Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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white tiger belongs to metal, and it is the god of killing and the army, so it is not too surprising that the new lung spirit true qi of the white tiger picture has a trace of lung-metal qi.

      Gao Jingfei glanced at the experimental equipment such as alcohol lamps and stills on the table, and asked curiously:

      Hu, how are you doing here? What did the research yield?

      Guo Shihu confidently introduced Gao Jingfei to the three-point medicine he has refined.

      Gao Jingfei nodded while listening. After Guo Shihu finished his introduction, he said with satisfaction:

      Brother Hu, you are really a genius. These drugs are still very useful to us. Although we don’t use them in normal times, they may have miraculous effects at critical moments. But can’t you refine all five formulas? Why are there only three?

      Guo Shihu's face changed a bit, and he pointed to the contents of the Five Poisons Secret Books that were photographed and recorded on the computer and said:

      The remaining two are mixed poisons, and I haven't decided whether to practice or not.

      Mixed poison?

      Gao Jingfei seems to have seen this word somewhere, it seems to be a novel or a movie in a parallel world.

      Guo Shihu explained: Mixed poison, as the name suggests, is a mix of several poisons, which makes it difficult for people to crack and treat. This kind of poison is not necessarily the most poisonous, but it must be the most difficult, and ordinary people cannot refine it. Therefore, in the five poison secrets, there are no more than ten formulas that belong to mixed poison.

      Mixed poison is not simply to mix poisons to harm people, but to mix the refined mixed toxins according to certain rules, just like a complex chemical reaction, the refined toxins are completely mixed with a variety of simple poisons Not a level.

      Gao Jingfei said in surprise: So powerful?

      Guo Shihu said solemnly: Yes, at present, I can find two mixed poison formulas with ingredients. They are not particularly high-end among the five poison secrets, but they are not the same as the ecstasy powder and Hedinghong.

      Since the consequences of these two poisons are very evil, I am not sure whether to practice or not. Xiaofei, you can also give me an idea.

      Gao Jingfei opened his mouth wide after listening to Guo Shihu's description of the two mixed-poison formulas.

      The remaining two recipes recorded in the secret book that can be refined are called Qihua Heartless Needle and Black Mold Powder.

      These two are two very difficult mixes.

      Among them, Qihua Junqing Needle is a combination of biological toxins and mineral toxins. The seven poisonous flowers are mixed with scorpion venom and centipede venom, and there are also poisonous powders made from arsenic, cinnabar, green mica and other ore powders. It can be used separately or mixed, and when it is incorporated into the hollow poison needle, it is the Seven Flower Heartless Needle, which is also well-known in the Five Poison Sect.

      At the earliest, the origin of this poison needle was used by women of the Five Poison Sect to punish their husbands and lovers who betrayed them.

      A single injection of the seven flower poison will not cause death, but it will produce continuous severe pain, fever, infection and other symptoms, but it will not cause death.

      If the other party repents and is faithful to herself, the woman will no longer be poisoned, and if she recuperates with medicine, she will be able to restore the poisoned person to normal.

      If the other party would rather die than give in, then inject the seven flower poison and the golden stone poison into the poison needle. In addition to the previous effects, it will also cause the poisoned person to become weak, lose hair, lose their teeth and disfigure their face. After torture, even the peerless handsome guy and the unparalleled son will become the ugly ghost that everyone hates.

      Even if the poison is no longer poisoned in the middle, a lot of precious medicinal herbs will be needed to restore some vitality, but it will not be the same as before. .

      It's better to live than to die.

      That's why this poison needle is called the Seven Flower Heartless Needle. There is still a chance to save the Seven Flower Poison. Once the Jinshi Poison is injected, it is really heartless and irreversible.

      Guo Shihu analyzed: This may be caused by those arsenic compounds, mercury compounds and minerals with radiation in the poison needle. These are chronic poisons, and there will be no serious symptoms immediately if the exposure is small, but they will lurk in the human body. Destroy people's health and bring long-term pain and suffering.

      It's so wicked!

      Such an evil spirit made Gao Jingfei shudder, and he felt a moment of silence for the husbands and lovers of the women of the Five Poison Religion.

      Guo Shihu said with a half-smiling smile:

      Evil door? Another black mold powder is even more terrible.

      This product is taken from the yellowing and mildewed place of rice noodles, mixed with dark and damp walls, black mold and aged e-liquid, and cultivated in a special way with the mycelium of toadstools and other toadstools in the mountains, and finally the finished product is obtained. Dry grinding, this is the black mold powder.

      This kind of poison only needs to put a small amount of rice grains into the target meal each time, and it will cause people to suffer from mutations and hide the risk of ulcers for half a month. The so-called ulcer is the word used for cancer in ancient medical books, and the toxin produced by the moldy food is the famous aflatoxin, and other pathogenic molds, which are not good things. The disease is 10%, there is no cure, it can be painful and tortured to death, and the length of survival depends on the location of the lesion.

      When listening to these introductions, Gao Jingfei couldn't help feeling agitated, and he was barely scared out of cold sweat.

      It's all carcinogens!

      Due to the popular science of the world's major health programs in the parallel world, Gao Jingfei also understands the hazards of nitrite, aflatoxin and other poisons.

      He clicked his tongue:

      Although the ancients did not know the principle of carcinogens, they could poison people and make people suffer from an incurable disease such as cancer. This is too sinister and vicious!

      Guo Shihu said coldly:

      It is indeed extremely vicious. To say the former mixed poison, normal people will probably not get better after eating it, and there is no antidote, but it is also possible to induce vomiting and gastric lavage, and then inject some drugs, and there is a possibility of being rescued.

      And if it is treated with black mold powder, it is usually in the middle and late stages after it is discovered. Unless it is obviously thyroid cancer that can be detected early, or even if modern medicine is so developed, it will be left to fate! And the process of waiting for death will be very painful!

      This insidious poison Guo Shihu did not intend to refine, and Gao Jingfei also objected, because the black mold powder is powerful, but this mixed poison is difficult to threaten the enemy. After all, this is not a poison that sees blood and seals the throat. It can be used to harm people secretly, which is far worse than the silent poison that kills people in martial arts novels.

      According to Guo Shihu's experiments on mice, calculated based on the proportion of human body, at least three grams of black mold powder can be enough to kill people, and it is not an immediate attack and death on the spot, but it is estimated that the fastest is tormented by pain Die in a few days.

      Because now that poor guinea pig is still suffering in the observation box.

      The second is that the ingredients of this black mold powder are definitely not good after the entrance, and it is easy to be discriminated by others. Whether it is dissolved in wine or sprinkled into food, it is estimated that people will notice it at the