Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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as possible, I have some bad hunch that staying here for a long time may be very bad for us.

      Although the other team members did not have the special perception that Gao Jingkun was temporarily given by the magic weapon in his arms, they all felt that this ghost place was very strange and had nothing to gain in the village. Everyone also supported Gao Jingkun's proposal.

      Lao Yang, the captain of the operation, nodded when he saw this.

      I don't think this ghost place is a good place, let's go, let's go up the mountain to see

      With that said, the group walked towards the back mountain along the mountain road behind the village.

      Chapter 30: Clear Water Pool, Deadly Cold

      The team marched from the trail behind the village. The mountain here is not steep, or it is the kind of low hilly area with a hint of beauty and typical characteristics of the Lingnan Mountains, so this mountain road is actually suitable for seven strong SWAT police officers. And the detectives are not in the way.

      Passing through a hillside and woods, everyone came to a mountain col, and in front of it was a green water pool growing under the rocks. The water pool seemed to be not small in size, and it was comparable to the artificial lakes in some parks.

      However, this series of natural mountain water pools is far more beautiful than man-made artificial lakes. Not only is it natural and wild, but the lake itself is green and clear, like emeralds embedded in the mountains, which is very popular. .

      so beautiful water

      Several team members couldn't help showing a fascinated look in their eyes, and they were about to touch the pool.

      Gao Jingkun was originally attracted by this rare beauty, and an impulse surged in his heart, but soon his waist became hot, which suddenly woke him up. Then there was a different scene in front of him, the green water turned into pitch black ink, and the black energy contained in it was like a scene of creeping octopus tentacles.

      Suddenly Gao Jingkun was horrified.

      Don't move, there's something wrong with the water

      At the same time as he shouted, Gao Jingkun had already jumped forward and pulled several teammates back.

      Several people were interrupted by him, and they couldn't help showing annoyance. Immediately wake up.

      What's wrong with me?

      The captain, Lao Yang, reacted the fastest, slapped himself twice, and then the whole person suddenly woke up a lot. While puzzled and annoyed, he also helped Gao Jingkun pull his teammates' armed belts, pulling everyone away from the water.

      what happened?

      What's wrong with me?

      After leaving a certain distance from the water pool, all the elite policemen of the Public Security Bureau were also awakened by Lao Yang's fear of beating, and they all said confusedly.

      There is a problem with the water, so let's back out for a distance.

      Saying that, Gao Jingkun and Lao Yang took the lead, and the team retreated several dozen meters away from the other mountain road away from the water pool.

      Stopping and waiting to speak, everyone heard the sound of rushing water.

      Lao Yang and the other special police officers who had suffered a loss could not help but take a few steps back and became alert. Gao Jingkun saw that although the surrounding environment was still filled with that black evil energy, it was obviously much weaker than that of the water pool, so he made a gesture, Lao Yang understood. nod.

      Kunzi now you take command. What happened just now, although he has rich experience in command and combat, Lao Yang also understands that in this special environment, his experience is not as special as Gao Jingkun's. He naturally knows that everyone's safety is the priority, so he has no grudges. Give up command.

      Gao Jingkun is also the team leader of the serious crime team, and he is also familiar with commanding operations. He said:

      Let's go and see.

      Then Gao Jingkun took the lead and walked along the mountain road in the direction of the sound.

      After turning a corner, I saw two young men in their twenties playing with the water like innocent children by the shallow water of a gravel stream. The sound was the sound of water splashing from them.

      Seeing these two people, Lao Yang and the others immediately showed surprise, and shouted over there:

      Yang Chen, Li Feng, is that you? Come up quickly, we are the rescue team of Jinling City Public Security Bureau, come to save you from leaving

      The two men over there did not have the expression of being rescued after the calamity, but like children who saw new friends, they smiled and waved to this side:

      Come on, let's play in the water together, it's so fun here

      Although it was an innocent and harmonious scene, the two big men turned into a naive and naive smirk with the children in the kindergarten, which immediately made one of the seven members of the rescue team feel chills.

      Guo Shihong said speechlessly: Are these two mentally handicapped?

      Gao Jingkun frowned:

      Of course not, can the mentally handicapped also be an internet celebrity? I think there should be something wrong with the water. The stream here is connected to the pools over there, right?

      A relatively young SWAT team member couldn't help smacking his tongue when he heard Gao Jingkun's words, and said a little stumblingly:

      Well, if we touched that water just now, would it also become like this?

      Lao Yang slapped the boy on the head and snorted:

      If you want to change, it's your kid. For now, don't worry about anything else, and hurry up and find a way to save these two idiots.

      But then these people scratched their heads when they looked at the two people playing in the water. The scene that they were almost attracted by the pool of water just now reverberated in the minds of several people. Although the two missing persons are now diving, the stream and the The pool is connected by water, and no one can guarantee that the water here will be without problems.

      What's more, looking at the appearance of the two boys, I knew that it was not a normal situation, and it was difficult for everyone to take risks in person for a while.

      Gao Jingkun watched coldly from the shore, the blurry perspective brought by the Taomu sword allowed him to see a different scene from others.

      He found that the shoal of the stream, which was closely connected to the pool, was indeed filled with black air, but it was lighter than the previous green water pool. The two rescue targets were surrounded by black air, and the red light was extremely dim. Obviously It is no longer a normal state.

      But because of the duty of the police, these two people should bring people back whether they are dead or alive.

      It seems that the world behind this fog should be the type of ghosts and ghosts that Xiaofei said. The monster must be in the water. Others will be confused when they come into contact with the water or even get close. Only I have the protection of the peach wood sword. body can resist.

      So as the temporary captain, he took the initiative to ask Ying and said:

      Lao Yang, I'm going to bring these two up

      Old Yang frowned and said:

      Kunzi, can you do it? This place is so weird, and there are still monsters that haven't appeared yet?

      Gao Jingkun raised his chest and said with a smile: man, how can you say that you can't do it? And I have an amulet, so I'm sure I won't be confused. If you don't worry, just tie me with a rope and pull me up when I succeed.

      Lao Yang was persuaded by Gao Jingkun that in this strange environment, they could not delay for too long, so they asked one of the special