Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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the parallel world, he worked hard for more than ten years, but he failed to earn one-third of one million, and the money was basically not used to enjoy life. Instead, he saved up and used it to buy a house, which ended in death. Couldn't stay a day.

      After negotiating the deal, Gao Jingfei walked out of the director's office with his eldest brother in a daze when he learned that he would get tens of millions of dollars in remuneration, and that he would get 1 million in advance.

      At this time, his mind was stunned by the surprise, and his mind was almost blank. After walking into the office of the third team of the operation department with his elder brother, he slowed down a little and shouted to his elder brother in surprise:

      Brother, I am rich, rich!

      It made the other team members look at their magical little advisor in surprise, with a suspicious look in their eyes.

      Seeing that his younger brother was about to develop in the direction of Fan Jin, Gao Jingkun hesitated whether he wanted to slap him to wake him up when he saw Gao Jingfei slap his thigh and said:

      This good news should be known to my parents. With this million, my parents don't have to get up early and late to grow vegetables to deliver vegetables.

      As a rural family, if you are only busy with the food in the field, you can barely even eat in this society. Therefore, since the 1990s, the vast number of farmers in Xia have risen to engage in side jobs and go out to work.

      This is also the reason why eight out of ten villages in the Xia Country are empty, and the ones left behind are the elderly and children.

      In recent years, as the overall economy has improved, agricultural taxes have also been reduced or exempted, and rural areas have become richer.

      There are many vegetable greenhouses like the Gao family, as well as chickens and pigs. Although these industries are dirty, tiring and hard work, for farmers who are afraid of poverty, no matter how hard it is, there is no suffering from poverty.

      Gao Jingfei has seen with his own eyes how his parents have worked hard to manage the family since he was a child, especially when he was in debt in his early years, he was very poor, and Gao Jingfei also developed a pragmatic and frugal style, not like some boys. Spending money without a lot of money.

      This is the so-called child of the poor, let's go home early!

      So after Gao Jingfei got the news of 10 million, the first thing that came to his mind was to announce the good news to his parents.

      Don't look at the fusion of another soul, but his feelings for his parents and relatives are real, and because he has experienced the pain of loss, he cares more about family affection.

      As for those who want to become immortals, they have to cut off their passions and desires, and the so-called "cutting off the vulgarity" is definitely the behavior of the devil in his eyes.

      If immortals are all cultivated to be as indifferent and ruthless as a stone, then becoming immortals is meaningless.

      Immortals and immortals must be human first! Taishang Wangqing is not heartless, it is just a spiritual realm!

      With this thought in mind, Gao Jingfei immediately called his parents.

      However, he was stopped by Gao Jingkun.

      He looked at his elder brother in confusion, as if waiting for an explanation.

      Gao Jingkun patted his head helplessly and said:

      You don't even think about it, how would they react if you suddenly told your second uncle and second aunt that you made ten million? Do you feel like you have been deceived? Or is it a heart attack that irritates it?

      Gao Jingfei calmed down immediately. Based on what he knew about his parents, after listening to their words, the two of them would probably be really worried and hurried over to see for themselves.

      So he wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist, and gratefully said to his eldest brother:

      Brother, you are still calm, I almost forgot that parents may not be able to be stimulated like this!

      Gao Jingkun smiled and said:

      Forget it, I'll call the second uncle and the others to explain it in person. You are also contributing to the country, which is a good thing. Although it is not good to publicize it, there is no need for your own family to hide it! At that point I'll say you found a recipe that works for the Sheriff, and that's your well-deserved reward.

      Gao Jingfei hurriedly thanked him and said: Then please, brother, today is too exciting, I have to go back and take it slow, there will be no change in the action tomorrow morning, right?

      Gao Jingkun waved his hand.

      Go ahead, I'll let you know if there are any changes, and Guo Zi and I will go back early tonight, and we'll learn the magic of the five poisons with Guo Xiaoer!

      Chapter 75: Each has its own entry

      Gao Jingfei left the office of the third team, still a little dizzy. The sudden wealth made him feel like a dream for a while.

      I greeted Uncle Liu in front of the parking lot and left the police station.

      As for the matter of harvesting wool in the Public Security Bureau, because he still has the psychic paper figurine's sacrifice training, the Five Poisons Magical Art, and the next practice of Mangniu Jin, the Public Security Bureau will not go to harvest the wool.

      Besides, his eldest brother is now the commander of the Special Operations Department of the Special Affairs Bureau, which is in charge of the abnormal events in the entire Jinling area. The eldest brother must be the first to know if there are any abnormal events in the vicinity, so Gao Jingfei expects that there has been no movement recently. He is waiting at the Public Security Bureau. It is estimated that there was not much wool to pick up the previous day.

      After returning home, Gao Jingfei had completely returned to his normal state. After all, he had the golden finger of the Altar of the Heavens in front of him. Although the impact of worldly money on him was not small, it was not as big as he imagined.

      First met Guo Shihu on the third floor, and then saw Guo Shihu excitedly presenting treasures like him, and took out another golden Saint Seiya paper figurine.

      Gao Jingfei was overjoyed when he saw this.

      Brother Hu, you are so fast! Made it all Mr. Mu.

      If the Golden Bison and the Weak Bull Aldiba are the top men in the Golden Zodiac Saint Seiya, then Mr. Mu may not be the strongest in the Zodiac, but he is definitely the most popular one. And he is the only or only Saint Seiya who can repair the Holy Cloth.

      Seeing Gao Jingfei holding the paper man in love, Guo Shihu said with a smile:

      I also do this while rushing to work after cultivating. With the Five Poisons magic and true qi, I feel that I can stay up for three days and three nights without sleeping.

      Although this two-dimensional otaku was quite envious of Gao Jingfei's physical changes, he rationally did not distract himself from learning Mangniu Jin, but devoted himself to the cultivation of the Five Poisons.

      After all, he knows the truth that a hundred birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in hand, and it is much easier to practice the five poisons first, and then cultivate the brute force in turn.

      Therefore, under the benefit of a Shiquan Dabu Pill, Gao Jingfei has completed a transformation in the body, while Guo Shihu has made great progress in the cultivation of infuriating energy. .

      With the help of the previous piece of glutinous rice cake and the next Shiquan Dabu Pill, the birth rate of Guo Shihu's infuriating qi seems to be endless like a river. A small loop is formed in it.

      Although it is still impossible to release infuriating energy, it can achieve the blessing of strength with the increase of infuriating energy. You can double your arm strength in a short time.

      After the Lungshen Zhenqi is small, the power