Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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the gods of the five internal organs are the most famous part of the gods of the human body. The full name of the Jingjing is "Shangqing Huangting Inner Jingyu Jing", also known as "Donghua Jade Chapter", "Golden Book of the Great Emperor", "Tai Shang Qin Xin Wen".

      The ancients of all dynasties called it a book of health preservation for Taoists and dignitaries during the Wei and Jin dynasties. However, it is said in the forum that the Neijingjing is a succession of the 'Five Elements Theory' and 'Five Zangshen' that were passed down in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties in ancient times. Based on the theory that the body's viscera and organs have their own masters, combined with the Taoist theory about the human body's various channels and orifices, it is described in the form of seven-character rhyme, focusing on the key to cultivation, which is the early Shangqing school. The most revered classic.

      The scriptures take the Three Dantian and the Three Yellow Courts as the pivots, focus on contemplating the three parts, eight scenes and twenty-four true spirits, and emphasize the accumulation of essence as the key to longevity, that is, "Immortals and Taoists do not have spirits, but they must accumulate essence and accumulate Qi as true." In layman's terms, it is to refine Qi to transform into a god, and to use falsehood to cultivate the truth.

      Gao Jingfei heard the words and said:

      I know this, in the novels, there is the origin of the word "cultivation" in the novels, such as refining essence and transforming qi, refining qi and transforming spirit, as well as the origin of the word "cultivation" in cultivating novels.

      Guo Shihu said like a child who could be taught:

      That’s right, cultivating truth and seeking the Tao was originally a verb, but it was occasionally used to refer to someone who cultivates immortals and cultivating Tao. In fact, the theory of cultivating truth through falsehood is more inclined to the spiritual level, and contains profound philosophical concepts, which are difficult for ordinary experts and scholars to understand.

      You have to abandon those inherent impressions you see in online novels, otherwise, even if you practice cultivation, it is easy to go crazy and go the wrong way.

      Seeing Guo Shihu's seriousness, Gao Jingfei nodded hastily,

      How stupid it would be to take the content of the novel completely!

      Then Guo Shihong flipped through several articles and pointed them to Gao Jingfei.

      These are all necessary accumulations before translating and cultivating the exercises. At least we must understand them, otherwise it will be difficult to understand the specific cultivation process.

      In order to cultivate, Gao Jingfei also calmed down and read these articles. The room fell silent for a while, except for the occasional inquiries that Gao Jingfei did not understand and the discussions between the two.

      In these articles, Huang Tingjing is subdivided, and they mainly look at the part of the Neijingjing. The Neijingjing takes the theory of three parts, eight scenes and twenty-four gods as the main body, and believes that all parts of the human body are inhabited by gods.

      The Three Parts, Eight Scenes, and Twenty-Four Gods refer to the division of people into three parts: Shangyuan Palace, Zhongyuan Palace and Xiayuan Palace. Each part of the Yuan Palace is guarded by eight scenery gods. In the scriptures, it is believed that if people can contemplate the three parts, eight scenes and twenty-four gods, the true qi of the three fields and five internal organs will be harmonious, there will be no disease, and they can even ascend to immortals by riding the clouds.

      Gao Jingfei noticed a magical phenomenon and said:

      It seems that the names of these gods of internal organs are not random?

      Guo Shihu smiled and said:

      Xiaofei, you are really smart. The names of the gods of these organs should actually be named by the ancients based on the functions, positions, colors, and states of the various organs of the human body. Many functions were only discovered by modern medicine in the modern period, which shows that the ancients of the Xia Kingdom in the field of human medicine are by no means able to describe the slanderous claims such as witchcraft and superstition promoted by the West.

      Then he sighed: In terms of wisdom, as the only ancient civilization that has been passed down to this day, the inventions and discoveries of many aspects of the Xia Kingdom are many years earlier than those of the Westerners. It's a pity that there are not many that have really been used.

      Gao Jingfei didn't expect that Guo Shihu, a otaku, was still a little angry youth. Of course, he also thought so. In this era when the motherland was strong, if a person did not love his own country, then he would not be worthy of being a native of Xia.

      Gao Jingfei also found a problem through reading and searching. The article specifically pointed out that Taoism believes that the human body is polytheistic, and the five viscera gods are respected.

      This is also recognized by the Xuanmen monks in the world. Among the many methods of refining Qi and transforming the gods, the gods of the five internal organs are the most powerful. Although other gods have their own mysteries, they are not as good as cultivating the gods of the five internal organs in the path of becoming immortal, because the five internal organs represent the five elements and five elements. Qi circulation is the true method of Xianjia that can transcend life and death and point directly to the Dao.

      The so-called Five Qi Chaoyuan is a strange symbol of immortality.

      This made Gao Jingfei and Guo Shihong involuntarily rejoice that they had found a treasure. Although the Five Poison Secrets was not a real method for cultivating immortals, it was just an internal martial arts technique, but if it could be related to the true method of the immortal family, it must be a remarkable inheritance. Gao Jingfei even secretly praised it as the first green extraordinary item he had drawn.

      After reading several articles, Gao Jingfei has a comprehensive and general understanding of the lineage of the Shangqing School and the philosophy of Huang Tingjing.

      Next, the two began to translate the content of the Five Poisons Magical Art, word by word.

      The previous paragraph of the Five Poisons Gods quoted the content of the Huang Tingjing, which clearly explained the functions of the five zang-gods. There are five specific cultivation methods in the following chapters.

      This Five Poisons Divine Art really needs the assistance of the Five Poisons to cultivate the Five Poisons True Qi!

      After reading the translated content, Gao Jingfei couldn't help but complain.

      Guo Shihu had a different opinion.

      These five poisonous magic exercises are very strange. They seem to be taking the evil way of hurting oneself first and then hurting others, and practicing the exercises with poison. In fact, when you compare the content of the articles we just read, you will find some parts of the magic door. There are many similarities with Taoist Huang Tingjing and Taoist Five Elements Theory.

      Based on these, I can basically confirm that the method of the Five Poisons Divine Art can be traced back to the way of refining the Five Elements and Five Qi within the Shangqing School.

      Gao Jingfei heard and understood Guo Shihu's inference, and his eyes lit up.

      If Guo Shihu's guess can be established, then although the swords of the Five Poisons can't go a long way, they are not a superior way of cultivation, and it should not be a problem to use them to refine Qi and build a foundation.

      Chapter 40, Five Poisons, Part 1

      It's just that after translating the exercises, whether to practice or not, Gao Jingfei still has concerns in his heart.

      Because those external martial arts such as boxing and swordsmanship and techniques such as raising gu and refining poison are nothing more than five-poison magic, the magic sword of internal cultivation, which requires five poisons and many medicinal materials to get started.

      Although with the help of the five poisons and medicinal materials, he can make extremely fast progress in cultivation and has amazing power, but if