Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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      It really corresponds to the banner of the changing king of the city, after you sing, I will appear!

      Compared with the ordinary foreigners who were killed and injured by tens of thousands during the coup d’etat, the people in Xia Guo should eat and drink, and they could take their dogs and cats to walk leisurely around the neighborhood after dinner. Or go to the food stalls in the night market and enjoy the skewering, which is undoubtedly the same as heaven.

      After everyone watched the video, the atmosphere in the conference room became even more depressing.

      An old man in the lead nodded to the deputy prefect who presided over the meeting, and then the deputy prefect said:

      Next, I invite the leader of Guo to give a speech

      The old man stood up slightly, took the microphone in front of him and said:

      Let me briefly add that you should have seen the situation described in the video. Fog events occur frequently around the world, which means that a major change is underway around the world. So far, no country or scientist has confirmed the This can be explained, which means that the mutation cannot be prevented.

      For some unknown reason, on average, there are relatively few fog events in the Xia Kingdom, ranking in the top three countries with the fewest mutation events in the world along with Lucia and North Korea. It is said that the Black Continent and South America have been flooded with disasters, and even a number of fog diffusion phenomena have occurred, engulfing the real land, and there are very few survivors who survived after entering.

      At present, there is only one fog diffusion incident in our country, which happened in the suburbs of Jinling, and thanks to the heroic and hard work of our Jinling City Public Security Bureau officers, this kind of diffusion has been suppressed. praise from the government and the central government.

      This Guo leader paused, and after the applause in the conference room ended, he continued:

      At present, some countries in the world have completely lost order. These examples all tell us that it is necessary to maintain order. Therefore, in a short period of time, our task is to maintain public order and safety as the first priority. The network and the media will first block news, and then the control may be gradually relaxed depending on the situation.

      As for the birth of the fog event at the same time, there is also the phenomenon of supernatural powers appearing everywhere.

      Most of the people present at the meeting turned their attention to the location of Gao Jingfei's three people, making them the focus of the conference room in an instant.

      Over there, Leader Guo continued to speak:

      Superpowers, superhumans, and mutants are all names for these people. They are just like the superhumans in the movie, and they suddenly show extraordinary abilities.

      There have been examples of superpowers publicly performing supernatural powers on foreign networks. In order to maintain order and stability, our country has suppressed these. However, whether it is a fog event that cannot be solved by science at present, or a random supernatural person, the country There is currently no precise conclusion on how to deal with this.

      This sentence made the hearts of the three people where Gao Jingfei was tense.

      Fortunately, the words of the leader Guo made their hearts relieved.

      The old man looked at Gao Jingfei and the three of them, smiled kindly and said:

      I don’t know why, but it seems that the probability of supernatural beings appearing in the territory of our Xia kingdom is far lower than that of several countries in Europe and America. This is worth worrying about. At present, for supernatural powers in China, our government’s attitude is still based on cooperation. , so the theme of this meeting is how to deal with these two problems. Everyone can speak freely. The minutes of the meetings of each province will eventually be aggregated to the capital, and the most appropriate response method will be selected.

      In addition, we also need to listen to some opinions and opinions from the people, so today we invited three supernatural people from Jinling to the scene.

      Hearing this, Gao Jingfei pondered the meaning of the leader's words, and immediately understood the reason why he broke into the fog last time, and the various abilities he showed would be so easily accepted by the leaders of the city bureau. related to frequent occurrences of capable persons.

      It seems that in addition to the pseudo-superpower who relies on the golden finger, there are really superpowers in the novel who really awaken their abilities.

      Think about it and understand that although there is chaos in foreign countries, it seems that more superpowers are born. These people are the factors of restlessness, but if the world changes and cannot be stopped, then superpowers will also become a resource or even a national power. symbol.

      Although the domestic order is stable, it is a good thing for the majority of ordinary residents, but if the power of those superhumans is used in foreign countries and develops like this, then it will not be good news for the entire Xia Kingdom.

      Gao Jingfei secretly said in his heart:

      If it doesn't work, it will reproduce the experience of these years

      Therefore, attracting people with abilities is what the government needs to do at present, and the two people around me are probably the same as me, because they showed some abilities and were called by the government.

      Chapter 46: Aura Recovery Proposed by Gao Jingfei

      Gao Jingfei was thinking to himself when the political envoy Guo Bu turned his gaze to the direction of the public security bureau.

      Regarding the response to the fog incident, I would like to name and commend all the members of the Jinling Public Security Bureau. It is precisely because of your timely response that you have not only handled the clean-up work of several sudden fog incidents in this city perfectly, but also sent someone to personally Ventured into the fog twice, rescued the missing citizens who fell into the fog, and brought important information to Jiangnan Province.

      Especially the experience of personally entering the world behind the fog, which is unique even in the whole country. Although there have been many examples of public officials entering the fog in other regions, they have all sacrificed in it and have not returned. Oral report by a few people who strayed into the fog and returned.

      The two experiences of the Jinling Public Security Bureau have given us a more detailed process. Among them, there are many important information that have not been discovered before that deserve everyone's attention. After the capital receives the report, in addition to praise, it will also be rewarded. , the follow-up reward has not been agreed, but I believe it will be communicated soon.

      The news made several leaders of the Jinling Public Security Bureau smile on their faces.

      Although Gao Jingkun and the others strayed into the fog incident to eliminate the ghouls by accident before, but in the later live broadcast of the disappearance incident in the deserted village, the rescue of the two missing persons this time was completely the action of the Jinling Public Security Bureau, and it turned out that they were right. , deserves this award.

      Of course, they also thought that if the kid Gao Jingfei hadn't intruded indiscriminately, it was estimated that the rescue team would not know what would happen, so they became more grateful and attached more importance to Gao Jingfei, a young man.

      Several provincial departments and the leaders of the public security bureau looked at each other, and their thoughts were surprisingly consistent.

      This is a rare supernatural ability within their security system!

      We must grasp it and not let the city government and other units of the provincial government take it away.

      The next meeting was a discussion among various departments in Jiangnan Province. Gao Jingfei began to fall into a state of distraction when he saw that there was no situation involving him, thinking