Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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bought this piece of shading on all sides. Only the side and the top are the observation surfaces. The side can observe the ant nest cave, and the top is the simulated natural surface environment, where there are soil, sand and moss.

      Generally speaking, this kind of toy that traps ants in a small box is difficult to feed, and most of the ants will die within a few months or even weeks.

      However, Guo Shihu was used to test the basic Gu worm cultivation method on the secret of the Five Poisons, refining ordinary insects into poisonous worms, and then relying on drugs to drive them to attack.

      Because it is not easy to use larger insects for experiments, I bought cheap and small ants for experiments.

      It's not that he doesn't want to use more powerful spiders, lizards and other ferocious predator creatures to experiment, but that those are not easy to find and expensive, not as economical as ants.

      As a newly graduated college student, even if I have a lot of lucky money, I can occasionally complete some outsourced design work under the introduction of the senior teacher, but although it is not a big deal to buy figures and materials, there is not much left.

      If it wasn't for this time he had a falling out with his family and wanted to start his own business, he would not have thought of saving money, who usually had no concept of money.

      The Gu worm that Guo Shihu is going to cultivate is called Pain Gu, as the name suggests, it is a Gu worm that produces severe pain after biting people. This belongs to the lowest level of Gu insects recorded in the Five Poison Mysteries, and is usually cultivated with some small gregarious insects, such as locusts and wasps. Because the power is low and the rate of becoming a gu is not high, it is only by quantity.

      Of course ants can too.

      According to the method recorded in the Five Poisons, Guo Shihu fed the ants some cooked rice grains mixed with medicinal powder and soaked in the shade.

      These medicinal powders are dry powders that are mixed and extracted from several materials and dried. Among them, plant medicinal materials are the main ingredients, and a small amount of chemical toxins are mixed to ensure that the ants will not die suddenly after use, and have some adaptation time to the poisons.

      The next step is to wait.

      After all, cultivating Gu worms cannot be done overnight, at least there must be a cycle, and even repeated cultivation and improvement from generation to generation are required to cultivate the best Gu worms.

      Even in terms of the life cycle of an ant, it will take a few weeks to see results.

      If these ants are successfully cultivated into Gu worms, then you can try to buy a batch of bullet ants to cultivate, it is said that those things bite people and hurt!

      Guo Shihu muttered to himself.

      Because there is no Five Poisons True Qi, he cannot ripen Gu worms with poisonous True Qi, so he can only pick up some simple cultivation methods, at the cost of a long time and a low success rate.

      On the poison side, he prepared it very smoothly.

      He has already made the three most basic items, Mihun San, Hedinghong and Expelling Disease Soup.

      Yes, there is also an anti-epidemic soup that is used to treat diseases.

      The refining part of the Five Poisons Secrets is not all poison formulas, there are also many esoteric medicines for curing diseases.

      Because the southwest region has been rich in smoky poisonous substances and humid and sultry heat since ancient times, most of these treatment remedies are treatment methods such as expelling poisonous insects and miasma.

      This decoction is the most common, and can be used to treat plague infections. In modern terms, it is used to treat various diseases caused by viruses, such as viral colds, diarrhea and so on.

      Among them, the ratio of the formula is very interesting in Guo Shihu's view. In addition to the five poisonous sect's signature five poisons, it is also accompanied by forsythia, lotus seed core, ephedra, bitter almond and other heat-clearing and lung-clearing drugs. Common herbs for relieving cough and asthma.

      In addition, there are kitchen condiments such as ginger, garlic and pepper.

      However, considering that ginger garlic pepper itself is a spicy and warm spice, it also has the functions of relieving the exterior and dispelling cold, warming the middle and relieving vomiting, warming the lung and relieving cough, detoxifying and killing insects. Not surprising.

      Among the other two poisons, Hedinghong, known as the deadly poison in ancient times, sounds very powerful, but it is the easiest to refine under Guo Shihu's hands.

      The so-called Hedinghong has been studied and understood in modern times. It is actually arsenic trioxide, also commonly known as arsenic, but because the arsenic was impure in ancient times, it turned red, also known as red alum and red letter stone, so the ancients gave this kind of drama. The poisonous thing has an elegant alias, Hedinghong.

      Refining this thing is not difficult for Guo Shihu, who has almost a perfect score in chemistry. It is good to directly extract it with other arsenic compounds, and it is easy to obtain pure white pure arsenic.

      As for Mihun San, it's actually the kind of magic medicine described in the novel that one must guard against when walking in the rivers and lakes.

      Using several poisonous drugs such as mandala and raw grass as raw materials, it is similar to modern anesthesia. Those who take overdose will have the side effects of convulsions and convulsions, and eventually die from respiratory paralysis or cardiac arrhythmia.

      Among the three medicines, this formula is more difficult because the materials are not easy to find. These are all state-controlled drugs, and general pharmacies and hospitals would not dare to arrest them without a prescription.

      Fortunately, Guo Shihu also had some connections at Jinling University. Through a classmate from the Department of Biomedicine who had a good relationship with the community, he contacted him. On the pretext of studying biological experiments, he bought a batch of mice and a few materials.

      The other party didn't dare to give him more. This is still based on the original friendship and Guo Shihong's eldest brother is a police detective, and he can't use it to commit crimes, so Guo Shihu finally only trained less than 20 grams of ecstasy powder. , enough to fascinate a few adults, but it is better than nothing.

      Chapter 54: Insidious and vicious black mold powder

      It took only over an hour after the three easiest medicines were prepared by Guo Shihu. Although many materials were processed in the laboratory equipment at the same time, which saved a lot of time, it can also prove that these prescriptions are good for him. It's really simple.

      As for the remaining two poisons that can be refined at present, it is not so simple.

      Because this is different from the previous poison, but a formula called mixed poison.

      Here Guo Shihu was studying poison, and there Gao Jingfei, who had been in the cultivation state for more than an hour, took a long breath, and then opened his eyes to receive his gong.

      Hearing the movement, Guo Shihu put down the experiment and hurried over to ask:

      how about it?

      Gao Jingfei smiled in a good mood and said:

      No problem, the replacement visualization seems to have a better cultivation effect than the original one, and the infuriating energy is also purer.

      This new-born lung spirit is different than before, Wei Wei has a sharp feeling. In his opinion, it is obvious that the attributes have changed slightly because he switched to the white tiger picture to visualize.

      If it wasn't for the fact that they were still far from releasing their true qi, Gao Jingfei wanted to show Guo Shihu the true qi he had cultivated.

      Guo Shihu, who heard Gao Jingfei's description, was also very excited. He analyzed:
