Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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      This time, taking their team's luxury car back to the Public Security Bureau, Gao Jingfei finally didn't have to be called by the two police officers, a man and a woman, to make a transcript.

      Although the two were very kind every time, he always had the same guilty conscience as a prisoner being interrogated.

      Now he is a consultant of the Special Affairs Bureau, so he only needs Gao Jingkun, the captain, to submit a detailed action report to the top, and he does not need to be carefully cross-examined.

      Back in the office, Gao Jingkun saw that although everyone was still excited, they looked tired. After all, this trip was not easy.

      So he waved his hand and said:

      Let's all go and have a good rest today. I'll talk about the report tomorrow. Xiaoshang, you stay on duty at night, don't worry, it will be your turn next time.

      Long live the captain!

      Pang Bing and Shang Siyang cheered the most lively, and the others walked out of the office with a smile.

      In general, everyone is very satisfied with this mission. In particular, several team members have accepted the process of opening their spiritual eyes. They have experienced the collision and baptism of magical tools and spiritual objects and evil forces. They have awakened some spiritual talents, which are manifested in the outside world. What's more, perception is enhanced.

      It can be said that everyone in their third law enforcement team, except for Gao Jingfei, in this new century with unknown changes, has already reached more than 99% of the people in the world, becoming the first group of people to touch the supernatural power. At this point, the team has initially returned to Gao Jingkun, the captain, and the Gao Jingfei brothers, and their cohesion has been greatly increased.

      In contrast, the other two law enforcement teams are still in the running-in period and have fallen behind them by a lot.

      After appeasing the team members, only Guo Shihu and his two brothers were left in the office. Gao Jingkun looked at his younger brother Gao Jingfei.

      Are you all right?

      Gao Jingfei patted his chest and said:

      Don't worry, brother, everything is under control. I am now studying the practice of cultivation, and I have achieved initial results. Tonight, you and Brother Guo will keep it as a surprise when you come back.

      After his and Guo Shihu's exploration, the magical revision of the Five Poisons has determined that it can be practiced without negative effects. Naturally, it can be taught to the elder brother and the others first.

      In the face of the impending signs of troubled times, Gao Jingfei felt that he had to let the people around him have enough self-protection.

      Gao Jingkun didn't ask much, just smiled and patted his shoulder and said:

      Well, I'm waiting for your surprise, go back and rest!

      As a consultant, Gao Jingfei doesn't need to care about the daily work of the law enforcement team. He is only needed when he is on a mission, so he greeted his elder brother and hurried back to the dormitory to learn new spells.

      After he returned to the room, he excitedly took out the thin booklet that recorded the psychic origami spell, and after a brief look at it, he scratched his head a little.

      Because he was stuck on how to be a paper man.

      It's not how difficult this spell is. Although he hasn't fully practiced the blinding technique before, he has also figured out the way, but he hasn't been able to live well in the past two days. A law enforcement team has never had time to do it. After all, this spell was just a trick, and Gao Jingfei didn't take it seriously.

      However, although the blindfold method is only the lowest level of side-door tricks, it also requires mana to drive. Gao Jingfei is far from reaching the level of mana, so he needs to use spiritual power, that is, the spiritual power that is often used in novels. This spiritual power is also called spiritual power.

      At least before cultivating Yin Shen, Gao Jingfei knew that it would be difficult for him to possess mana.

      And when he successfully completed the visualization and entered the meditation and cultivated the first ray of true qi, in fact, he already possessed spirituality at this time. Although the internal skills of martial arts may not be as good as those of the Xianjia method, the Five Poisons Magical Art is after all the same as the secret transmission of the Shangqing School. The cultivation method of the five internal organs is related, because Gao Jingfei felt that he should also be considered to have a low-level version of spiritual power.

      Taking time out, the blindfold method can be mastered initially.

      The basic part of this psychic origami at the beginning, in his opinion, is actually not much more difficult than blindfolding.

      Rare is how to make this paper man. This spell is only a method of sacrificing paper figurines, and there is no special secret technique for making paper figurines. This is what troubles Gao Jingfei.

      The psychic paper figurine, the name makes people think of the existence of the paper figurines, chariots and horses used in the traditional funeral rituals of the Xia Kingdom.

      In fact, the two are indeed related.

      To say that before the Qin and Han dynasties, the ancients still carried out the system of sacrificial burial on a large scale. Later, the First Emperor began to abolish the sacrificial burial on a large scale, and replaced the living people with clay sculptures and pottery figurines.

      The paper figures, carriages and horses are actually simplified and alternative versions of ancient burial pottery figurines.

      Just like burning gold, silver and paper money, it is a way of offering grief for relatives to enjoy under Jiuquan.

      To talk about the connection between the two, we must start with the technique of spreading beans into soldiers.

      The supernatural power of throwing beans to become a soldier originated from the ancient witches and pre-Qin alchemists' straw-man puppets' hatred of victory, which is the kind of witchcraft that happened in the history of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Puppets are used to curse people. Way.

      Later, this kind of witchcraft gradually changed, and combined with puppets, illusions, etc., it evolved into the art of throwing beans and turning into soldiers.

      Don't look at the last time his elder brother Gao Jingkun fooled the above statement, it was his little grandson who inherited their grandfather's craftsmanship, and what their grandfather used to do in the village was to handle white affairs and paper shrouds for people.

      But the problem is that Gao Jingfei has never even seen his grandfather's face. In his entire life, he played the handmade class of window trimmings under the guidance of his teacher when he was in elementary school.

      Chapter 66 The figure model is also a paper figure

      According to the statement in this spell book, the paper figurines are not very demanding in terms of materials. As long as ordinary natural materials are made of paper and bamboo inner bones, the low-profile version of the paper figurines can be refined.

      However, this kind of paper figurine is limited by the material, even if it has been sacrificed, the upper limit is not high.

      Therefore, this kind of low-profile paper figurines pays more attention to the craftsmanship of production. The more solid, beautiful, and real people are, the more spiritual it can bear and the more powerful it can exert.

      If it is a side-skill of paper-cutting as a ghost, although he is clumsy, he can roughly cut out a few similar-looking paper figures, but the paper-tying industry is a complex traditional skill. For ordinary people in art, you may not dare to say that you have mastered it without struggling for two or three years.

      Gao Jingfei said with some headache:

      And even if you want to be the next best thing, it is difficult to replace complicated paper figures with