Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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the second brother Guo to the room on the third floor out of curiosity.

      I saw that there were many bottles, jars and boxes on the table in the living room, the largest one being over a foot long. There seemed to be several boxes of proprietary Chinese medicines nearby.

      how about it?

      Guo Shihu said posing like Gao Jingfei.

      Gao Jingfei was a little confused.

      How about what? Brother Hu, what are you doing?

      Guo Shihu patted his head.

      Did I forget to tell you? I went back and tried it last night. I succeeded in this introductory kung fu, but I also failed.

      Then he explained to Gao Jingfei.

      It turned out that after successfully entering the state of meditation yesterday, the two of them separated Guo Shihu and couldn't sleep at all, so they went straight to the first formal training. Then Guo Shihu, who was just beginning to practice, didn't indulge in the practice. The body will be overwhelmed.

      It was only a short time of a stick of incense, but he felt that his body was hollowed out, as if he was just recovering from a serious illness.

      It is not surprising that although Guo Shihu has nothing wrong with him, he has the body of an otaku. He does not like sports all the year round. Although he has not gained weight, his body is also much worse than Gao Jingfei, who is a scumbag but has some specialties in sports.

      Therefore, in the step of refining and transforming qi, there is not enough foundation. Although he is talented, he quickly mastered the correct cultivation method of the introduction to the five poisons, and he has also succeeded. However, the lack of qi and blood limited his progress. After a short period of common sense, he failed to condense his true qi. Instead, he almost lost his qi and blood.

      So I got up early the next morning and went to the hospital with a weak body for examination, forgetting to tell Gao Jingfei.

      When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor found that he was weak, sub-healthy, anemia and other symptoms were a little serious. He immediately hung up the emergency room to go to the infusion, and supplemented with electrolytes and trace elements such as glucose.

      Then, on the recommendation of the doctor, I bought some nutritional supplements.

      Of course, he also went to the pharmacy to buy a lot of tonics, such as Anshen Bunao Liquid, American Ginseng Oral Liquid, Calcium Iron Zinc Amino Acid Oral Liquid, Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Jinkui Shenqi Pill, Guilu Bushen Pill, Sea Dog Pill, Shenbao Wait, there were several big boxes of everything, which made the pharmacist in the pharmacy look at him strangely, but he didn't think about how young this young man was, but thought he came to the pharmacy to buy the goods. !

      Why don't you give me a call?

      Guo Shihu said: I saw you and Big Brother Gao left, I guess there is something important, and I have nothing to do.

      Gao Jingfei nodded and pointed at the table:

      So you want to replenish your body by taking medicine, and then cultivate your true qi?

      Seeing Guo Shihu's embarrassed nod, Gao Jingfei pointed to other bottles and asked:

      So what are these for?

      I bought these materials and was going to try the techniques of raising Gu and refining poisons recorded in the Five Poisons Secret Book.

      Then Guo Shihu showed a worried look on his face and said to Gao Jingfei:

      I consider that even if we develop true qi, it is not a matter of one or two days for us to form the kind of combat power of heroes in the novel, and it is not a game where we can kill monsters to earn experience and use drugs to level up.

      Gao Jingfei couldn't help but look a little weird when he heard this, because he seemed to be able to do what Guo Shihu said.

      Guo Shihu continued:

      Changes in the world are happening all the time, so in order to deal with possible dangers, it is necessary to master a certain degree of self-protection power. And the easiest thing we can get at the moment is the poison refining and gu raising techniques recorded in the Five Poisons Secret Guide, especially the poison refining. Simple poisons cannot be prepared with some biochemical knowledge. It can play a big role, and although this is less powerful than Gu raising, it is easier to achieve quickly.

      Raising Gu and Refining Poison?

      Gao Jingfei rubbed his chin and pondered. He didn't need these things so urgently, because there were a few items drawn from the Altar of the Heavens, and there were even low-level magic weapons. In the face of the general situation, it was enough for him to protect himself so far.

      But in this dangerous world, in addition to fog events and monsters, people can't be unpredictable, and they must master some self-defense measures to protect themselves.

      It's just that Gao Jingfei dislikes poison, gu, and these things. It's not because he has any idea of righteousness and evil, it's mainly because he is afraid of bugs.

      This is not funny at all. Many strong men will jump up and scream like a little girl when they see a cockroach or mouse.

      This is the fear engraved in human genes. It is said that it originated from the ancient times when people found that exposure to cockroaches, mice, etc. would bring diseases to people.

      Just like the gene for fear of snakes is imprinted in human instinct.

      Coincidentally, Gao Jingfei was afraid of these!

      Originally, Gao Jingfei was a little disgusted, but after thinking about it, since Guo Shihu is willing to ponder these, he will use it after he has trained himself, just to save himself from facing those complicated formulas and insect poisons.

      Then he smiled and said to Guo Shihu:

      Since Brother Hu, you want to refine poison and gu, of course I support you, but don't take these medicines, I have better things here, you wait for me

      As he said that, he pretended to go back to the seventh floor to get something, and when he came back again, there was an old-fashioned cake wrapped in lotus leaf in his hand.

      what is this?

      Guo Shihu asked very curiously.

      Gao Jingfei unwrapped the lotus leaf, and immediately a refreshing fragrance penetrated into their noses.

      This is a slightly sweet fragrance. It doesn't look sweet, but it has a sweet and fragrant feeling. Guo Shihu, who felt this fragrance for the first time, couldn't help gurgling in his stomach. Stop swallowing.

      He endured his greed, and asked eagerly: What kind of good thing is it so fragrant?

      Gao Jingfei said: This is a good thing I got from the fog. In the words of the novel, it is food containing spiritual energy, which is definitely more effective than the medicines you bought.

      This is naturally the glutinous rice cake from the Immortal Sword World that he has left.

      Guo Shihu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and asked:

      You mean, this is for me?

      Of course!

      Gao Jingfei handed the lotus leaf to the other party.

      Guo Shihu hesitated after taking it.

      Is this bad? Xiaofei, you should eat it yourself or give it to your uncles and aunts.

      Gao Jingfei shook his head and smiled:

      Brother Hu, just eat it, I have something better for my parents.

      Gao Jingfei really thought so.

      He feels that even if the medicines Guo Shihu bought are effective, it is estimated that they will not work for a while, but there is still one piece of his sweet-scented osmanthus cake left to eat. Supplementing the body's qi and blood is regarded as the medicinal effect of nourishing vitality.
