Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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are you feeling, brother?

      Gao Jingkun stood up with a tired look on his face, shook his head and looked around, suddenly showing a look of surprise and said:

      It's really useful. Now I see different changes here. The field of vision is much clearer, and the black matter around me can be clearly seen.

      That's good!

      Gao Jingfei also breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said to his teammates:

      Today, the power of Guan Erye's idol has been depleted. Killing five cursed clones can also weaken a lot of the monster's power. It is estimated that the fog outside will shrink a lot. We have completed this task. Wait a minute Next time, we will all finish opening our spiritual eyes again. At that time, our third law enforcement team will definitely be the number one team in Jiangnan Province, and even the number one team against the supernatural in the country!

      Gao Jingfei also learned to draw cakes for people, just like the bosses he encountered while working in the parallel world.

      The difference is that his cake is a real cake, and it's already in front of you, and he wants everyone to take a bite first.

      And the cakes drawn by the bosses are the kind that will never be eaten.

      Gao Jingkun also put away his excitement. As the captain, he also announced:

      Well, that's it for today, everyone go back and have a good rest, and strive to open the spiritual eyes of our entire team next time!

      Everyone was naturally attracted by this big cake drawn by the brothers, because they had already gotten some benefits.

      Soon the six-person team was sorted out and left.

      At this time, Gao Jingfei looked back at the shoal. Although the strange figure floating in the stream still looked fierce, in fact, the body that was already visible to the naked eye became very illusory. Only the cheongsam remained unchanged. .

      Gao Jingfei secretly said:

      Sure enough, the cheongsam is the body, no wonder this figure's face is blurred and cannot be seen clearly

      That is to say, the cheongsam shadow itself is not rational, otherwise it must be seen that Gao Jingfei is going to use this mountain village secret realm as a dungeon to repeatedly brush it!

      If the person in Bishuitan understood this, he would definitely be grateful to his eighth ancestors.

      Under the eager gaze of the strange figure, the third law enforcement team left this world from the entrance of the small mountain village.

      Entering the fog, everyone used safety ropes to connect them together again. It would be a lot of dreams at night. Of course, Gao Jingfei's hands were itchy, and he couldn't wait to lose all the 200 energy points.

      So he greeted the big brother behind him, slowed down his pace, and directly entered the space of the altar of the heavens consciously to use up the 200 divine particles.

      This is also because it is very safe for him to be in the fog, otherwise he usually needs to find a quiet and safe place to be immersed in the altar of the heavens.

      Let the green light come more violently

      Gao Jingfei performed two green draws with a secret prayer in his heart.

      Seeing the meteor slide down and the green light drifting bottle appearing on the altar, even though it was not the first time the lottery was drawn, his heart was still very excited.

      It is estimated that this is the fun of the lottery!

      Everything is unknown to him until the dust settles.

      Of course, not to mention the lottery in the various APPs on the market, there is no such expectation for that kind of fooling thing, because everyone knows that the probability of the lottery is infinitely close to zero, and the system will be secretly Handling is also questionable.

      Gao Jingfei couldn't wait to open the two green drifting bottles, but the contents inside surprised and delighted him.

      Chapter 64: Spells and Instruments

      The art of psychic origami comes from the Taoist world of Laoshan, and it originated from the art of paper-cutting from the side door.

      The Spirit Gathering Kettle, from the world of comprehension, is a device used by a cultivating family for irrigating the spiritual field and medicine field. It is engraved with a miniature spirit gathering array, which can gather spiritual energy and blend into the clear water in the pot.

      This time the green draw is a big explosion!

      Gao Jingfei looked at the two items in his hand with joy.

      One is a thin paper booklet, which records a spell, and the other is a bronze kettle with a height of one foot and unknown weight, but this kettle is a magic weapon.

      The art of psychic origami, this method can not only endow the paper figure with spirituality and drive it to act, but also can harvest ghosts to attach to it to increase its power. The filmmaker, further builds him into a psychic soldier like a celestial soldier.

      The latter is actually a weakened version of the shanzhai spells such as throwing beans and turning into soldiers. Initially, it is only the weakest Yin soldier, and gradually it can be sacrificed to become a more powerful Taoist soldier or even a god.

      The Taoist guardian spirit officer is a similar existence, but the spirit officer is a god whose mana is not lost to the gods after being enshrined.

      After learning about the situation of this spell, Gao Jingfei was very surprised and could not wait to experiment immediately.

      The paper figurines refined through psychic origami seem to be broken with a stab, but in fact, they have spirituality after refining with mana, and possess many magical powers that mortals cannot do.

      At that time, when I go out, I will bring hundreds or thousands of paper figurines with me. All of them are heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals. What kind of monsters and ghosts are not all vulnerable to a single blow? Scared to death, right?

      Gao Jingfei could already imagine the majestic scene after he made those paper figurines.

      As for the Spirit Gathering Kettle, this is a real magic weapon, not a defective product like the Sanyin thorn and the half-peach wood sword. Gao Jingfei immediately thought of several ways to use it.

      I don't know if the real world already has spiritual energy, but the function of gathering spiritual energy and turning it into spiritual water is already very valuable.

      If the greenhouse and fruit trees at home are watered with spiritual water, will spiritual things be cultivated?

      That's why Gao Jingfei felt that this extraction was a big explosion.

      Thinking like this, Gao Jingfei's consciousness returned to reality, and he found that the team was about to come out of the fog, and his divine particle reserve had reached over 30 points during this period of time.

      When the members of their third law enforcement team walked out of the fog, they found themselves standing on a dilapidated gravel road that had been in disrepair for a long time.

      It seems that this time we have reduced the fog a lot!

      Gao Jingkun said to everyone with satisfaction.

      Then the group walked out along the gravel road, and walked more than 200 meters before arriving at the previous patrol station of the Public Security Bureau.

      At this time, Wu Rongjin, Deputy Director Wu and the newly appointed Director of the Special Operations Division, were already waiting here, accompanied by several masters and representatives and experts from the provincial government.

      They all knew the actions of the third law enforcement team, but at this moment, all of them were surprised. They did not expect the third law enforcement team to be so powerful, and they suddenly reduced the defense circle to more than 200 meters.
