harvest doesn't happen every day at the Public Security Bureau, and every time it's just three melons and two dates, it makes people anxious and toothache.

      However, a few minutes later, with his footsteps, the fog in front of him suddenly disappeared, and a dim and cold light appeared in front of him.

      The moment he left the fog, Gao Jingfei realized that the growth rate of the divine particles had stagnated.

      At this time, the divine particle reserve of the Altar of the Heavens also just jumped to the 101 point.

      Gao Jingfei thought thoughtfully:

      Well, the fog is obviously a phenomenon caused by the collision between the alien space and the real space. It is not a weather phenomenon in nature. If you leave the fog area, you will not be able to absorb the free law energy.

      After thinking about this, Gao Jingfei carefully observed the environment in front of him.

      Under the gray sky, there is a small village that looks simple and simple, but because there is no one or even a living thing, the whole village looks very desolate or even weird, which makes people shudder.

      And behind him is a fog, and behind the mountain village in front of him, there are many shadows, and it is impossible to see too far.

      Interesting, the fog may be a corner of another world, am I entering the world on the other side of the invasion?

      Gao Jingfei had a vague guess in his heart, but he couldn't be completely sure.

      But what is certain is that although the village in front of you looks similar, it is definitely not the abandoned Chongli Village on the outskirts of the city.

      Because he checked the photos of Chongli Village during the two periods on the Internet, the layout was like the countryside of the Xia Kingdom in the 1980s and 1990s, and he still remembers it clearly now.

      The mountain village in front of me is more like the village in the 1920s and 1930s, that is, the Republic of China period or even longer.

      Gao Jingfei didn't know much about the rules for the arrival of this alien plane. He didn't rush into this peaceful mountain village