Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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a popular science about the origins of the Shangqing faction on the Internet, and by the way, he also learned about the relationship between some Taoist factions.

      So he knew that the Qingwei faction, the Shenxiao faction, and the Tianxin faction were the three most famous Leifa factions in Taoism. Although the Qingwei faction was not as famous as the Shenxiao faction that flourished in the two Song Dynasties, it was one of the Leifa factions. The one with the most branches.

      Because the Qingwei school not only pretended to be passed down from the Qingwei Tianyu Qingyuanshi Tianzun, but also honored the real Wei Cunhua of the Shangqing school as the patriarch, and inherited many of the Shangqing classics, so it is also considered to be a branch of the Shangqing school.

      It is not false to say that Sanshan Fulu is a family. The relationship between the three sects of Fulu and its derivative Taoism is close and complicated.

      For example, Wei Cunhua, the patriarch of the Shangqing School, was originally the sacrificial wine of the Tianshi Dao; the descendants of the Tianshifu in Longhu Mountain also took the position of the headmaster of the Shangqing School; Lu Xiujing, one of the patriarchs of the Lingbao School, was the master of the Shangqing School himself; the Shenxiao School was also Evolved from the Tao of Tianshi, and so on.

      After the three mountain talismans were combined into one, Longhushan became the general leader of the world's talisman faction, not to mention the same bloodline of the Shangqing. Brother appellation.

      So after recounting the origin, the relationship between Gao Jingfei and Zhang Xiaodao was instantly brought closer.

      Of course, what Gao Jingfei said was half-truth, and he was not a branch of the Shangqing faction.

      However, even though he barely even got started with the Five Poisons Secrets, the inheritance of the Five Poisons Secrets he has now is actually related to the Shangqing lineage, so it cannot be said that it is not related at all. , it's not completely fooling this little Taoist.

      Gao Jingfei wanted to continue to exchange ideas with the little Taoist priest Zhang Jingsheng about the Taoism of the Shangqing School, to see if he could learn by analogy, so that he could get started as soon as possible in the cultivation of the Five Poisons.

      It's just that a lot of people came in quickly in the conference room, and some leaders have already taken their place, so they shut up and stopped talking.

      He glanced at the leaders seated above. Except for the two of the Public Security Bureau, Gao Jingfei didn't know any of them. After all, he was only a high school student and didn't like watching the news. I can't recognize it.

      Instead, he saw a familiar face in the second row.

      This is none other than his uncle Gao Wenxian.

      Gao Wenxian also noticed the three people who were sitting in a corner but were very conspicuous. After all, whether it was the little Taoist priest who pretended to be a perpetrator or was wearing a Taoist robe, it was impossible to be inconspicuous.

      On the contrary, Gao Jingfei, who looked like a high school student, was a little out of place in this situation.

      Seeing his eldest nephew, Gao Wenxian didn't seem surprised by this. Obviously, after encountering abnormal events a few times before, Gao Jingkun had already communicated with his eldest uncle about his problems.

      Because it was a meeting, the deputy director of the East China Sea Public Security Bureau didn't say anything, but gave Gao Jingfei a reassuring expression.

      Seeing the existence of Uncle Gao Wenxian, Gao Jingfei felt relieved, and the tension relieved by the little Taoist became more relaxed.

      At this time, the host of the meeting stood up from his seat and walked to the front of the stage with a large screen. into the microphone:

      Be quiet everyone, now the meeting starts

      The person in charge of the meeting was a man in his thirties. He looked at the famous brand on the seat or a leader. Of course, this time it was a confidential meeting involving all parties, and it would not be appropriate for an ordinary staff member to preside over it.

      Everyone must have known about the foggy incidents that have occurred frequently across the country and even around the world in the past six months. Please see this video sent by the central government below.

      Abnormal events and bizarre events are now collectively referred to as fog events within the government, because all abnormal events occur with the appearance of a fog that cannot be dispelled and deciphered.

      Gao Jingfei has the information about the Altar of the Heavens, so he naturally understands that the fog should be a phenomenon caused by the collision of the rules of two different worlds when the alien plane invades the real world, which involves rules such as space, which are difficult to analyze and decipher at the level of modern technology.

      Without the official clichés that Gao Jingfei imagined, the meeting went straight to the topic and played a video for the participants through the projector.

      Although I have seen some videos and screenshots on the Internet before, it is the first time that Gao Jingfei has watched such a clear and systematic video describing the fog events all over the world, so he watched it very seriously.

      Chapter 45: The Appearance of Abilities

      The video shows several photos and videos of typical abnormal events, all of which are real records that have happened abroad. At the same time, the video is accompanied by a narration explanation that is as clear as a newscaster, and introduces the central aspects of the Xia State in detail. What is known about the fog event.

      And Gao Jingfei finally had a systematic understanding of the so-called fog event and the resulting changes in the world.

      The first recorded appearance of this odd fog was probably last summer, first across the ocean in Amelica, and first recorded outside a small town in the Cowboy State.

      At that time, the fog engulfed the whole town, and thanks to the sturdy folk customs of the Cowboy State, every family always had long guns and short guns, and finally defeated the monsters in the fog, but the population of the town, which was originally only a few hundred people, was greatly reduced in a short time. half.

      Then this kind of weird fog gradually began to appear all over Amelica. After a total of more than a dozen times, it was followed by the Maple Leaf Country next to Lao Mi, and the Great Franco Country, Gaul Country and The Roman state also began to appear foggy.

      Then there are the Middle-earth Xia Kingdom, the Goryeo Peninsula and the Middle-earth Subcontinent's body poison country, Meng country and other countries half a year ago.

      This was followed by the Toyo Island countries, Southeast Asia, and the Lucia country to the north.

      When records of strange events began to appear on the Internet, experts from various countries called on people that this was an abnormal weather caused by environmental changes. The country is already full of rumors, and even the resulting price rises, economic collapse, and some countries have suffered heavy losses. Even in the old rice of the Liberty Beacon, there have been many demonstrations and riots and looting.

      Just like the foreign news that Gao Jingfei had seen before, foreigners really live in dire straits.

      The Daxia Kingdom has relatively good supervision in this regard. Although there are some rumors and rumors, the society as a whole still maintains the stable situation before the beginning of the world change. Except for a few innocent people who were directly affected by the fog incident, there is not much Many people were implicated as a result.

      It's a rare piece of good news in a string of bad news.

      You must know the situation in foreign countries introduced in the video. In addition to the social turmoil in several major countries in Europe and the United States, but the overall stability of the regime can be maintained, the people of some Heizhou, South America, Southeast Asia and other countries are simply miserable, and even a short period of time has occurred. In a few months, the government has changed several