Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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have some physical and physical effects, but will not be able to generate true qi.

      Gao Jingfei, who was stumped by this, was highly suspicious of the statement of true qi, which should be the Taoist principle of cultivating truth through falsehood as mentioned by Guo Shihu before.

      The so-called true qi, according to his speculation, 80% is a magical product born after the combination of spiritual ideas and physical energy. Without the co-ordination of the method of visualization and preservation, no matter how hard you cultivate, no matter how much you eat, you will not generate true qi in your body.

      How can this be good?

      This read a lot of ancient vernacular, and Gao Jingfei was subtle, and involuntarily occasionally spoke in a sloppy manner.

      Chapter 41: The problem of entering the game, players who are open

      Now faced with the problem of being unable to enter tranquility after repeated attempts, even Gao Jingfei couldn't help but get upset.

      On the other hand, Guo Shihu, who was sitting quietly on the other side of the sofa, closed his eyes lightly, his breathing seemed to be absent, as if he had entered a certain state.

      This left him with no one to talk to, making him even more irritable.

      By the way, if there is a problem, find a dummy.

      Suddenly he slapped his head and thought that this is a modern society. If you have any questions, you can find them online. Even if there are no major encyclopedias, omnipotent netizens can have some answers.

      Then he tried typing difficult keywords on the computer, clicked search, and sure enough, dozens of pages and hundreds of search results popped up.

      Ignoring those parts that were incorrect and unprofessional at first glance, Gao Jingfei left more than a dozen answers, screened it again, and finally found the answer he wanted in a post from a senior practitioner.

      Regarding the difficulty of entering the settlement, this great god-level netizen named Meixi Sanren very professionally gave three solutions.

      The first is to read the classics of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism and other schools, abandon electronic products, isolate all external interference, and live in seclusion for a period of time in the deep mountains and forests. , long or short, you will catch that glimmer of light, your mind will really calm down, and you will naturally enter a state of tranquility.

      It's just that it's taking too long, right? It is estimated that when I come out of the deep mountains and the old forest, maybe the recovery of spiritual energy is almost over.

      Although this method has the benefits of self-cultivation and improvement of spiritual realm, it was directly excluded by Gao Jingfei.

      The second method is some popular methods such as Tianzhu Yoga, Tantric Meditation, Western Meditation, etc. Gao Jingfei felt that if he tried one by one, there should be a method of meditation that suits him.

      As for the so-called spiritual practices that are popular in Europe, America, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the methods that Xia Guo’s government has labelled as a cult model are not recommended above, and Gao Jingfei does not intend to try it.

      The third is to find a professional hypnotist, or use professional audio such as hypnotic music and white noise to help you enter your inner world.

      The landlord, Meixi Sanren, recommends the first one as the top, or if the three cooperate with each other, it is easier for people to enter a state of tranquility.

      After leaving a message at the back of the post to thank and worship the boss, Gao Jingfei was going to try the latter two methods, so he began to search for the method mentioned above.

      But soon he found out that he could find it on the Internet. Whether it is yoga or meditation, it takes a lot of time to practice. Western meditation is also difficult to get started. On the contrary, there are some modern psychological medicine researches to help sleep and focus. After waiting for a simple and small method, his eyes lit up after seeing it.

      Research in the spiritual field is deeply involved in the world of mysticism and cultivation, both in the East and the West. For example, hypnotism belonged to the field of Zhuyoushu in ancient times of the Xia Kingdom. , but because of the war or other reasons, the current Xia Kingdom, Zhu Youshu and other inheritances have basically been lost.

      In the end, Gao Jingfei did not choose those bells and whistles that looked very high-end, but chose two of the simplest tips to try.

      The number concentration method is similar to the principle of counting sheep hypnosis, and the training of concentration is achieved by reading numbers.

      The candle meditation method is similar to the former, but one uses numbers to adjust the mind, and the other uses candles with hands to train concentration.

      In the end, there is the concept of light in each school. Gao Jingfei did not try the methods of Taoism, Tantric, and witchcraft, but chose the simplest concept of light in psychology.

      Because this method is just to visualize pure light, it can also be light with kindness and good wishes, and there is no other sect’s light that involves the mix of teachings, which is very important to him, who has been a lifelong lover for two lifetimes. Accepting atheist education is more suitable for a serious socialist successor.

      After a series of training in concentration and meditation, Gao Jingfei sat tirelessly for more than two hours. He seemed to have found a trick to enter a state of tranquility, but he was soon disturbed by his overly lively thoughts. After trying again and again, his mood became more irritable, and it became more and more difficult to enter the state.

      On the contrary, it is the breathing method corresponding to the exercise method. After a few times, I can occasionally achieve the results that are in line with the instinct without doing it deliberately.

      For Gao Jingfei, who had never been exposed to this aspect of cultivation, this was definitely considered a talent.

      Unfortunately, after trying several times in succession, he could only vaguely feel the threshold of entry, but he couldn't really cross it. Under the irritability, Gao Jingfei simply suspended the practice of the Five Poisons, opened his eyes, and saw Guo Shihu, who had woken up, was watching own.

      Seeing that Gao Jingfei looked a little dejected, Guo Shihu asked:

      What's wrong, how did you try?

      Gao Jingfei sighed and replied:

      Not to mention, I have basically mastered the breathing method, but I have not been able to succeed in contemplation and contemplation.

      Then he saw Guo Shihu's face with a look of joy, and couldn't help but ask:

      you succeeded?

      Guo Shihu glanced at him embarrassedly, and then replied:

      It seems to be a success. At first, my mind was messy, and then I slowly entered a state of no thoughts, as if my thinking was stagnant, and my consciousness jumped out to observe my state as a bystander. No concept of time, no idea of what to do.

      Later, I suddenly had a thought, I remembered that I wanted to cultivate, and then I quit from this state. A few hours have passed since I woke up. Next time, I will definitely remember to visualize the lung spirit in the five internal organs, and then the body will cooperate with the breathing method at the same time to see if I can complete a real practice.

      Gao Jingfei heard that he was a little happy for Guo Shihu, his friend, and also that he could practice the Five Poisons, but he was more discouraged for himself.

      Compared with Guo Shihu, who is pure-hearted and immersed in two-dimensional art, Gao Jingfei has merged two souls, but his mind is more responsible. The repressed indignation from the soul of the middle-aged social animal is mixed with the lively and jumping thinking of the second-year teenager, which makes him very happy. It is difficult to truly calm down and enter that mysterious state of tranquility.

      You must know that when he got the five poison secrets, he still