Harry Johnson

Bartenders' Manual

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      FROM 1 TO 56.

       1. How to attend a bar

       2. How a Bartender may obtain a Situation

       3. The Mutual Relations of Employer and Employee

       4. Rules for Bartenders in entering on and going off duty

       5. First Duty in opening a Bar-room in the morning

       6. Why Bartenders should have their own Union for Protection and Association

       7. Getting your Money when busy or in a rush

       8. Hints about training a Boy to the business

       9. Treatment of Patrons – Behaviour towards them

       10. How to improve the appearance of Bar and Toilet-Rooms

       11. To know how a customer desires his drink to be mixed

       12. Hints from the Author

       13. The Opening of a New Place

       14. Having a complete Price-List

       15. To keep Ants and other insects out of mixing bottles

       16. Handling of Champagnes and other wines

       17. Cleaning Silverware, Mirrors, etc.

       18. How Corks should be drawn from wine bottles

       19. Glassware for Strained Drinks

       20. The Ice Box in your Basement or Cellar

       21. How to handle properly Liquors in casks or bottles

       22. A few remarks about Case Goods

       23. A Tip to the Beginner – How to make money

       24. Keeping Books in a simple manner

       25. A Restaurant in connection with a Café

       26. In connection with the Check System

      27. Concerning the High-Proof of Liquors, Whiskies, Brandies, etc.

       28. Some remarks about Mortgages

       29. A few remarks about Cashing Checks

      30. Rules in reference to a “Jigger”

       31. A few words regarding Lager Beer

       32. How Lager Beer should be drawn and served

       33. About bottled Lager Beer

       34. About Cleaning Beer and Ale pipes

       35. Relating to Punch Bowls

       36. The proper style in opening and serving Champagnes

       37. Purchasing Supplies

       38. Handing Bar-Spoons to Customers

       39. How to keep Cellar and Store-Room

       40. How to Clean Brass and other Metals

       41. Keeping of Glassware

       42. How to handle Ice

       43. The purchase of an old Place

       44. The opening of Mineral Waters

       45. How Drinks should be served at tables

       46. How Claret Wines should be handled

       47. Treatment of Mineral Waters

       48. In reference to Free Lunch

       49. How to handle Ale and Porter in casks

       50. Cordials, Bitters and Syrups

       51. How Ale and Porter should be drawn

       52. Decorating Drinks with Fruit

       53. How to handle Fruits, Eggs